
Basic Info
Name: Seruboshi Boido
Nicknames: Seru
Gender: Herm
Age:True age unknown
Race: Fire Kitsune with traces of demonic blood
Number of tails: one
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 149 lbs
Likes: The summer, cuddling for extra warmth, sandwiching a girl between her sister and herself(double creamfilling anyone?).

Dislikes: Water, the beach, rain, storms of any kind, Mecuria.

Items of interest - A ruby gemstone set in a black choker around her neck. It allows her to access a small bit of the void and open a portal, so long as Yurimi is willing to supply the power to make both ends.

Basic Personality: As cliche as it is, Seru has a rather fiery personality. The first thing that comes to mind, she'll say it. You piss her off, she'll let you know, more than likely by setting your clothes on fire. Mostly harmless play fire of course.

Having been constantly compared to her 'youngest' sister Yurimi, she's developed an almost unconscious need to be better than the Void Kitsune, constantly trying to one up whatever the girl does. However, this usually back fires on the fire kitsune. She always keeps trying though, stubborn as a mule this one.

The only time she ever actually seems sedated is when she's in the middle of sex. Yes, a usually rough and tumble act, Seru actually 'cools' her personality quite a bit when she's with someone, taking all the time in the world to get to the end result, which is usually one or both participants dripping cum.

Mate: None
Parents: Mother - Sirahitsu
'father' - Abrienda.

Daughter: Hosue

Older sister: Lei_Terumi

Other two triplets: Mecuria, Yurimi

Younger sisters: Manami_Boido, Kyusirah.

Nieces: Erisa_Boido

It was a day like any other at the shrine. Except her niece came to visit, and some not so friendly bickering with her sister lead to a pretty impressive threesome of incestual indulgence, and lead to Seru here having every single of her eggs fertilized by her sister. This is gonna be awkward at family reuinions.

Just a little spark
You've all heard the story before. Three brand new kitsunes born into the world. One a void and smothered with attention, one a water who was content to be off and study on her own while harboring a slight jealously/love for her sister.

So what of the other one? The enigma of fire? Well, she wasn't much of an enigma, enough of her was probably seen in the other two stories to piece together a decent idea of what she's like, and if you have, good for you. Now sit your ass down while I tell you all about her side of the story.

As stated before, Seru wasn't quite as ready to just sit on the sidelines for mother's attention. She would near constantly be following the two void kitsune around, tail swishing happily as she listened to the talk of that mysterious place called The Void. Most of what they said went over the FireSune's head, but still she listened in, only jumping out occasionally to accuse their mother of playing favorites or demand the attention she so rightfully deserved.

Her demands never really got her anywhere when she was younger. It would usually just get Sira to call on one of the maids to entertain the girl. Still though, the times when Sira would indulge her red headed daughter, those were the times Seru truly loved.

She eventually stopped listening in on the talks about the Void, due to one mistake that was all her own. She was watching, fascinated as Yurimi worked to open a portal. Unfortunately, Yurimi's first portal was slightly over powered. As soon as it was opened, a tendril of void energy lashed out for the first non-void entity it could find. That just happened to be Seru. It all happened so fast, one moment the fire kitsune was watching her sister and mother and the next, there was nothing. Just cold, black nothingness.

Return from the Void

It didn't take long for Sira to realize what had happened, the original Void Kitsune springing into action. It took Yurimi even less time to dive into her portal after her sister. Those few seconds though was all it took to scar Seru forever. The Void is not any place a being not attuned to it should be. The void took a part of Seru, ripped it out of her and filled the cracks back up with Void Essence.

When both Yuri and Seru came back out of the portal, the fire kitsune had obviously aged, filled out in all the right spots, her chest had grown and hips widened. To her mother and sister, it was like she had just grown all of a sudden. Neither really understood how time worked in the Void, neither knew that the far off look on Seru's face was her remembering every agonizing moment in that hell of nothingness. Neither knew of all the other denizens of that plane of existence that took a liking to her budding body.

Seru slowly stood, ignoring her sister as she asked if she could ever forgive her. She said nothing as she walked out of training hall and back towards her room. She even ignored Curi, who tried her best to goad the fire sune into another fight. She couldn't be reached though, she had lost something precious that day. She had lost her innocence. She wasn't a child anymore and never would be.

She stayed in her room for a week straight. Not speaking to anyone, barely eating. The only one of her family she ever saw was Yurimi, and that was only at night. Yurimi kept the nightmares at bay long enough for the fire kitsune to sleep. In the wee hours of the morning, the horrors would seep back into her mind, whisper taunting jests about how her body and mind was their plaything. She could cry out and cling to Yurimi tighter, her sister whispering soft words to the sister she had hurt without even meaning to.

She felt safe around Yruimi and as the years went and her sisters began to develop as she had, that safeness turned into a sort of affection. Seru would never say she loved her sister like Curi did, but she would do anything for the Void so long as she got to keep hanging around her.

Seru eventually did return to a slight normality. The nightmares never went completely away, and every so often she would get a cold spike through her heart, as if one of those beings was watching her again, but she did eventually resume her daily activities of bugging her mother and fighting with her sister.

The day in the hot springs was a day she would never forget. She felt complete once more for that brief time her sister and her were joined at their sexes. Time seemed to stop for Seru as she realized this was what sex was about. The slow, meaningful connection of two people who care about each other. It wasn't that awful experience she had in the Void. She fell asleep on top of Yurimi with a muttered, 'I love you'.

Time seemed to fast forward for the fire kitsune then. She threw herself into learning how to control her fire, fighting with her sister, and then eventually helping out with finding the solution for their fights, aka fucking their sister. All in all, Seru was happy. She would get to share her favorite sister with her not so favorite one, and then at night, when no one was watching, would slip into Yurimi's room for a nice, dreamless sleep, with maybe some sex thrown in.

