"Oh, you wish to challenge me? How enchanting...~"
In a world dominated by conflict, the arts of steel and of the arcane, and even, in some cases, the divine have been called upon in order to attack and defend. While few ever achieve the level of expertise of a grandmaster in their art, those that do become the stuff of legends, immortalized forever in their highest stature...
Usually. In the case of Rasa, however, that would not be the end of her legend. A master sorceress, commanding magicks far beyond that of which even your most ambitious of practitioners' wet dreams could ever muster. She, a prodigy among her kind, managed to startled, annihilate, and leap her way beyond all obstacles to become the greatest arcane magician in all of Tirr, an honor that, granted, she probably let go to her head.
Multiple incidents after her rise caused... problems for the rest of the plane, especially when she began walking through towns, enchanting men, transforming women, and simply taking anything she wanted. If guards tried to stop her, the few that weren't afraid for their lives, she would simply dispatch them with any number of magical displays of sheer power.
So, what is a world to do when some sorceress, unconcerned with the lives or livelihood of the common man, seems to be too concerned with doing whatever she wants? You go to the next higher power: Gods.
The Pantheon of Tirr, after watching as Rasa managed to single-handedly irritate the flow of power in the world, issued this ultimatum: "Cease your wanton disregard for balance, or face the consequences."
What would a reasonable, ordinary person do? Probably do as they say, but Rasa was far from ordinary. She responded with the following: "I respect your decision, sweetie, but I'm afraid I'm far too comfortable with my lifestyle to stop," hoping to call, what she thought was, their bluff.
It turns out, the Gods do not play around when it comes to orders made by the pantheon. As punishment for her arrogance, Rasa's powers were diminished almost to the most basic, insignificant abilities in arcane practice. It was decided that, rather than strip her entirely of her magic, that they would let her keep the smallest taste of it, remembering always what it once was.
This proved a problem for Rasa. She depended on those magicks, and she worked far too hard to master them, than to let them slip right through her fingers now. She summoned Mephistopheles, the dealer of the Pantheon, and asked him for a way to get her magic back. She was, however, unwilling to give up her soul, as was the usual arrangement that the diabolical god proposed, but they soon came up with a proposition: Rasa could hunt other beings, and for each service and soul that Mephistopheles received, he could return a portion of Rasa's powers. Rasa agreed.
There was a catch, however. Doing so required Rasa to be the portal for the victims to be converted by, and without any natural power to do so, Rasa was at a loss... unless, of course, she were to devour her victims, and use her body's natural skill to perform the service. Mephistopheles, with his usual foreshadowing chuckle, would find the idea 'positively delectable', and bless Rasa for the task at hand, providing her with the proper powers for her goals.
Rasa roams, now, and while she's not a horrible, snarling troll of a woman, she's only out for her own means. Given her profession, you might be wary of any sign of magicks nearby. Any chance that it's Rasa, might mean that you'll be the next to fuel her rise to power.
Rasa has recently done the following:
She joined a strange tournament, where people seemed to employ methods similar to her own in a battle. She sees this as an opportunity to increase her own power under a legitimate guise.
Rasa's Magical Progress
Rasa, given her predicament, is in a constant state of evolution, regarding her arcane powers. As she consumes more victims, she begins to accumulate more "Arc Tokens", which allow her to regain previously lost abilities. Some of those abilities require her to have other abilities, first, and other pre-requisites might apply.
Pro-tip: The Grayed out ones are the Locked Abilities. The White ones are currently unlocked.
Innate Abilities:
Deal with the Devil I:
Rasa's powers are currently in a null state, for the most part, beyond a few that have been granted to her. In order to gain more, she must consume others, and deliver their souls to Mephistopheles. Because of this, she gains half of her remaining health points as Arc-Tokens whenever she wins a battle.
Deal with the Devil II:
Once per encounter, Rasa can give up an entire turn to gain a bonus equal to her total arc-token value to her next roll. Optionally, she can instead elect to restore her health by half the value. This restoration can go over the normal limit!
Summon Trinket:
Rasa is able to perform minor conjuration with ease, as the basic font of arcane power is not beyond her. She often uses this to summon her pillows, tea cups, and kettles.
