
Basic Info
Name: Manami Boido
Gender: Identifies as Female
Age: Unknown(Data Corrupted)
Race: Void Kitsune/Tentacle succubus hybrid
Number of tails: 5
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: unknown(data Corrupted)
Likes: The Void, spreading the Void's influence, Her mother

Dislikes: Her father, her sisters, everyone else.

Basic Personality: What is there to say? Her mother is a crazy demon residing in the void, and with how much time Manami spends there, well, she's started to become just like the demon of the Fog.

She's off balenced, her mind completely skrewed towards Az'Myel's way of thinking. The world's that haven't been tainted by the Void are disgusting and she wants to 'purify' them, any way she can.

Of course, like any Succubus/kitsune she does have urges, and as much as she hates having to use mortals to sate them, it can't be helped. If she happens to catch a scent of something good and her eyes lock on you, better hope she plans to let you go afterword.

Family Info
Mother: AzMyel
Father: Sirahitsu

Siblings: See Boido_Shrine for a full list. (Coming soon)

Children:None yet

The Beginning of the end
It was a quiet night in the shrine, well, as long as you weren't currently in Sira's room. For in that room, was a full on orgy, perpetrated by the kitsune's own heat starting up. She had gathered the most goregous people she could find, and one of them, disguised as a tall, voluptuous blond, was the very demon who had created and raised Sira.

Az'Myel had become dissatisfied with Sira's work, angry that the child she had orchestrated to do her bidding was more interested in having sex and spitting out children than actually subjugating worlds under the Void's influence. So, here the demon was, getting fucked hard by the disappointment of a daughter. She fully intended for this new daughter to be her perfect weapon against the worlds.

When all was said and done, the 'party wound down, numerous naked and sweaty bodies lined the floor, the bed, one little fairy was even hanging from a ceiling fan, completely covered in cum. Az'Myel stood in the midst of it all, back in her full demonic glory. Black souless eyes stared at the passed out kitsune, hands cradled over her stomach. "Thank you so much again for this honor to start over. Your daughter and sister will be better than you in every way possible." The dozing kitsune just rolled over in her sleep, making the demon roll her eyes and portal back to the Void, where she would be catered to by her personal Void Imps till the time of the birth.

It didn't take long, a few short months and soon enough, Az'Myel was left to just float in the void, hands rubbing over her bulging stomach and whisper sweet, cooing words to her daughter to be. When the time actually came, it was a very soothing process for the demon. The Imps saw to all her needs, even giving her a couple aphrodisiacs to help sooth the pain of childbirth. As soon as the child was born and suckling from her mother's milk filled breasts, it was obvious she was no ordinary kitsune. Her tail for one thing was a light pinkish-white for about half of it's length and then changed into an inky black. "Manami," Az'Myel whispered fondly to her new daughter, quite sure that Manami would indeed by perfect.

Perfectly crazy
Manami grew up in a wonderland, or rather, a wonderland for herself. She was the princess of the Void. Every creature there, save her mother, had to respect her, and if they didn't, they had to deal with an irritable Az'Myel. Because really, if you had to constantly go saving your daughter from some horrible monstrosity trying to rape her, then you'd be irritable too. Despite all the times that Manami got in over her head, which was a lot, she truly loved the void. Where most people would just see darkness, lonliness, and horrible creatures that either want to eat you, rape you, make you their slave, or all of the above; The Kitsune Princess saw a place of endless possibilities. This was her realm and despite the dangers, she would eventually get it to bend to her will.

Az'Myel decided to take a more hands on approach with Manami's teaching and training though. Regularly, she would take the growing kitsune hybrid to a randomly selected town and show her how to make the most out of her void Portals, mainly by trying to get her to open a large, city wide pocket of the void and leave it open indefinitely, effectively forming her own Void Pocket she could use as a main base of operations when she was set upon the world to truly do as she pleased.

The training was slow going to say the least. When she was Younger, Manami truly didn't care for wanting to make her Void Space. She wanted to stay in her mother's, be Az'Myel's perfect little princess for ever. She worked as her mother commanded however, slowly gaining the level of control needed to even form a Void Space that large. It only took her a couple years to finally capture a full city in one of her portals, but the challenge from there was actually getting it to stay open permanently. It just seemed like it couldn't be done. Her energy drained faster than she could absorb souls and life force from her 'subjects'.

Dead set on proving she could indeed make her own Void Space, she set out on a journey across worlds, trying to find out how to gain more strength. Of course, each and every story she heard, book she found, and any other scrap of information she found on Kitsune's detailed them gaining more strength with the number of tails they had, which left her with a problem. She still only had one tail and nothing she had found gave a definitive answer as for how she could go about getting them.

