Name: Rosalina
Occupation: Shadow Goddess
Age: Appears to be 21 (Although in reality, she is Four-THOUSAND or greater in years of age, each hand represents one thousand years she's lived.)
Appearance(AKA: Current Host Body): <---- See Picture
Bust Size: Z Cups (Blackberry Milk) (She keeps this hidden by having her bust around a G cup, but swells out to full size when in good company...)
Weight: *Death Glares*
Nipple Color: Midnight Black
Pubes Color: Midnight Black
Absorbed Souls:
Ressurected Minions:
(Note: Rosa is now a "Guest" Hunter on the Popular Program,
The_Running_Meal Be on the look out for her, and those Luscious curves of hers!)
Vore Types:
Unbirthing: You go in, And you come out as a rather busty shadow siren, willing to serve Her, and whatever wish she desires.
Hair Vore: You get Cocooned in those luscious locks of hers, and you become a nutritive for her ravenous hair
Shadow Vore/Unbirth: This one is a personal favorite of the Dark Mistress, as she can use your shadow as cover, and absorb you into her stomach, where you'll most likely be digested, and as an Alternate stop for the ladies Only, Her Womb.
Anal vore(Clean): A second Favorite of the Dark one's Repertoire of skills, but she *Rarely* Uses her rump to get her meals anyway
Breast Vore: You go in, but you end up getting "Milked" Into blackberry flavored Goodness, however...she saves this method for her more..."Trusted" friends.
Oral Vore: One of her more Common methods, seeing as how she always attempts to "Shadow Vore" Someone, most of the time.
Tendril Absorption: A Relatively New Skill, Used Primarily on Powerful Female Magic-users, This skill allows Rosa to Siphon off their magic, and Assimilates their Body and Soul as a New Infusion of Dark Energy.
Special Powers: Half Gender-shift (Allows Shadow Rosa to become a Herm whenever she feels like her prey needs "Special" Treatment.) (Normally used only on Female Prey), Size-shift (Allows Rosa to go Macro by just a simple thought.), Shadow Lightning (Stuns Prey Temporarily), Soul Extraction (Allows for easier devouring of Fresh souls.), Shadow Tendrils (Makes for easier Unbirthing, also adds the Ability to meld into one Tendril, capable of Absorbing people.), Levitation (Allows Rosa to Ignore the Pull of Gravity by Levitating her Physical Form a Few feet above the Ground.)
Recent Events:
12-9-09: Gave
KoukujiKiki a New life as a Shadow Siren, now shares a similar goal to rule the universe with her.
12-10-09: Stripped
TheMistress of her Powers, and now she lives as a mere Mortal, bound to her power.
2-3-10: Began teaching a Class on Unbirthing for
Sindy, be especially courteous to the veteran of this field.
Stats for
Space_Odyssey RPs
Level: 1
Unused Attribute Points: 0 Stat Points, 0 Skill Points
Crew Possessions (Items): p10 vigilante Laser Pistol, Tech Kit & Scanner (Allows for easier shots in darkened areas, Slightly Modified for use with her Psionic Capabilities.)
Black Nova Crew Records: Rosalina joined the Crew and She Hails from the Planet Earth,She had Joined hoping to discover some rare and lost alien technologies, but what she doesnt expect is that several of the alien species can be quite ravenous, and with her appealing body, she might make an easy target, However...According to the Initial BNI Medical Records, She's Been Showing Some Immense Psionic Capability, and could potentially use this to help her allies, along with harming these predatorial species, or to simply annoy other Psionic Crew members.
Occupation: Crew Scientist/Archeologist
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Intelligence: 3
Skills: Engineering/Robotics (Rank 4), Science (Rank 4)
Perks: ESP (Capable of Using Psionic Based Abilities to help, Hinder, or Harm her Allies and Foes alike.)
---- (Extra Imagery) ---

(Rosa's Nightwear/ Swimsuit, Approach her if you dare, Also this Little number is Enchanted with a powerful Form-Fitting spell meant to keep her Luscious body in check, and to keep the male preds at bay.)

(Rosalina's Racing outfit, perfect for when she's out on a Late-night Drive in her Newly Resurrected Kingdom of Shadows, this too is Enchanted with Powerful Form-fitting Magic, and can also Repulse Male Predators too.)