Arcane Field:
By primarily using arcane energies to generate force, she can interact with objects entirely by mental power alone, using force to lift, bind, push, grab, or pretty much do anything else she may need. A form of Arcane Telekinesis, Rasa uses her powers to form tendrils of arcane energy. These are constantly available to her, except in areas of no magic. She gains an innate +2 to grapple rolls involving these, and can use them to do 1d3 damage every other turn, if she elects, on a successful opposed roll. Additionally, Since Rasa does not engage her opponents directly, she also gains this modifier in grapple rolls to escape being held or vore. If at any point Rasa is subject to "Dispel" or "Anti-Magic" effects, this ability is negated, and gives her a -2 modifier as long as it's lost to her.
Current Arc-Tokens Unspent: 0
Total Arc-Tokens Gained: 21
Progress Trees:
General Prowess
Vore Mastery: Oral: Rasa becomes proficient in Oral vore of all kinds, able to devour people by pushing them past her plush lips, and down into her snug belly.
[A holds B] >> [A puts B in mouth] >> [B enters A's throat, taking 1hp constriction damage] >> [B enters stomach and takes 3hp of damage per turn and must roll a 16 or higher to escape]
Pre-requisites: None.
Cost: 1 Arc-Token
Vore Mastery: Anal: Rasa becomes proficient in Anal vore of all kinds, able to devour people with her pert rump.
[A holds B] >> [A begins AVing B] >> [B is now completely in the anus of A, thus entering the large intestines of A] >> [B enters the first part of the small intestines of A] >> [B enters the second part of the small intestines of A] >> [B enters the stomach of A and suffers the usual 3hp of damage per turn]
Pre-requisites: None.
Cost: 3 Arc Tokens.
Vore Mastery: Breast: Rasa becomes proficient in Breast vore of all kinds, able to devour people with her nipples, squeezing them into a milk-filled breast.
[[Rasa grabs]] >> [[Rasa puts in nipple, 1 damage from constriction]] >> [[Rasa starts digesting into milk 3 damage, 16+ roll to escape.]]
Pre-requisites: None.
Cost: 3 Arc Tokens.
Vore Mastery: Unbirth: Rasa becomes proficient in Unbirth of all kinds, able to devour people with her vagina, the velvety tunnel swallowing them up, and depositing them in her womb.
[A holds B] >> [A begins unbirthing B] >> [B enters womb and takes 4hp of damage per turn. A 13 or higher must be rolled for escape.]
Pre-requisites: None.
Cost: 3 Arc Tokens.
Vore Mastery: Cock: Rasa becomes proficient in Cock vore of all kinds, able to devour people with her penis, when present, slurping them down the phallus, letting them splashdown in her balls.
[A holds B] >> [B is completely engulfed in member] >> [B enters testicles and takes 4hp of damage per turn and must roll a 12 or higher to escape]
Pre-requisites: Alter Gender.
Cost: 3 Arc Tokens.
Powerful Body: As a passive ability, Rasa gains a +3 to all rolls regarding grappling, or damage rolls for striking opponents
Pre-requisites: None.
Cost: 1 Arc Token.
Mental Mastery: As a passive ability, Rasa gains a +3 to all rolls to produce or resist mental affects, spells, or illusions.
Pre-requisites: None.
Cost: 1 Arc Token.
Alteration Specialist: Rasa can use her alteration magicks to a greater degree, gaining a +4 to any rolls regarding alteration spells.
Pre-requisites: Four abilities in the Alteration tree.
Cost: 2 Arc Tokens.
Evocation Specialist: Rasa can use her Evocation magicks to a greater degree, gaining a +4 to any rolls regarding Evocation spells.
Pre-requisites: Four abilities in the Evocation tree.
Cost: 2 Arc Tokens.
Illusion Specialist: Rasa can use her Illusion magicks to a greater degree, gaining a +4 to any rolls regarding Illusion spells.
Pre-requisites: Four abilities in the Illusion tree.
Cost: 2 Arc Tokens.
Conjuration Specialist: Rasa can use her Conjuration magicks to a greater degree, gaining a +4 to any rolls regarding Conjuration spells.
Pre-requisites: Four abilities in the Conjuration tree.
Cost: 2 Arc Tokens.
Pheromone Warfare: When Rasa becomes aroused, she, like most other creatures, emits pheromones. This passive ability makes it to where her pheromones are so powerful, that Unbirthing and Cock Vore phases are given a +2 to her rolls!
Pre-requisites: Vore Mastery: Unbirth or Vore Mastery: Cock Vore
Cost: 1 Arc Tokens.