That all changed when she heard Yurimi was planning on leaving the shrine.

Good bye Yurimi

That fateful day was like anything, only Seru was angry, angrier than she had ever been. She knew when Yurimi left, she'd lose the only thing that was keeping her nightmares at bay, and as such, she was intent to find Curi and let all this anger out.

Their fight had barely even started when she felt a quite familiar cold presence, her back shivering as something captured her body and held her down, another of the tentacles suckling at her cock. She tried her best to fight down the nauseous feeling growing in her stomach as she felt just a tiny sliver of Yurimi's void powers. Her sister was both her savior and the tool of her destruction. She passed out half way through the 'play' only waking when she was the only one left in that part of the shrine.

She slowly walked back to her room, reading the letter Yurimi had left her, left hand clutching the tiny jemstone that radiated Yurimi's power and smell.

Dear Seru,

I know we never really talked about what happened years ago. With the Void and all. I never really was able to say I'm sorry out loud and probably never will, so I hope writing it will be enough. I know about your nightmares, and that's partly what the gemstone is for. It should hold enough of my power to keep the Void's influence away from your mind, it will also act as a way for me to open a long range portal to you. If you ever need me, don't hesitate to call for me and I'll feel it through your gemstone.

I am truly sorry for just leaving without helping you fix whatever happened to you after that day, but I can't live in the shrine anymore. I promise though, I will do all I can to figure out how to make you right again. I will tell you what I've found out though so far.

The void is a corrupting influence, one you should have never been exposed to. The only reason Mom, Lei, and myself can barter with it and use it's powers is because it's had a portion of our soul since birth. When you entered the Void, part of your own soul was stolen from you, and since it is still in the Void, that is why you get the nightmares. That's the void slowly seeping into your mind, attempting to break you and take the rest of your soul for itself. If that gemstone ever stops working, I want you to come live with me, asap, at least till I figure out how to get your soul back in one piece.

Your truly sorry Sister, Yuri.

Seru had made it back to her room by the time she had finished reading and rereading the letter. Part of her had always known just what it was that had happened to her back then, but now, reading her sister's curling pen strokes of writing, she couldn't ignore it anymore, and she knew the gemstone and even Yurimi herself were just ways to keep the corruption at bay. Her life had become a race against time, Either Yurimi finds a way to fix this, or she'll become a play thing for the Void for a second time, and she didn't think Yurimi could save her again.

Kitsune Fire - The standard blue flame of a kitsune, able to be used as a light source or something to help move her partners along in sex.

Play Fire - Orange flames that are simply just for tricking people. They don't burn hot at all. It's simply an illusion.

Flame Cloak - Seru can cloak her entire body in sweltering flames. These flames are hot and will burn anyone she touches very quickly.

Fire Jets - Seru can propel herself using fire shot out of her hands or feet for short distances. She has even been known to use smaller bursts of fire to hover in the air, though this quickly drains her strength.

Black Fire - Sometimes, her fires will change color to black. She has no control over when this happens, but when it does, run. She has little to no control over the raging demon fires. They will spread and consume anything they can.

OOC info
Due to Seru's slightly increased body heat, it takes a larger roll for a pregnancy to actually stick in her than in her sisters.
You or I will simply roll a 20 sided dice.

if it comes up one through twelve, then it's a miss.

If the result is thirteen through nineteen, you've managed to knock her up, congrats~

And if you manage to hit a twenty, then you'll be the proud parent of two bouncing baby kitsunes~

Of course, you can always opt to try for more with a roll of twenty. If you opt for a second dic roll, then you roll a six sided dice.

1 gets you a critical failure, resulting in her body rejecting your seed.

2-4 is still just twins

5 means you get three babies!

If you manage to roll a six, she'll be popping out four little monsters, crazy!

Her own cum is also warmer than normal, and her sperm is used to that. They will move slightly faster in a normal bodied girl, giving her an increased chance to knock you up.
one through nine, the pregnancy doesn't take.

ten through fifteen, get ready for some morning sickness and odd cravings~ You've got a new bundle of joy growing inside you.

fifteen through nineteen, she got you even more pregnant. You'll be having twins soon.

If she manages to roll a twenty, then you are really pregnant. Triplets are coming your way.

If three isn't enough for you, then you can try for the critical dice multiplier.
You roll a six sided dice once.
If you get a one, then you are suddenly back to twins.
Two is simply triplets again.
Roll a three and you'll be having four babies.
Roll a four, and you'll be growing five new kitsunes in you.
Roll a five, be ready for six new kitsunes.

If you manage to get a critical roll once again, then her seed works so well, that it completely takes over your womb, fertilizing every egg in your body. Your womb is now completely in Seru's control and will be steadily pumping out baby kitsunes for a long time. Congrats.

Player likes/kinks: So, I'm gonna be lazy and not do any sliders, this will just be a general list of stuff I like. Everything on the list does not need to be included in anyway. For anything I don't have listed, seriously just ask, I'm okay with most things, other than excessive gore.
Micro/macro play
Vore linking - Micro gets cock vored and then shot into one of Yurimi's tight, warm holes, what's not to like?
Saliva...I just love the way it makes a body all shiny and slick.
Foot play - Be it pressing a micro into someone's foot or a nice little foot job~
Herm Lolis - I love their young supple bodies, sue me. I'm usually pretty easy to get a yes from if your character is a loli with a girl dick~
Herms - easily my favorite gender to play with~
Unbirth - Hey, sometimes it's the best way to play with a cute girl. Just slide her on up there. Seru is totally okay with being slurped into a pretty girl as well~

Brought to you by The_Void.