This profile was copied automatically from the old chat.
Name: Samariss
Age: 16
Species: Desert Naga
Torso: 2.5 feet, approx.
Tail: 26 feet, approx.
Still growing, but nice and slim after a shedding.
Desert naga(or dessert naga, to some, but that's more of a joke)
A naga subspecies especially well-suited to arid environments, the Desert Naga is typically found in hot, dry places, such as badlands and, you guessed it, deserts. In fact, they're rarely, if ever, seen outside of such places, for whatever reason. Being nagas, they supposedly are of a human-level intelligence, but tales abound of feral desert naga, roaming the sands for anything to eat. It is unknown if anyone has ever managed to communicate with them, at all, or even if such communication is possible. Best to stay away, most would say.
Samariss is a fairly typical desert naga. They're raised until they can fend for themselves, and then they're on their own. Typically, this means that young desert naga are pretty much abandoned by their mothers after no more than eight years. HOwever, Samariss' mother was perhaps not a typical example o her species. you see, she was a bit... progressive. She enjoyed learning, she enjoyd the sounds that her prey made when she caught them... but one day, she learned that those sounds actually meant something. A big step forward for her kind! She learned that there was, in fact, something to this 'talking' business, that it meant more than just making noise for fun.
But perhaps I should explain. Naga like Samariss communicate largely through body language and pheremones, so they really have no need to do more than yell or grunt or squeak. There's no reason to, really, for them. However, her mother actually learned how to talk, and rather enjoyed it. So, she taught her daughter how to talk, as well. ... Kinda.
See, she didn't really build up much of a vocabulary. She learned what some words meant, and how to say them, and she taught her daughter, but the both of them have a child's vocabulary at best. Hungry is a word they know, as is food. Yes, know, and maybe. Their names, odd though that is. (most desert naga go nameless, knowing who's who by smell rather than sight and a name). Samariss is really the first of her kind to actually HAVE a name given to her at birth.
But, as her species is wont to do, her mother abandoned her at a young age. No more than five feet long, she was forced to make her way in the world on her own, eating what she could catch, and occasionally making noises that greatly confused other desert naga. She almost got eaten more than once, but as she grew she learned how to survive, how to hunt properly, and, most emportantly, how to think for herself. And, she realized: There are all these odd creatures, walking on two sticks(no idea what legs are, you see), and they're very tasty. I like them, and I like to eat them a lot, but you never see any around HERE!
It was a novel idea! They had to come from SOMEWHERE, yet most of her kind just hunted other things, harder prey, and occasionally got lucky. So, the next time a caravan passed through, Samariss followed it... she got very hungry, but she managed to restrain herself.The now-sixteen year-old naga was SHOCKED when she found the green lands! The rich, lush, game-filled lands where all those funny things came from were TEEMING with prey! Within minutes, she'd caught several animals which were so HARD to come by in the desert, and glutted herself, before passing out, holding onto her one posession in this world, a spear she took from an earlier prey whom she liked a lot. Upon waking, she found herself... oddly satisfied, and so began to explore her new-found land of plenty, slithering off into the woods for the first time in her life.
And so, she found her way here.
She's got a few abilities, of course. Which I am listing here, now.
Hypnotic kiss: A bite or kiss, this is unique among her venoms, in that it makes her much more appealing to her victims. If she could talk, she could make suggestions, even go so far as to make her prey willing, to a degree. As it is, they feel doubt, think that it may not be so bad to let her do as she will... until its too late to resist.
Love Bite 1: A very difficult venom to make, this one requires an actual bite. It takes a week or more to make the smallest amount, but that's all it takes to make her seem eminently desirable to the one she bites. Its not mind control, more like making them very much more receptive to her scent, making her seem like something to protect and serve.
Love Bite 2: A different venom, it induces pleasure by making nerves more sensitive. A gentle stroke will be much more pleasant, etc.
Paralytic bite: Prey is hard to come by. Best to keep it from getting away. A simple bite, and her prey will lock up in a matter of minutes.
Relaxant venom: Like the former, except it deadens muscles. A bite to a major artery will make the prey completely limp and helpless, alive but utterly weak.
Muscle Rot: THIS one kills flesh affected by it. Its a fast-acting toxin, and it can only be treated by immediate antivenom. And, even then, it can take weeks to recover muscle mass.
Kiss of Death: A single bite is fatal. It takes days to make this venom, she's always got a store of it, unless she's just used it recently. This is a last-resort, when her life is in danger, and only she can administer the antivenom. It takes fifteen minutes to kill, but unless the antivenom is administered in 12 minutes the victim is not likely to survive.
Tail Swipe: her tail is very powerful, all 23 feet of it. A single swipe can knock a wagon over(or flip a small car).
Smell: Her sense of smell is very, very good. She can track prey(or friends, which may not be exclusive in this case) simply by smell. She can tell who someone is by their smell alone, in a pitch-dark location, and she never forgets someone she's smelled.
She can easily fit a normal-sized human into her nethers or mouth, if she wants. None of this is safe, though, unless she wishes it. She could adopt a human, and turn them into a naga, or take in a small enough naga, yes. They would be sealed into an egg and laid, likely age-regressed as well. BUt, she can also use the umbilical to drain every last bit of energy and nutrients from a victim, enabling her to grow more than just eating someone would. there's very little waste, this way.
She needs to shed about once a month. During this time, she is extremely sensitive and unstable, often hiding so she won't be bothered.
Her ears and scales are designed to emit heat more efficiently, to keep from overheating in hot sands. This means that in cooler weather she'll be pretty miserable. Lethargic, slow, and quite grumpy.
Simple enough. PM if interested, but not ICly unless you're a friend/want to be ignored. you can meet her earlier in her life, on the first day of her exploration, or some time later, once she's established. Its up to you.
She's a bit difficult to deal with. She doesn't know what many words mean, though she's not stupid. She's just not learned them. She's meant to learn and grow with each encounter.
Regarding micros: Tasty treats, but not proper meals! She won't seek them out or put in a particular effort to catch them, but she does enjoy them.
Sama's vocabulary is very limited! She doesn't know many words. Good, bad, food, toy, in, out, and what is are about all she has. What is is her typical query when she doesn't understand.
Vocab list
Good, bad, in, out, food, toy, what, is, mermaid, water, swim, move.
Friends so far
Iridescia found her on a shedding day, helped her get it over with. She instantly earned Sama's gratitude.