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[IMAGE IS A COMMISSION. PLEASE DO NOT STEAL OR REUSE.] Name: Shima Yoshiro Kasugai Alias': N/A for the time being Country of Origin: Japan Birthplace: Nagoya, Japan D.O.B.: 5/7/1988 T.O.B.: 3:42 P.M. Recent Picture(s): N/A Species: Dragonkin Ethnicity: Japanese American(?) Skin Coloration: White Blood Type: B- Height: 6'2 Weight: 164.3 Lbs. Hair Color: Medium black, streaked silver Hair Length: Short, mid neck Eye Color: Soft Sapphire I.Q.: 157 Religion: Agnostic Disposition: Benevolent Dietary: Omnivore Marital Status: Single Sexual Preference: Bisexual Distinguishing Marks: Tattoos #1.-- On his right and left shoulder blades are a pair of dark, wing-like markings. The wing marking s are actually quite large, spanning from the middle of his shoulder blades and reaching around, running atop his shoulders down to the mid point of his arms. #2. – On his left wrist is a small branding reading in a somewhat military stamped text, “Experiment 017-5482B: Failure.” #3. – Across his right eye is a long, twining scar, looking to be inked in, although the flesh around it is somewhat burnt. (Possible tattoo?) Scars #1. – There is one true scar visible on him. Upon his back is a deep, jagged tear, the flesh looking to be uprooted in some parts of the wound. It doesn’t appear that the wound was incurred from a sword or knife, as the somewhat hook-like quality insists that something was jammed in and pulled back out. Body Mods #1. – On his right ring finger is a small, ornate gemstone, looking to contain some type of burbling liquid. #2. – In his left earlobe is a large tag that reads the same as his left wrist branding. “ Experiment 017-5482B: Failure.” Important Additional Notes: Gigirin Abnormalities [-]: In many cases, there have been documentations of dragons severely prone to violence, and easily angered. One of the most notorious physical deformities of the draconic species is that of the Gigirin scale. This scale, albeit very rare, is born from a corruptive genome within the body of the dragon that creates an inverse growing scale. Because this scale grows upward, other scales around it push down upon it, creating in intense pressure in the point of the disturbance. Shima’s Gigirin is easily visible, located on the center of his Adam’s apple. Due to the face that this scale is permanent, he often feels a tremendous amount of pressure, which in turn can lead to violent temperamental disturbances if his mental condition is being placed under extreme duress. At any rate, it is severely dangerous to touch this particular scale, as doing so can already disrupt his already emotionally rattled mentality. All in all, this scale is something to be regarded with caution, as it tends to send the dragon into a rage several times further than any sort of bloodlust. Luckily, this defection is extremely rare in a great deal of dragons. Amphetamine Injections [1]: During the experimentation procedures in Project Echelon, Shima was injected with high amounts of Amphetamines to try and boost the various systems of his internal structures. Unfortunately, this gamble would either kill him, or turn him into a being with abilities that far transcended those of normal human beings. Not wanting to leave any pockmarks from the needles, the injections were administered underneath the Gigirin, which in human form, simply looks like a tacked on patch of skin. This injection caused a slight internal lockdown of his bodily filtration systems, to attempt to finish the foreign agent. The destruction of the agent never occurred, and it was eventually absorbed into is circulatory system. Due to the fat that Amphetamine is a stimulant and an appetite suppressant, it stimulated his central nervous system by increasing the amount of certain chemicals in the body. This increased his heart rate and blood pressure and decreased his appetite, although he seems to be able to stomach a voracious appetite, mainly eating simply because he, as a dragon, has naturally high stomach content. Gastric Disturbances [2]: The amphetamine injections also had a bit of an adverse effect on Shima’s stomach. The coagulation of chemicals around his stomach lining seemed to converge with the sulfur that coated his stomach wall. This strange chemical combination seems to have replicated itself into his salivary glands as well. Super boosting the already devastating effects of the hydrochloric acid and sulfur, his breath and saliva have both become exceedingly noxious, his saliva alone able to cause heavy erosion within even the most durable steel. In addition, he tends to overeat as well, as the acids within his stomach digest the food far faster than they should be able to, not allotting him the proper nourishment. Bloodlusts [3]: Due to his mental disruptions, Shima is prone to susceptibility to his primal instincts. When he doesn’t eat for a while, his stomach takes over, and his common sense becomes overridden. This can also occur if a friend is coming under attack and Shima in under a state of clear distress. Bloodlust is often the last defense during a fight, and something that’s to be avoided outside of a fight. In a blood lusted state, the afflicted no longer recognizes or cares for those once close to him, but simply sees them for the rich, nourishing food that they contain. If they aren’t hungry, the purpose of the bloodlust is simply to destroy their opponent. Echelon Foundation [-] During the early 1990s, an organization was developed to research genetic enhancement. The economy of Japan still reeling from the blow in World War II. More cost effective methods of replicating soldiers were being developed under the wing of an organization known only as “Echelon” to the highest ranking officials of the Japanese government. To the general public, it was well hidden from any sort of eye, for good reason. Most of the experiments, or ‘procedures’ that were performed within the confines of the government would have most assuredly been considered inhumane. Perhaps one of the most blatant violations of this program was a project code-named “Darwin’s Adolescents.” Darwin’s Adolescents: [1] “Darwin’s Adolescents” is one of the biggest projects that Echelon ever created, probably one of the most over-funded as well. A great sum of the money was spent keeping the Japanese government turning a blind eye to Echelon’s works, involving kidnapping, abuse, and sometimes murder. The basic premise behind that project was to rearrange the genome of children into one containing animalistic attributes. Reptiles, birds, fish, they were all combined into the genetic structure of the children brought up by Echelon. Thought their experiments were a bit cruel, occasionally bordering on the sadomasochistic, the agency had a very specific guidelines about the children. 1. They could not have any living family members. 2. Legally, they had to be classified as a burden of the state. 3. If brought up from orphanages, the retrieving agent had to receive consent from the head of the facility. 4. Diseased children were not permitted; they posed an unnecessary hazard to other subjects. 5. If a child adopted and used for testing was found to have relatives, he or she was to be released; the retrieving agent was to be terminated. 6. The only exception to the living relative clause applies when consent is offered from said living relative; testing proceeds as normal. Civil Dissent: [2] Upon discovery of this facility in the year 2001, a civil outrage grew, and questions began to circulate around the facility. Rumors, as to be expected, began to circulate about the creation of the facility. Relatives that had given consent to experimentation on their respective children were taken away, the children once more being led back into modern society. Those that had died were buried in a graveyard north of the town Hiroshima, a graveyard that was soon nicknamed “Deathbed of Chimaeras.” Obviously, this name came from the knowledge that Echelon had been using children in their experimentation. The government denied any knowledge of this organization, and the children were quarantined within Japan. Apparently, they didn’t want news getting out of their methods, or developmental strategies. Overseas ties would no doubt be severed if news of this cruelty got out. For a while, at least... there was no cause for alarm. International Severance: [3] In 2003, an unmarked plane left the Nagano province airport, carrying aboard it a valuable cargo: a small child around the age of 13, one of the many involved in the “Darwin Adolescents” program. Although the government had restricted the country from allowing any of these statutorily protected children from leaving, the airports were not closed down. Those who went through check at the airport had to be disconnected from any of the children, and were sworn to an oath of secrecy once outside the country. Speaking of the project was punitive by death. Nonetheless, after being released from the clutches of the program, Echelon once more going underground, scrounging to continue funding, the child was found aboard said plane at the borders of America. Nobody claimed responsibility for the child, and so he was sent into a local orphanage, run by a girl named Mari. ECHELON Manifesto: [-] Recently, a series of documents was found, detailing Echelon's protocols. Apparently, in addition to the genetic mutations, they were also being used to test augmentations that, if successful, would be used as implants for the Japanese military. Some of the studies that were given would have proven to be quite a great blow to the economy to mass market, whilst others were quite a bit more cost effective. All, however, drew up concerns about the ethical practices of performing these tests on children. Those with a high constitution or stamina were used for more testing than others, while those with a weak constitution would be used for the lighter programs, such as ocular enhancements. Shima, being born of a higher strength and stamina than many of the other children, was naturally a heavy subject to experiment on, although it is quite uncertain just how many of the augments are currently present on his body. All that is known is... he's been known to exhibit skill far surpassing the norm of humans. =SOULSTONE= Shima's soul is not present in his body. The peridot inlaid into the center of his chest provides a link to the spirit realm where his guardian resides. It is there that his soul is guarded, bound through a link between Shima and the guardian himself. As a result, Shima can not be permanently killed- the action of killing him would require for one to simultaneously end both him and his guardian, Lowel. Lowel resides almost solely in the spiritual realm, unless otherwise called out into service by Shima himself. The spiritual realm cannot be breached, save for those who are already attuned to the realm or have a guardian that resides there. Given such circumstances, soul voring is wholly impossible. =If you have any questions, or any ideas that you might want to try out, I'm very open for discussion. More will be added to the bio, likely, as time goes on. Feel free to whisper me if you have any ideas... within reason. Yes, even I have my limits, astoundingly enough.= [ALT LIST--CURRENT] Lowel Xiao_Yu Syrein Kenji_Misoto |