Meet Shen. Shen Gray. Shen is a fighter, and a lover, and a predator at times. He likes to fight, to spar, to train, and this is what you will most frequently find him doing. He enjoys a good match, it makes him smile to put his skills against someone else's, and he feels that the best way to get to know someone is to see how they move when they fight. His particular fighting style is a bit....different than most. It was inspired by one thing, and one thing only...
Dragons. Since he was a little boy, Shen was obsessed with them. He would draw them on his clothes, on his walls, he would pretend to be one any chance he got. As he grew older, his parents realized this was not something he would grow out of, however, they left it alone, thinking that no harm could come from letting him obsess over something fictional. Well....that is until he learned about the seven Dragon Balls. The moment his parents had their backs turned, he ran away from home, in search of these seven balls. He knew exactly what he would wish for once he found them all...
And find them he did. It took him three years, but he finally managed to locate all seven of the dragonballs. He was beside himself with pure joy, jumping with glee, as he summoned Shenron. In awe of the great dragon, it took him a short while before he finally spoke his wish. "Shenron, I wish for you to train me to fight!" And thus, his wish was granted. He was whisked away into a new dimension, Shenron's dimension, where time stood still. This was what kept the eternal dragon eternal. And here, Shenron trained Shen in the art of fighting, in a new style. Dragon Fang Fist.
In this style of fighting, you use your opponents strengths against them. When they throw a punch, you keep their momentum going until they loose control and pass you. You always remain fluid, until you finally strike. In this style, striking still uses your enemies power. The Electro Shock is one of the most basic of attacks. All five of your fingers gain a glowing ring of energy, an when each finger is touching your foe, all the energy in their body is suddenly turned against them, striking like lightning form the inside out.
Finally, once Shen's training was complete, or rather once Shen's body and mind could no longer handle his dimension, Shenron released him back into the world. Now nearly fully trained, not only in battle but also in the art of predation, Shen set out into the world to begin his new life.
Eventually, Shen managed to gather the seven dragonballs once more, making a good few new friends along the way. THis would include Anthony_the_Vet , Void_ , Lady_Xae , Blizzare , and more. Once he gathered the seven dragonballs, he summonned his master once more, and wished that his training finally be completed. And of course, Shenron granted that wish. Now, Shen had completed his training, and can conjure dragonfire, as well as a new form, and so much more.
Basic attacks:
Dragonflame burst - classic energy blast.
Dragonfire pinwheel - ring of energy that is meant to cut through the enemies energy, cutting off their power for a mere moment or two.
Dragonfire - covers his hands and feet in pure energy, making his Dragon Fang Fist that much more powerful.
Dragonbreath barrage - Volley of rapid fire energy bolts.
Electro Shock - turns enemies power against them.
Power boosts
Chaos form - Brought about by using the energy of himself, his surroundings, and his enemy, all at once. It turns his body into pure energy, and boosts him. The downside is, it has a time limit. once the energy within himself runs out, he no longer has all he needs for the form, so it will end, and leave him drained.
Dragonfire Cannon - A huge energy ball that could bust a planet, condensed into an orb the size of a marble. By far, his strongest attack when he unleashes it.

Part of the Dragon_Ball_V saga.
((Obviously, this char is based in the world of DBZ. However, this char is a human, can not preform the kamehameha wave, and can contend with the likes of Saiyans. WIP but ready for play))