Stuck in the middle: Using powerful abdominal muscles, Rasa can elect to, instead of completing Unbirth or Anal vore, keep her opponent either within her vaginal canal, or her rectum. While a shorter distance, the opponent now must roll a 16 or higher in order to escape from this position, as the muscles squeeze and release around them, providing Rasa with a rather pleasurable sensation.
Pre-requisites: Vore Mastery: Unbirth or Vore Mastery: Anal Vore
Cost: 1 Arc Tokens.
| Alteration Prowess
Shrink!: This spell can be cast when held, or holding, but not while within opponents! Rasa can cast this spell in order to try to level, or even imbalance the playing field. Rolling an opposed d20, if she wins, she can shrink the opponent down one level. (If they are larger, down to her size; If same size, then down to micro levels of four inches or so.) When dealing with smaller opponents, she gains a +6 to all grapple rolls, and damage dealing rolls from physical attacks. If there is already a size difference and this spell is used, the bonus doubles. (For example, a macro vs. a micro, the macro gains a +12). The effect lasts for 1d4 rounds. When the duration expires, Rasa can attempt to extend it by another 1d4 rounds if she gives up her turn, and rolls another opposed d20, with a +2 added to her roll, along with all other modifiers that apply.
Pre-requisites: None
Cost: 1 Arc Tokens.
Grow!: This spell can be cast when held, or holding, but not while within opponents! Rasa can cast this spell in order to try to level, or even imbalance the playing field. Rolling an unopposed d20, the result must be a 10 or higher; if she wins, she can grow up by one level. (If she was shrunken, normal size. If she was normal size, then macro, by about 50 feet in height.) When dealing with smaller opponents, she gains a +6 to all grapple rolls, and damage dealing rolls from physical attacks. If there is already a size difference and this spell is used, the bonus doubles. (For example, a macro vs. a micro, the macro gains a +12). The effect lasts for 1d4. When the duration expires, Rasa can attempt to extend it by another 1d4 rounds if she gives up her turn, and rolls another unopposed d20, this time, higher than 7.
Pre-requisites: None
Cost: 1 Arc Tokens.
Alter Breasts: Casting this spell, Rasa can either designate whether to enlarge or shrink her own breasts, for whatever purpose she might employ. Depending on the opponent, she can use this to provide a +1 bonus to rolls she makes, distracting them. Larger breasts also increase her bonus to breast vore, if available, by +4
Pre-requisites: Grow!, Shrink!
Cost: 2 Arc Tokens.
Alter Rear: Casting this spell, Rasa can either designate whether to enlarge or shrink her own rear, for whatever purpose she might employ. Depending on the opponent, she can use this to provide a +1 bonus to rolls she makes, distracting them. A larger rear can also increase her bonus to Anal vore, if available, by +4.
Pre-requisites: Grow!, Shrink!
Cost: 2 Arc Tokens.
Alter Gender: Casting this spell, Rasa can either designate whether to become a hermaphrodite, male, or female, in she was previously one of the former. This allows her to use Cock Vore or Unbirth interchangeably.
Pre-requisites: None
Cost: 3 Arc Tokens.
Alter form: Naga!: When casting this spell, Rasa can roll an unopposed d20, and if she results over 13, she succeeds in altering her form into that of a naga, her legs forming together to create a serpentine tail, covered in strangely colored scales. In this form, she gains a +4 to grapple rolls at any time her tail can coil around her opponent, and +6 to oral vore rolls!
Pre-requisites: Alteration Specialist, Lesser Disguise Self, Alter form: Revert!
Cost: 4 Arc Tokens.
Alter form: Succubus!: When casting this spell, Rasa can roll an unopposed d20, and if she results over 15, she succeeds in altering her form into that of a shapely succubus, sprouting curved horns, and growing her features a bit more. In this form, Her opponent takes a -2 to all rolls due to her seductive nature, while her unbirth, anal vore, and cock vore rolls increase by +4!
Pre-requisites: Alter Breasts, Alter Rear, Alter Gender, Alter form: Revert!
Cost: 4 Arc Tokens.
Alter form: Frog-girl!: When casting this spell, Rasa can roll an unopposed d20, and if she results over 15, she succeeds in altering her form into that of a spritely Frog-girl, developing webbed hands, and a long, gooey tongue. In this form, she gains a +4 to any rolls underwater, a whopping +8 to Oral vore, and a +2 to escape grapples or vore, but all of her digestion damage becomes lower by 3, to a minimum of 1!
