An advanced entry in

(Character inspired by and created with the help of Scarlet.)
Designation: 'Star Queen' Andromeda Alpha-101
Callsign: Andromeda/Andy-101
Height: 280 ft (Unequipped) 307 ft (Fully Outfitted)
Displacement: 6.86 Million Kilos (Unequipped) 9.1 Million Kilos (Fully Outfitted)
Blood Type: AB-
Age: 17 (Mental) 1.5 (Physical Frame)
Best Friend/Biggest Rival: Scarlet
Integrated Pilots: None.
__==__Eyes Only Document: Violet-1__==__
>Property of the Advanced Weapons Redevelopment Initiative.
>Signal Code and Genetic Match Required for access.
>Genetic Match: Code Tested against archived sample. ***PASSED***
>Access Granted.
Production and Design Notes of the AWRI 'Star Queen' Project
AWRI Personnel In Charge of 'Star Queen' Project:
Lt. Com. L. Rauch, Lead Designer Dr. E. Vauxhal, C. Leverance, H. Mohelson, B. Yang, O. Firelli, W. Kant.
Origination of the 'Star Queen' Project:
The success of the
Scarlet Interceptor prototype (
see R&D Tophalian Report, clearance level Violet-2)
has shown the promise of the research and creation of similar autonomous military units, capable of self-sufficient,
sustained operations in hostile and X-1 rated environments (
X-1 casualty rating: 93-100%). Cost effectiveness
and survivability/destruction ratios are well above typical limits, even for the prohibitive costs of such units being
put into full production. The retrieval of classified documents on the
Tophalian Project
allowed the commencement of parallel research and development, along with repurposement and redesign of systems, for maximized
efficiency and usefulness in desired situations. Multiple working models were considered, designed and discarded before the
Alpha-101, codenamed Andromeda by it's designers, was accepted for construction and production.
Basic design elements were adjusted from their origination model of the
Scarlet Interceptor.
Size and weight was drastically increased, resulting in a frame-height of 280 ft,, a difference of 20 feet in height,
and substantially more in weight.
Integration of the
Scarlet Interceptor's (hereafter referred to as 'source') modular
equipment system allowed a maximization of utility customization, and a compartmentalization of vital systems,
allowing ultra-efficient operations, even at levels of critical damage. Because of the larger size of the frame,
and weight and power constraints imposed by the proposed task parameters of the
a pair of ultra-efficient Bentley 1.9 GHP 5950R generators provide main power to the core systems. a third generator mount,
built to accept secondary power sources is included, but initially unused due to cost concerns. The outermost layer of
Alpha-101 is layered in the selfsame Regenex flesh that the
was, though the complex, sensor-bright Energen Plasma Shields were replaced with a fully-retrofitted and updated Viper Mk.
IV Citadel-class Particle Barrier, on order of a destroyer's defenses.
Because of the computing architecture difficulties encountered by the Tophalian team when developing the
Alpha-101 was designed along similar lines,
in the aim of keeping design and development costs minimal. Seven Quantex Chromo computers drive a solid
portion of her system, complimented with a fully active and engrammed SoulChip III core to order, arrange
and control all computing functions, as well as the systems and operation of the vessel itself. Engram for
the SoulChip III was provided by a volunteer, chosen to fit criteria suggested by psychological stress
profiling and age/skill matrices. The candidate was chosen young, in hopes that the resilience of the
immature consciousness would allow it to adapt to it's new surroundings more easily than a fully developed adult.
Built as a space-superiority heavy weapons platform
Alpha-101 measures a massive 280.22
feet by laser interferometry, displacing a total of 6.86 million kilos in weight. When fully equipped with all compatible modules,
it's height measures a full 27 feet taller, weighing in at an increased displacement of 9.1 million kilos. Designed for
combat against all classes of targets, the larger, heavier chassis allows for the mounting and support of a vast array of armarments.
Fuel considerations were also primary concerns with the increase in mass, and the
installation of the twin Bentley drives in the place of a larger, single drive as in the case of the
Source was also made with fuel efficiency in mind. Consumption rates at full displacement
run to .22 tons of pure hydrogen an hour. Elemental hydrogen can be collected in the field with the activation of ram
scoops, but must otherwise be refilled at a fueling station. Because of the similar bio mechanical structure to the
Source, operation at dangerously low fuel levels is possible at the compromise of lowered
efficiency, maneuverability, and increased sensor profile.
Thanks to the heavier build of
Alpha-101's profile and weight displacement,
her bulk is 123% of that of a Destroyer Escort, giving her the sensor profile when running unshielded of
something much closer to a fully-sized landing craft.
Defenses of the
Alpha-101 'Star Queen' were difficult to design, with it's task of effective usage
against all threat profiles, from ground targets, to fighters/bombers, to matching against capital-class ships.
Instead of the inarguably effective shield interlacing of the
the designers took the
Alpha-101 to the field of capital-class defenses. With twin generators, her power
consumption profile has a much higher theoretical maximum, allowing for the mounting of truly heavy-duty plating and a triple-layered
Citadel-class Particle Barrier, used as standard on Destroyers.
The final incarnation of that system, used in currently deployed ships of the line, was the Mk. III, but it was insufficient
for the purposes the
Alpha-101 would require. Creation and redesign of the Mk. IV began,
taking full account of the new and powerful computing architecture of the design it would be integrated with it. By balancing the
energy demands of the barrier systems across both generators, and the most current advances in miniaturization,
the system proved to be
just small enough to reasonably mount on the
Energy shielding at maximum operating threshold can exceed 60.2 GW, though the system weakens significantly when forced to
deal with multiple incoming assaults. Regenex flesh, providing kinetic resistance for up to 40.3 MJ,
less than the
Source owing to the greatly increased thickness and heavier weight of the covering.
