
Age: 18
Orientation: Bisexual (female and effeminate male leaning)
Current Lover: n/a
Friends: Olivia_Walker
General Bust Size: C-D range
Height: 5' 7"
Normal Weight: 118 lbs

Ask of me what you will, I'll get it done! ...Don't mind that crater over there, your dog needs to watch where he's going.
Natalie Thurman is a maid under the employ of Cailini_Gra. She cares for her highness dearly, although given the princess' busy life on top of her nerdiness, she is fairly certain she can never have her. At least she's content with ensuring the princess' happiness however she can when available, and the other maids of the castle keep her entertained... as well as the kingdom's supply of explosives. More on that later.

The dress that Natalie is often seen wearing is all one piece, which she has mixed feelings on. Granted, it's easy to slip on, and it defies gravity enough to prevent unfortunate panty shots, but it being one piece would make it... easy for powerful people to find her almost in the nude. Sadly for her, she lacks a bra a majority of the time, and one slip on the job would result in a rather embarassing wardrobe malfunction. Easy to repair, but she'd much rather not be caught with a bare boob hanging out.

Natalie is often described as having the personality of a young man, often interested in breaking things when she is allowed. And frankly, she shows shades of this in her active work, often handling things roughly when frustrated. Luckily for her, she's seldom broken anything valuable, but it's still not a good idea to leave her with sensitive materials when she's frustrated. Despite this, she has moments of being incredibly cute (as most maids do), and tends to mean well. When put under immense stress, she likes to blow it off by playing pranks on her master or whomever's hired her, as well as related parties. Some of which involve fire.

Under normal circumstances, Natalie is very much affiliated with explosives, to the point where she wishes she were born to a family of Scottish explosives masters. Grenades, small bombs, C4, all that good stuff. She's very invested in the art of being able to blow the crap out of someone or something in a single blow while standing at a safe distance, which for her, means not directly on top. That's where we get to her other traits. In truth, Natalie is a hereditary magical girl as well as a maid, her family having served the king and queen before her. When she starts channeling the magical energies within her body, she can tap into an ability known as "Ghost". Basically, stuff moving slow enough will phase right through her as if though she wasn't there. The more energy she pumps through her veins, the faster the objects she can phase through, all the way through her other forms.

Level One is anything ranging from muggle levels of magical energy to roughly 35% capacity. Between 35% and 60% is within the Level Two range. She gains the ability to harness ectoplasmic energy (think Danny Phantom) into beams, shields or swords, as well as her broom being the primary object through which she uses these forms. 61% to 80% capacity is Level Three, and she's never gone beyond that. Her clothing becomes skimpier still (a fact she's none too happy about), and her powers grow. Most energy blasts are added to the things that phase right through her, and she gains complete immunity to her own explosives, although she's still capable of using them to propel herself through the air like a certain black Scottish cyclops. She's also capable of cloning herself up to five replicas, each of them capable of utilizing energy blasts. In any given form, she can only hold it for roughly fifteen minutes before her energy gives out and she passes out. When she wakes up again, for some reason, she's really horny for women...

Meido ZergAlts alt. Hurrr.

Don't worry, your dog's alright. I'd be more worried about that raccoon he was chasing, though. And your girlfriend. ^^;

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Level Two.

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Level Three.

Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike Refer to ZergAlts for full sliders.
Whisper Always/Love