Pre-requisites: Alteration Specialist, Melf's Antiacid arrow, Alter form: Revert!
Cost: 4 Arc Tokens.
Alter form: Slime!: When casting this spell, Rasa can roll an unopposed d20, and if she results over 15, she succeeds in altering her form into that of a gooey, shlorping slime of a girl, becoming almost shapeable to any form. In this form, she gains an immunity to all forms of damage, except digestion, a +4 to all vore rolls, but a whopping -6 to all rolls when being cock vored or unbirthed!
Pre-requisites: Melf's Antiacid arrow, Alter form: Revert!
Cost: 4 Arc Tokens.
Alter form: Revert!: When casting this spell, Rasa's body immediately returns to it's original form. Rasa can only change forms from her original body, so this spell is invaluable for shape-changing spells.
Pre-requisites: None
Cost: 1 Arc Tokens.
| Illusion Prowess
Mac's Irresistible Taste: When Rasa casts this spell upon her opponent, she rolls an opposed d20. If she wins, the opponent, while not noticeably changing, becomes incredibly delightful to the palate, giving Rasa or any other a +2 to all rolls at the first stage of Oral vore.
Pre-requisites: None
Cost: 1 Arc Tokens.
Wretching Revulsion: When Rasa casts this spell upon herself, she rolls an unopposed d20. If she wins with a roll above 13, the opponent will find that Rasa's taste has become incredibly repulsive, giving them a -2 to all rolls at the first stage of Oral vore.
Pre-requisites: None
Cost: 1 Arc Tokens.
Lesser Disguise Self: Casting this spell, Rasa can attempt to change her appearance to any creature or object of similar size. While this does not actually change her form or shape, for all intents and purposes, the opponent sees, feels, and smells the illusion. Morale penalties are taken at +1 or -1 intervals, reflecting cute, frightening, or even downright attractive forms.
Pre-requisites: None
Cost: 1 Arc Tokens.
Disguise Self: Casting this spell, Rasa can attempt to change her appearance to any creature or object of similar size and shape, with some restrictions. While this does not actually change her form or shape, for all intents and purposes, the opponent sees, feels, and smells the illusion. Morale penalties are taken at +4 or -4 intervals, reflecting cute, frightening, or even downright attractive forms.
Pre-requisites: Lesser Disguise Self
Cost: 3 Arc Tokens.
Clone!: Casting this spell, Rasa rolls an unopposed d20. If she results over 15, she can summon a clone of herself. Despite being a clone, the cannot cast spells, and can only provide a +4 bonus to Rasa's grapples. This effect lasts for 1d4 rounds.
Pre-requisites: None
Cost: 2 Arc Tokens.
You're Surrounded!: Casting this spell, Rasa rolls an unopposed d20. If she results over 15, she can summon an army of clones. Despite being clones, they cannot cast spells, and can only provide a +8 bonus to Rasa's grapples. This effect lasts for 1d4 rounds
Pre-requisites: Clone!
Cost: 5 Arc Tokens.
Curse!: When Rasa casts this spell, she rolls an opposed d20, and if she succeeds, determine it's effects. She cannot use this against for 1d4 rounds. The effect depends on the difference between hers and her opponent's rolls:- 1-6: The curse is mildly effective, causing a -1 to all opponent rolls.
- 7-9: The curse is strong! It causes a -3 to all opponent rolls.
- 10+: The is extremely powerful! It can either cause the opponent to apply a -10 to all rolls, or lose it's next turn!
Pre-requisites: None
Cost: 2 Arc Tokens.
Daze!: When Rasa casts this spell, she rolls an opposed d20, and if she succeeds, the opponent is stunned for 1d4 rounds. This means they are unable to use any special abilities, even innate ones, and their ability to resist grapples or vore abilities suffer a -4 penalty. Each round, a target may choose to attempt to remove this penalty by wholly giving up their turn, which leaves them vulnerable as they attempt to stop their addled head from spinning!
Pre-requisites: None
Cost: 2 Arc Tokens.
Sanctuary!: When Rasa casts this spell, a strange barrier seems to surround her. This, unfortunately, forces any opponent's held out of her grip, but it will make any aggressive actions against her take a -6 penalty for 1d4 turns, unless otherwise stated.
