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{{ment to be read as data entry, working on profile, general story below}}
[[only story toons can get past DnD ^^ otherwise pub when DnD sign is up ^^]]
....So.. one day, I was in the liberty... whispers and such.. and I was noticing girls being Perma vored.. I tracked the source.. I'm not gunna lie.. I have a thing for strong, Dominate types.... they are a challenge to me..
After this strange computer portal like thingy appeared which I'm even gunna try to explain.. happen, I appeared inside the liberty itself and met Sandrice herself for the first time...
So here I am, the Player_Silks... new to this whatever, Nexus right?... Soo...who wants to help out a sweet southern girl from Georgia out with a few things?
Things I need:
PANTS!!! I Still need them! only have one pair now~
An adviser!
Like.... whats up with this reforming thing..also.. ya know.. the basics.. Sandrice keeps informing me I'm gunna be perma vored.. and I'm trying to avoid becoming a mindless mass inside of someone.. even thou the thought of something like that does arouse me!! God I'm doomed!
So..theres people out there in the nexus that I've...mmm...shall we say..made an impression on... in one way or another.... I'm sure people like Hot_Hime and Silrath would soon realize "I'm" around.. and even thou they turn me on and all.... I send my "girls" in to get milked, turned into breeding cattle.. or be seduced by lovely creatures only to be their meal.. I... find it safer to watch I guess ^^;... but now I'm in the line of fire...ohhh.. Jive?... Kuri...mmm.. that new cute Jaycen guy who keily let go of.. Hey boys..wanna help a girl out.. got any pants??
Anyways.. I'll add more later.. byes ^^
Ohh!! so, I'll make this page better later.. [now cursed never to change] but here's my alts Thanks k bye!
Journal entry Day One:
So.. encountered Sandrice... she kinda took me surpise.. she was much stronger then me.. hot thou.. she kinda.. fucked me pretty hard.. saying I was hers over and over again? yea.. well, afterwards she left me there.. of course I didnt stay, got out, regained my sinces. met some Very strange but.. soo far seemingly friendly.. these Darkwing_Swarm brought her their place.. now one of them is teaching her body this place.. and asking to be eaten..
I hope I find some of the people, before I encounter others, Like Ross_D_Heuchan.. or Silrath.. Maybe Venetius he was always a nice one..
Anyways.. hope I get outta here safely
Hazuna_Household log:
after finally leaving Kero Village and having a "wonderful" winter season
with Keily,Teza and more importantly Bryci ...ouch... I made my way to the Hazuna_Household port city... and met up with Hot_Hime
after leaving Ryu_Renkai side, Hot_Hime gave me a little tour.. She seemed to respect my wishes of not partaking in feeding one of her breeding cattle girls.. even thou allowed me to see what types of plants she harvested.. after that i retired to my room..
[reminder to self: update profile]
also, after a course of events Jess has been physically and mentally altered and now lives in a very dangerous jungle.. [will update on story later]

So... we have: