"You know, I'm not entirely sure what possessed me to follow my sister. I had a pretty cozy deal. I dunno ... I guess I just wanted more out of life. See what's out there, you know?
And I've met a lot of neat people along the way. Interesting folks... Most of em hungry. Not that I fault em, or nothin'... Could do with being called someone's lil reese's cup though.
Still. It's nice to feel wanted. Useful. So I do a little bit of everything. Never stay in one spot too long. Still get all hot, thinkin about when someone might want me to stay a lot longer..."
Rittsie Lindt is adventurous. Despite knowing full well she's unreasonably delicious, this hasn't stopped her from mingling with near anyone. And by anyone, she mostly enjoys the companies of those who have the ability to just scoop her up and stuff her down.
Big, cozy, greedy friends: CataBun didn't get that soft on just sweets.. Alex_Mills is always willing to offer a warm lap, or a spot just below it... Kharoa has turned Rittsie into a regular lapfox! Cerious keeps mooshing Rittsie right into that frame. RageShadey has let Rittsie take residence in those coils in more ways that one. Bridget_Calloway has been surprisingly patient with the fops in her wastelands shop. Davion seems to be greatful for the helping hands Rittsie offers. RachelRoth_ seems to enjoy the thought of pretending she's a fox with those 9 tails of Rittsie's sneaking out of her rump.
Fun Events: Temped by Cheezie from 7/17/20-7/26/20