Pre-requisites: None
Cost: 2 Arc Tokens.
| Evocation Prowess
Melf's Antiacid Arrow: Rasa can cast this spell whenever she is caught inside a being with acids. Rolling an unopposed d20, she must get a result of 15 or higher in order to render the acids around her useless for 1d4 rounds. When the duration expires, Rasa can attempt to extend it by another 1d4 rounds if she gives up her turn, and rolls another unopposed d20, this time, higher than 10.
Pre-requisites: None
Cost: 3 Arc Tokens.
Dispel Magic!: If, at any time Rasa's status is affected by anything classified as 'Magic', including but not limited to, 'magic', 'ki', and similar substances, she may elect to roll a unopposed d10. The results are determined by the following list:
- 1-2: The Dispel Magic fizzles out, and explodes in Rasa's face! She is unable to use her magics for 1d4 turns, including her arcana skills!
- 3-4: The Dispel Magic collides with the spell, but is overpowered, the normal effect applies.
- 5-6: The Dispel Magic collides with the magic, forcing it out of play! Both spells cancel out!
- 7-8: The Dispel Magic pushes through the magic, splitting it, and colliding with the foe! They are unable to use this particular spell for 1d4 rounds!
- 9-10: The Dispel magic pushes through the spell, splitting it, and collides with the foe, rendering them unable to use any magic abilities for 1d4 turns!
Pre-requisites: None
Cost: 1 Arc Tokens.
Vortex!: Rasa must designate a vore form that she is currently capable of. She must then roll and opposed d20 against her opponent. Of note, she gains a +6 benefit to her roll if the opponent is one size smaller than herself. If two or more smaller, +10 to Rasa's roll. If she succeeds, determine it's effects. She cannot use this against for 1d4 rounds.
1: The vortex is rather weak, only managing to drag the opponent over gently. Rasa is now held!
2-6: The vortex is mildly strong, causing 1 damage to her opponent, as well as giving them a -1 modifier for 1d4 turns, and Rasa now holds them!
7-14: The vortex is powerful, pulling the opponent into the starting phase of the designated vore.
15-19: The vortex is extremely powerful, sending them so deep into the orifice, and placing them at the middle phase of vore. In cases with an uneven amount of phases, it is the middle closest to the end phase.
20: The vortex pulls with the power of a black hole, sending the opponent down into Rasa, to the end phase of vore, where they are stunned and unable to escape for 1d4 turns.
Pre-requisites: None
Cost: 2 Arc Tokens.
Ethereal Hand: This ability is constantly active once gained. It allows Rasa to interact with souls as if they were semi-physical beings. She can grasp one firmly, allowing her to grapple, though the soul's form is still easily manipulated.
Pre-requisites: None
Cost: 2 Arc Tokens.
Soul Evocation: This spell can only be cast when the opponent is within 5 HP of falling. Rasa can roll an opposed d20 to try and separate the opponent's soul from their body. This effect lasts for 1d4 rounds. If the soul cannot reach it's body within that time, such as if it's been engulfed, the effect is prolonged until it can. An opponent who returns to their body after this suffers a -2 for the rest of the battle.
Pre-requisites: Ethereal Hand
Cost: 2 Arc Tokens.
Stoneskin: When Rasa casts this spell, she rolls an unopposed d20. If she manages to get a roll of 8 or greater, she successfully gives her skin the endurance of stone, reducing digestion damage done to her by 3, to a minimum of 1, for 1d4 rounds.
Pre-requisites: None
Cost: 2 Arc Tokens.
Reset!: This spell can only be cast once per encounter; If Rasa is being held, or holding an opponent, she is allowed to cast it without a roll. If she is in any phase of vore, however, she must roll an opposed d20 to see if it succeeds! If it does, both opponents are entirely reset! All modifiers, status, and positions are reset, with both opponents rolling for primary hold, again. HP and other values, however, remain the same.
Pre-requisites: None
Cost: 2 Arc Tokens.
| Conjuration Prowess
Intimacy: All Summons act as if they are part of Rasa's body, and are exact mirror images of her. All of Rasa's rolls involving these summons receive the normal bonus for the "Grow!" spell, and for any physical abilities, as well! Her Arcane Field does not apply, however, as do any other effects local to Rasa.
