
"S-so I gained a few pounds!"
Rhiannon is a remarkable kitsune in that she is a low-born 9 tails with no magical aptitude whatsoever.
Remarkably unremarkable.

Current play:
For better or worse, Rhiannon has abandoned The_Last_Coin.
Romance: N/A
Master: N/A
Quick Stats:
Name: Rhiannon Lindt
Alias (Pings): Rhi, Rhia, Kittyfox
Gender: Female, occasionally futa.
Age: 22
Species: Fox
Height: 10' 4" (6' if requested)
Family: Ritts
Claimed Blair_Richards til 11/6/19. "I tried to fight her off, but she insisted I gobble her down ... Only, I didn't expect my anatomy to work down the worthless gutslut so quickly. She's just a pile, for a while. Wanna give her some love? You can always come give her a kiss~" (Temp, 11/1/19)
Claimed Erika_Richards til 11/20/19. "This gutslut in denial was there literally the second I dumped her worthless doppleganger. She tried to deny her nature, but in the end, she fell all the same. She didn't even last for a second pump before painting my asshole white~ But in the end, she's no more predator than her sister is. And felled to a preyfox, even ... How humiliating~" (Temp, 11/1/19)
Claimed Leviat til 11/4/2019. "Only in here for a day. But a wonderful day of pure preyslut bliss for Leviat. Mmh ... I just have to keep trying." (Temp, 11/3/19)
Claimed MishaDawn til 10/7/2020. "This was supposed to be a predator? I thought preds weren't supposed to get churned up into worthless fox shit. Dumped his worthless remains into Temarain_Flynt. He'll come back or he won't. No big deal." (Temp, 9/5/20)
Claimed Recon_ Indefinitely. "Yet another worthless excuse for a soldier. Her thick, plump body wasn't fit for the job she was given. Her body can be found in her own armor, buried under a mountain of elites, grunts, and other soldiers, all reduced to shit. Even her soul didn't make it. That's mine too. So much for spartan superiority.~" (Indefinite Temp, 11/26/20)
Claimed by Xalty_Enlarged til 5/15/2022. Seems the vixen was simply too tasty for her own good, though she didn't seem to mind. What's left is fertilizing Xalty's garden. A good girl to the end.~
Fun Events:
Permavored West_Carolina. That's why you never read about it in geography. (12/22/19)
Permavored Ontario. Not even provinces are safe. (3/23/20)
Fun but retired events:
Religion: High Priestess of Inara_Serpentine. Inquire within to find out how you, yes you, can do more for the great snake!
Girlfriend: Eddy picked up Rhi on the streets some time ago, and the fox can't keep herself away for too long. Chalk it up to animal magnetism. More recently, Rhia seems to be showing a keen interest in a romantic pursuit of the dog girl ...
Master: Bambi_Grimmins made the bizarre decision to keep Rhia as a pet after very nearly ending her. She was only narrowly saved by an intervening prey slut kitsune. Who can even say why? Ours is not to question, just purr, and be pretty. Seems her master finally gave in and let herself get melted by that dominant dragoness, Revekah. There was no use being a pet to a condom. So for the time being, Revekah's got her claws in that fox~
Twin Mistressess: Revekah and Avarizia, on the same night of the demise of Bambi_Grimmins, have decided to collar her. And ... Thankfully will let her bear her ex-master's child.
Daughter: Nadia_Grimmins, before my belated master came to be a worthless condom filler, was conceptualized with some swiped "DNA." A prey thing, and one that will likely come to know where her useless father went, Rhiannon is incredibly protective of her surrogate. Thankfully, Rhiannon stole more than enough cum from Bambi to make as many Grimmins as need be til she found a truly worthy predator to reinherit the title of her master ... There'd be many splatters along the way. And the thought keeps exciting her ...
A Foxy Threesome~: Zira_ and Rhalla seem to have taken an interest in Rhi. Rather than fight over her, they decided to share. Now I'm just filled with love. And Foxdick
Master: Paza has taken on the fox, as her newest pet. Rhiannon, grateful to be taken off the streets, and a right and proper master to serve, finds herself grateful, all too happy to tend to master as Paza sees fit ...