
Info Story so far...

Oliver is a gentle soul and wishes to harm no one. He only wishes to study the world of magic, this obsession keeps him sidetracked very often

Name: Oliver Guvius

Age: 17

Gender: male

Likes: ...

Dislikes: Ghosts, ...

Personality: Adventurous

From the moment he could talk Oliver had a deep interest in magic

All of Oliver's previous teachers refused to teach him magic

He comes from a kingdom called Pridian that has been destroyed by war

He is an orphan


Magical Mindy rescued Oliver with Lanima, Saerena Cobra and Rogue. After entering the park Oliver met Fran the Omnibus who gifted him a part of her soul so he may reform when needed. Lanima gave a small tour to Oliver along with Mindy before he rented a tavern room where he now resides

Fran the Omnibus offered Oliver some of her blood making him immune to diseases, poisons and mind control while making him part demon

Oliver solved a riddle from Frog of the swamp and earned a bracelet that controls his magical energy. He also has a small bunny tail and ears left by Magical Mindy and the frog that were later removed by the latter

Oliver visted a strange facility know as The Conflux. He reached the lowest floor and rescued a pet parrot that he calls Indy.

Magical Mindy gave Oliver a basic lesson in portal using, after that she turned him into a plushy. Khaydarin Switched the stuffing inside him and offered Oliver a place to stay for as long as he needs to

Oliver received Mercy's wings as a gift from Frog of the swamp

Oliver was caught in an explosion after a machine called Hunterkiller self-destructed

Oliver met Blake Pendragon and taught him how to use lighting magic

Oliver is the apprentice of Jade Marwen who teaches him how to better control his magical abilities

He now has a store in New Pridian

Oliver received an urn from Dolmund containing raw holy magic and opened it. The blood received from Mother of Chaos causes damage to his body when reacting with this new magic. Francis however managed to fix this by removing the corrupt blood. Francis taught Oliver how to combine elements, he also trained him on fire and shadow magic.

Lighting magic

Portal creation

Holy magic

Fire magic

Shadow magic

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