
This profile was copied automatically from the old chat.

Okay. Seeing as I(the player) am an idiot and did not back up my profile, I'm rewriting it.

Project Starhammer(she prefers to be called Star) is a brilliant piece of machinery. Really, she is! Of course, that doesn't change the fact that she is.... a failure. She was designed to be the ultimate middle-class ship defense. Destroyers, escorts, and transports, all of them are her natural prey.

In theory.

In actuality, Star is.... less than effective. She cannot stand the thought of ending lives, and must be heavily encouraged to do so. She's far too timid, when it comes to actual combat against people. So she was modified, the A.I. shifted, so her focus is actually... in other places. Two cockpits were put in, one in her head and one in her... well, womb. The latter doubles as a med station, as well, and a small manufacturing center, which you'll hear more of later. In any case, with a pilot, she is far more successful.... but none of the pilots have met her approval, and were locked out.

So. She is a failure... that means that she was scheduled to be disassembled, her A.I. overwritten, and her body sold for scrap. And she was too shy to do anything about it. However, some kind soul told her to leave... so she did, as fast as she could, using the prototype MatterStream drive, to get here in less than five seconds... where she collapsed, her energy reserves depleted, and fell into a sort of stasis, in the crater she created.

Not too long after that, though, Andromeda found her. And, taking pity on the poor girl, revived her(in an interesting way). And so, Star found her way to a new home. She has yet to meet the other mecha around here, but she's sure she will someday!

Now. As for the stuff you lot want, well, thats simple enough. Star is a radical new approach to mecha. She has no weapons built into her body. Instead, she has twin energy emitters built into her arms, and a pair of modules. One, on her right arm, is an energy charge shaper. It converts the energy she emits into charges, like bullets almost, then fires them. There are three types so far. The solid stream is the msot draining, but it can melt through a capital ship in no time. Next are Buster rounds, which explode on impact. They use considerably less energy, and do moderately well against shields, unlike the stream. Lastly are needle rounds. These are like a swarm of tiny enrgy needles that rip right through shields and fighters. Excellent for crippling larger ships.

Her left arm is different. It is an energy field shaper. With it, she can generate force fields and the like. There are various types, of various energy consumption levels, but if the energy is properly looped she can provide greater protection than a capital ship's shield! With support satellites, she can protect and entire planet indefinitely. She can also generate an energy blade, and the module doubles as a pneumatic ram capable of piercing the hulls of most known vessels.

In addition to this... her skin is an unusual organic metal. She can use it in several odd ways. She can hold rather large things within herself, because she is stretchy(and can manipulate her skin to take things in, but that takes a long time). In addition, her skin can be healed with enough internal supplies, which she gains from eating. Yes, eating. She's a biological engine, of sorts. Organic or inorganic makes little difference to her, as far as food. She just tries not to hurt things, though, when she eats. Still, she will eat people. She'll feel bad after, but she'll do it.

She has just a few other things she can do.... yes. Just a few. She is a functional medical station, if she needs to be. She can also produce various things in her womb. Such as, for example... chibis! She makes chibi versions of herself. These are much more streamlined than her, though. Indeed, they need no modules for their weapons(such as they are). they also have little energy wings. Aside from that, they look identical to Star! Except, you know, shorter. 4 feet tall at most, as opposed to Star's 220 feet.

Maybe more later, who knows?

Chibi art was lost. If anyone saved it, please PUB me.
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