Pre-requisites: None
Cost: Innate
Summon Hand: When Rasa casts this spell, she rolls an unopposed d20. If she manages to roll higher than a 13, she manages to summon a macro version of her hand, which assists her in grappling checks, with a constant roll of 14. If the opponent rolls higher, they still must roll against Rasa. It also can grapple macros without penalty. This summon lasts for 1d4 rounds.
Pre-requisites: None
Cost: 4 Arc Tokens.
Summon Foot: When Rasa casts this spell, she rolls an unopposed d20. If she manages to roll higher than a 13, she manages to summon a macro version of her foot, which attempts to stomp on her opponent. The opponent must roll higher than a 10 in order to avoid the attack each round, and suffers -2 to all rolls against Rasa due to the distraction. If he/she fails to avoid the attack, they take 1d6 damage. This summon lasts for 1d4 rounds.
Pre-requisites: None
Cost: 4 Arc Tokens.
Summon Mouth: When Rasa casts this spell, she rolls an unopposed d20. If she manages to roll higher than a 10, she manages to summon a macro version of her mouth, which appears in the floor, wall, or ceiling, or any other background surface. The mouth rolls a constant 13 for all Oral Vore rolls and engages opponents for as long as possible. If swallowed, the opponent is shrunken, and transported to Rasa's belly. This summon lasts for 1d4 rounds.
Pre-requisites: Vore Mastery: Oral
Cost: 4 Arc Tokens.
Summon Nethers: When Rasa casts this spell, she rolls an unopposed d20. If she manages to roll higher than a 10, she manages to summon a macro version of her current nethers, which appears in the floor, wall, or ceiling, or any other background surface. The vagina or cock rolls a constant 14 for all vore rolls, and engages opponents for as long as possible. If devoured, the opponent is shrunken, and transported to Rasa's womb or balls, respectively. This summon lasts for 1d4 rounds.
Pre-requisites: Vore Mastery: Unbirth or Vore Mastery: Cock Vore
Cost: 4 Arc Tokens.
Summon Rear: When Rasa casts this spell, she rolls an unopposed d20. If she manages to roll higher than a 10, she manages to summon a macro version of her rear, which appears in the floor, wall, or ceiling, or any other background surface. The rear rolls a constant 14 for all vore rolls, and engages opponents for as long as possible. If devoured, the opponent is shrunken, and transported to Rasa's rectum. This summon lasts for 1d4 rounds.
Pre-requisites: Vore Mastery: Anal
Cost: 4 Arc Tokens.
Summon Breasts: When Rasa casts this spell, she rolls an unopposed d20. If she manages to roll higher than a 10, she manages to summon two twin hills to grow from the ground. The breasts performs no vore rolls without assistance, but roll a constant 13 for all rolls, and engages opponents for as long as possible. The standard attack is drawing the opponent between them, into the cleavage, and stunning them with the silken, smooshing flesh. If the opponent becomes caught in one of the nipples, the opponent goes through the breast vore process, and, if vored, is shrunken and transported into Rasa's breast. This summon lasts for 1d4 rounds.
Pre-requisites: Vore Mastery: Breast
Cost: 4 Arc Tokens.
Summon Goddess: When Rasa casts this spell, she rolls three unopposed d20s. If she manages to roll higher than 20 with her combined total, she summons every single one of her conjurations, forming into a macro Rasa, sustained by her magical energies. This summon causes Rasa to disappear, now replaced by a larger twin, exuding arcane energies. In this form, all of her summons' constant rolls are in effect, with a +2 bonus. This summon lasts for 1d4 rounds.
Pre-requisites: Summon Hand, Summon Foot, Summon Mouth, Summon Breasts, Summon Rear, Summon Nethers
Cost: 4 Arc Tokens.
| Finisher Prowess
Between a Cock and a Soft Place: At any point when Rasa has begun unbirthing her opponent, if she has any clones active on the field, she can gain their assistance. The Clone becomes a hermaphrodite, and begins to have carnal relations with Rasa. Due to the intense motions of both parties, the only way the opponent can escape being forced into the womb, immediately, is by rolling an 18 or higher. If failed, they are shoved into the womb, and must roll another check. This time, Rasa opposes them, and if she wins, they are regressed into an egg, stewing in her clone's seminal fluids.
Pre-requisites: Alter Gender, Clone!
Cost: 2 Arc Tokens.
