
Nothing could possibly eat another Elder Dragon. Elder Dragons are forces of nature unbridled. Unfortunately, there exists one such monster girl that preys solely on their ilk. No matter their size, she eventually fits them into her body except the mighty ZorahMagdarosGirl. Her easily swallowed snacks include mainly KirinGirls
Wielding immeasurable amounts of stamina and ferocity, she forcefully takes what she wants with her might. With a body whose spikes grow harder over time and an appetite to rival DeviljhoGirl, she seeks whatever free meal she can engorge herself on. Even other hunters who think they can stand up to her majesty.
Make no mistake, if one is encountered...chances of escape are slim at best. You'll either manage to escape on foot and in tatters or in her belly.
(Player starts with 300 Health and Escape Counter begins at 12)
NergiganteGirl Moves
Quick Swipe- Roll a !1d25 for damage and player rolls the same. If roll is higher than the players, they take damage. If lower, they avoid it. If Rage Mode is active and the Widespread Roll is over 15 when avoided, deals half the damage rolled.
Wing Basher- Roll a !1d30 for damage and player rolls the same. If roll is higher than the player's, they take damage and are Stunned. If lower, they avoid it. If Rage Mode is active and the Widespread Roll is over 15 when avoided, deals half the damage rolled.
Head Slam- Roll a !1d40 for damage and player rolls the same. If roll is higher than the player's, they take damage and take additional damage in the form of a !1d15. If lower, they avoid it. If Rage Mode is active and the Widespread Roll is over 15 when avoided, deals the damage rolled.
Rounding Leap- Roll a !1d20. If evens, disorients the player then roll !1d2. 1= Rolls for Quick Swipe w/out player roll. 2= Rolls for Head Slam w/out player roll. If odds, they are not disoriented.
Mega Tail Crush- Roll a !1d30 for damage and player rolls the same. If roll is higher than the player's, they take damage and Ingested (Tail) if helath is 150 or below or the player is stunned. If lower, they avoid it. If Rage Mode is active and Widespread Roll is over 15 when avoided, they take half the damage rolled.
Turning Uppercut- Chained to any attack that was avoided by an odd roll. Roll a !1d35 for damage and player rolls the same. If roll is higher than the player's, deal damage and they are Stunned. If lower, they avoid it. If Rage Mode is active and the Widespread Roll is over 15 when avoided, deals half the damage rolled
Diving Fist Slam- If in Rage Mode, can be used immediately after a Player is Stunned. Roll a !1d50 for damage and player rolls the same. If roll is higher than the player's, deal damage and if Health is 150 or less, player is Ingested (Stomach). If lower, they avoid it. If Rage Mode is active and the Widespread Roll is over 15 when avoided, deals half the damage rolled.
Rage Mode- Activates when Escape Counter is at 6. All damage rolls are doubled if they connect and allows all attacks a Widespread Roll availalbe only while active in the form of a !1d30
Helldive- Only usable in Rage Mode. Ends Rage Mode. Roll a !1d100 for damage and player rolls the same then a Widespread Roll in the form of a !1d30. If roll is higher than the player's, they take damage and are Ingested by rolling a !d3. 1= Oral. 2=Unbirth 3=Tail. If lower, they avoid it...but if Widespread Roll is over 15, they take the damage that was rolled.
Ingested(Stomach/Unbirth/Tail)- While ingested, player takes damage in the form of a !1d20 and can escape by rolling a !1d20. If higher than 15, they escape.
Part of MHW_Game