Picture is not mine - will take away when requested.
Please note: This is my first take on a pokemon character.
- Owner: None
- Name: Sav
- Species: Growlithe
- Gender: Female
- Height: 2'04" or 0.7 m
- Weight: 41.9 lbs or 19.0 kg
- Has accosiares: Collar, with a name tag stating Sav.
She behaves much like an normall pup, etxept, shes got threats of being held in captivity. She treats others depending on how they treat her. She likes gifts in the form of food, berrys. or meat.
Her curiousity sometimes gets her close when approaching her with care. When blindly approaching her, Shes quite jumpy and such, making her try to hide when something or someone unknown to her comes close, rather evading combat then taking combat.
Passives and actives
- Bite (A)- She has teeth
- Pounce (A)- Jumps on and pins her opponent
- Drag (A)- Usually followed by pounce, holding a limp and dragging it when possible (Small prey, for instance).
- Vore capabillitys - OV, TV
Before she was born, her mother roamed the wilds. and in all of her curiousity, she do come by hunters. She got noticed, and eventually shot with a tranquilizer dart, rendering her unconscious. The hunters captured her mother, and took her in in captivity for breeding purpose.
Her mother eventually got pregnant of Sav. When she was born, Her keepers gave her a collar with a name tag stating Sav and a leashing ring attached to it. The hunters possible wanted to sell Sav as a pet. She doesnt know. As she grew older, while being raised by her mother, her mother soon took Sav with an escape, when she was used in a hunt for other creatures.
When they escaped, they entered to the nexus, where the two remained hidden. That is, untill they got found. Her mother got in a vicious fight with another predator, which ended up taking her mom. Sav escaped all this as the predator had enough meal in her mother. At this time, she was still learning how to survive. She barely knew a thing.
Player of this char is seeking a toy/pet to owner relationship, preferable forced.
Player likes any type of RP - Vore - Non vore - anything.
Plushfox - A plushy fox
Ruffoks - A rubbery fox
Mirsoth - A plushy dragon
Midnight_Aura - A dragon wolf pup.