Nanite-repair systems are located in key points across her chassis,
increasing self-sufficiency in long-term deployments, and allowing the
Alpha-101 to recover
from otherwise catastrophic and fatal damage. Nanite repair is, however, hideously power-intensive.
Offensive Capabilities
Torashtaya Assault Cannon (MAC)
A more compact and shorter range weapon system, the Torashtaya is built on the model of the 'assault rifle' infantry weapon,
albeit on a much larger scale. Nearly 50 feet in length, it is built on the same principles as the Magnetic Accelerator Cannons,
although such weapons are typically fitted on battleships and dreadnoughts. THe Torashtaya is a smaller model of this weapon, and
uses electromagnetic propulsion to fling armor-piercing fin-stabilized discarding sabot rounds (APFSDS) made of ultra-dense
magnetically reactive metals at speeds of nearly 30,000 m/s, the weight and density of the APFSDS rounds giving the weapons
incredible penetrating powers, as well as fantastically deadly kinetic impact. The Torashtaya is capable of firing nearly
300 rounds per second, although the effective range makes the weapon only truly viable in dogfights with other smaller craft,
rather than an effective weapon against capital ships.
Pulsed Particle Rifle
A rifle built specifically for use by 'Star Queen' Andromeda, it's scale and power is on par with that of a mid-sized destroyer's
main armaments. The rifle, capable of being integrated into her on board targeting systems to allow enhanced targeting and
accuracy, stands nearly 100 feet tall on it's own, from butt to tip. Capable of being stored alongside her IES, and designed
for such when not in use, the weapon is a devastatingly effective one, allowing her to to accelerate (by wave-type particle
accelerator) and fire pulses of charged particle streams that travel at nearly relativistic speeds, carrying a kinetic impact
of ~25 gigajoules of force on impact. The rifle itself is designed with a smaller fusion reactor inside of it, and a battery
storage area for it's ammunition and fuel sources, and can draw on Andromeda's own internal reservoir in prolonged engagements
Absolution-Class Beam Cannon
Originally designed for mounting on cruiser-class ships of the line, the Absolution-Class Beam Cannon is designed to punch through the
multi-layered energy and armor defenses of the largest of captial ships, such as dreadnoughts or battleships, with sustained fire.
Due to the massive energy requirements of the weapon, all other defensive and offensive systems must be powered down in order to charge
and fire it. Even so, the charge rate is such that the Cannon can only be used every twenty-five seconds or so, firing a beam of bottled
plasma designed to lance through energy and particle barriers and melt armor.
Multi-Harmonic Electromagnetic Pulse Array
A weapon made for fighting other mecha-girls, as important in her arsenal as any other. Strictly close-range, she has a bank of
variable-wave EM projectors spread across her chassis. In close proximity, Alpha-101 can engage the system. While it renders her sensors
blind to anything outside of her immediate vicinity, it also is designed to overwhelm hardened electronic and biological computer
systems, in order to disable enemy combatants. As mecha-girls are incredibly valuable, the capture of one is worth far more than
the mere destruction of one, so in engagements involving other mecha-girls, this will almost always be Alpha-101's final assault.
Utility Systems
Organic Containment and Reclamation Systems
With use of the Regenex flesh, and captured alien bio-craft, a substantial portion of Alpha-101's frame is essentially organic in
nature. A full, typically armored bust, capped with titanic nipples, stands proudly on her chest, and a toned, muscular stomach and
distinctly female, armor-hidden crotch is usually on display, sheathing an array of systems. Prison cells and/or biological generators
occupy that substantial bust, capable of literally imprisoning a full two dozen soldiers or officers, or turning biological matter
into fuel. Her stomach is made up of a single, much larger chamber. This can store something on the size of a fighter or transport
shuttle, allowing her to ferry important passengers, or to capture vital targets and return them to base.
Finally, she does seem to be equipped with a vaginal opening and 'womb', which serves as a small repair bay system or a workshop in
which to break down or gather intelligence on things that are captured. It has a similar capacity to her stomach.
Her 'pilot station' is accessed via her mouth, though a different passage must be accessed in order to reach it, instead of descending
to her stomach holding chamber.
Personality Assessment of AI framework, self-identified as 'Andromeda'
Andromeda is an advanced Artificial Intelligence, a framework on distributed quantum computing cores, with a bio-organic network
offering both storage and processing enhancement capabilities. Instead of designing and iterating the development of her AI from scratch,
or from existing commercially available templates, the personality and emotional makeup of a girl (Test Subject 9J) were carefully
examined, dissected and uploaded into multiple redundant backups, before being allowed to interface with one another and a carefully
chosen library of knowledge including aerospace operations and combat, military training and tactics, physics and engineering, as well
a curated list of 'historical records'. All of these pieces were chosen to mold the budding AI into a machine fully capable of
independent and prolonged operation, as well as malleability and loyalty.
In the end, each of the backup versions of Andromeda's developing personalities and intelligences were pitted against one another,
until only one copy remained. Then this personality was copied and uploaded, and the process was iterated one hundred times. The final
end product is the 'Andromeda' that is mounted in the Alpha-101 chassis. Somewhat innocent in standard human interaction and social
norms, she is devastatingly intelligent, and almost insatiably curious. Unfortunately, the fratricide of her fellow selves has left her
with less of a moral standing than one might hope for. She had to be ruthless to survive.