She sighed and hefted up her bag, knowing there was only one more place she could think of to get answers. The one place she truly never wanted to set foot in. Boido Shrine.

A void all her own
It didn't take her long to find the shrine, it would seem that any kitsune with Boido blood in them could easily find their way to the shrine. More than likely a mistake with this one, but she was welcomed with open arms, hugged and greeted by her sisters/nieces. It was odd to think of it like that, and she'd rather just think of them as annoyances.

She stayed in the shrine for a year, questioning her 'father' on how they grew more tails. Of course, the moment she learned that their bloodline actually gains tails by giving birth to more kitsune, she calmly walked out of the shrine, teleported away, and leveled a mountain rock by rock. It was a good therapy session, but really, it didn't stop her from still being lost on how to gain more tails. She wasn't about to go get herself knocked up lord knows how many times till she had enough tails to make her void space.

As she stood there, amid the rubble of the mountain she had just leveled all her anger on, she remembered watching one of the times her mother had fed on a human soul to regain her strength. It was a long shot, but the tentasune hopped she could do something similar to gain her tails.

She set her sights on a nice little hamlet. A sleepy little town, all was quiet, no one on the streets save for a single kitsune, a number of sleek white tentacles leaving her body and phasing into a number of houses. Each tentacle, moments later, had balls of pulsing energy flowing down them and into her body, making the kitsune glow with energy for a moment, till all the energy converged on her tail. "Not enough," She mumbled, eyes filled with a greedy need as she moved down the street, taking more and more souls, leaving only the empty husks of bodies behind.

When all was said and done, she stood still alone in the middle of the street, only this time her had five tails, shimmering in the moonlight, tips dyed black as the night. Of course, once done, she knew what she had to do next. She had cleaned out this place of all it's inhabitants, she might as well make it her own. Her tails fanned out, glowing with void energy as she worked the spell to open a permanent void portal.

It worked this time, probably better than she could have ever hopped for. The area was bathed in a dome of Void Space. Her own personal haven to do with as she pleased. Her first order of build herself a throne right in the center of it all, which is where she can normally be found, when she's not out hunting for more souls.

Her powers, how she gains more tails, and the void space

She's got the normal Void Kitsune powers. Void Fire, void Portals, the ability to shrink and grow, yada yada.

She also, like her mother, has a number of tentacles at her disposal.

Normal tentacles - Just black, uniform tentacles generally used to grab and hold onto things/people.

Cum tentacles - Thing like an anime, generally a purple color with a penis like head. They do release sweet, addicting cum that is highly fertile.

Egg tentacles - A light green in color, these tentacles can be used to deposit eggs into a victim, which will eventually hatch into Void imps or Void Fairies.

Suction tentacles - Completely clear, the head tappers off into a large tube like structure that can shrink and conform to what ever is being sucked on.

Combat tentacles - Colors vary depending on the head. Axe like heads come with a light blue tentacle, where as the more dagger like ones have a red coloring.

Hook tentacles - Tiny yellow tentacles with dull hooks on the end, used to pry open holes on victims, usually used to hold open mouths of unruly prey.

Soul suckers - The white tentacles used to absorb souls from a victim. If she should miss with these tentacles, then she is generally left pretty open, as she can't move at all when trying to use them.

Unless other wise stated, all tentacles, besides the hook ones, are slick to the touch with a slightly slimy mucus layering.

Gaining tails

She has two ways of gaining new tails, and depending on the way she gains them, they will look slightly different. By absorbing souls, her tails will have a black tip. On the other hand, by gaining a tail through giving birth, the tip will be a lightish grey color.

Souls needed before gaining a new tail: 50
Number of children needed before new tail: 5

Void Space
Her personal void space is mostly empty, save for the few void imps and fairy's she has kept around. For full info on them, please see the Void Handguide.(coming soon).

It is possible to enter the space without her permission, but any void being there will converge on you in moments, and who knows what they will do to you.

In the very center of the space is her home. A small little mansion looking thing. The only ones who have seen the inside and lived to tell the tale are Manami herself and a larger than average Void Imp. Manami's right hand woman and best friend in the world, besides her mother.

OOC info
You or I will simply roll a 20 sided dice.

if it comes up one through ten, then it's a miss.

If the result is eleven through nineteen, you've managed to knock her up, congrats~

And if you manage to hit a twenty, then you'll be the proud parent of two bouncing baby kitsunes~

Of course, you can always opt to try for more with a roll of twenty. If you opt for a second dic roll, then you roll a six sided dice.

1 gets you a critical failure, resulting in her body rejecting your seed.

2-4 is still just twins

5 means you get three babies!

If you manage to roll a six, she'll be popping out four little monsters, crazy!

This goes for your character and Manami~ No matter who gets filled with cum, we'll roll the dice.

Brought to you by The_Void