Rub one out: When Rasa has an opponent within her balls, and has had them for more than one turn, she finds herself rather heated by the sensations of their struggles, and begins to masturbate. She rolls an opposed d20, and if she succeeds, she accelerates the process of the opponent's transformation into her semen, following a rather explosive orgasm. This move causes 1d6 additional dissolution damage for that turn of digestion. If the prey manages to escape, the dissolution damage still applies.
Pre-requisites: Alter Gender
Cost: 2 Arc Tokens.
Toss them in!: If Rasa has any of her Conjuration abilities on the field, besides her 'Summon hand' and 'Summon foot' spells, and she manages to beat her opponent's roll with an 16 or higher, she can opt to toss them into the Summon's orifice, immediately sending them down to the end phase due to the momentum. Proceed as normal from that point of the vore.
Pre-requisites: Any 'Summon' spell, besides 'Summon Hand' and 'Summon Foot'
Cost: 2 Arc Tokens.
Giga-slurp!: If either Rasa or her opponent are in a state where they are of different sizes, in Rasa's favor, she can decide to make the already unfair fight, even more unfair! If ever the difference between her rolls, and her opponent's rolls equals 10 or more, including all modifiers, She grows to a macro state, and her opponent shrinks to a shrunken state. Rasa must then attempt one form of vore on the opponent, who must roll a d20, and get a result higher than 16. If they fail, it's all over! They are slurped up rather quickly, all the way to the end phase of vore, where escape is impossible thanks to the extreme difference in size. The battle can continue, or end there, at the player's discretion.
Pre-requisites: Grow!, Shrink!
Cost: 2 Arc Tokens.
Soul Seduction!: This finisher is only activated if Rasa is not held, or currently inside her opponent, and manages to win against her opponent, the difference between her and her opponent's results are greater than 10, including all modifiers. If she succeeds, she can give a sultry smile to her victim, before designating the orifice of her choice, and giving them a crook of her finger. The Soul of her Opponent, compelled, floats freely from it's body, and begins to willingly press itself into the beginning phase of the designated vore. Proceed as normal, with the opponent receiving a -4 to all rolls for the rest of the battle. The Soul follows the rules of Soul Evocation, in regards to returning to the body.
Pre-requisites: Vore Mastery, Ethereal Hand, Soul Evocation
Cost: 2 Arc Tokens.
Transformation Misfit!: This finisher may only be attempted when Rasa has attempted Cock Vore, and kept her opponent in the shaft for three or more turns. If they have either escaped, or moved down to the balls, this is not applicable. Being already under the effects of her Alter Gender spell, Rasa decides to reverse this effect, slowly becoming female once more. This causes her opponent stuck within her to slowly become trapped as her penis returns to form as her clitoris. Caught in her most sensitive of organs, with no escape available, Rasa automatically wins the match if the opponent cannot roll a 20 in three rounds, outside of special abilities. If they manage to roll the 20, Rasa is overwhelmed by the sensations, and magically forces them out of herself.
Pre-requisites: Vore Mastery: Cock Vore, Alter Gender
Cost: 2 Arc Tokens.
Wash it down!: This finisher may only be used once her opponent has been consumed through either oral or anal vore, and is currently in her belly. She must keep them inside for two turns, one to summon her tea kettle and her tea cup, and one to fill the cup and drink the tea. As the hot tea fills the stomach, the opponent begins suffering a cumulative -2 modifier, which stacks every turn afterward, until they escape.
Pre-requisites: None
Cost: 1 Arc Tokens.
Battle History
(Note: This is not a reliable source for calculating Rasa's tokens, as all roleplays that she happens to capture prey in grant an additional token!)
- Deja - Loss: Digested while trying to climb through her intestines!
05/18/2010 - Games Room - Karalynn - Unfinished, presumed Loss: A extremely long game of shrink and unshrink! Rasa finally seemed to lose the advantage!
05/18/2010 - Games Room - Deja - Unfinished: Rematch! Rasa started off strong, and engaged her opponent!
05/18/2010 - Games Room - Deja - Unfinished: Deja proposed another rematch, instead. Deja had the upper hand!
06/26/2010 - Games Room
- This is generally a battle character using a d20 system, but can be used for general roleplay, as well!
- I don't mind ability/spell suggestions. In fact, I love them! Just try to keep in mind practicality and Rasa's personality when suggesting them!