This profile was copied automatically from the old chat.
Nahktu is a youngling from a recently discovered tribe of the Ahmanzi. They aren't too savage, willing to peacefully talk and work those who had discovered them. They even sent lucky Nahktu to be their ambassador. Rather like lackey. He was forcibly enrolled to a school where vore wasn't allowed, but was expected. It's punishable, of course, not like he'd understand what he was being punished for. They can't really do much, as his people have a heavy bond with another, and if pain is dealt, they would quickly become angered.
Nahktu didn't exactly want to leave his homelands to come here, but he was chosen by the chief, more or less to get him out of their lands. They didn't like his color, instead of blending in with the surroundings, the outstanding blue in his scales caused him to be an easily spotted prey, failing as a warrior, and the motivation to learn failed as well. Oh, he'd be a great hunter if he had some different colored scales! But that's life.
The naga tends to be very docile, feeding on both willing and unwilling prey, but willing prey will probably never be digested, as unwilling will. Being male, he does have that certain something which females desire. He's a special case, though, as he secretes a powerful musk, overwhelmingly powerful. Addictive, and arousing, his musk can quickly swell forth from being barely noticeable to up in your nose, screwing with your rational thoughts! Though, he's of course a gentlemen... He doesn't know much of the English language, but he gets by with the few words he knows!
Nahktu's torso is about 7'2", while his length is a stunning 28 feet! Of course, he's still young, so give him time to grow! He's a full predator, try not to eat him now! Just about everything else is alright. He's somewhat skittish to fast movements, so, if you don't want him to particularly zoomed in on you, just use slow movements.
Nahktu's enrolled in a school, transfer student. He's met a lovely filly named Riena and already has taken a shining to her. After defending her when she was struck, and eating her assailant, he's stayed with her since, thinking that she would need his protection. After a night being with her, fun had passed and he's staying with her, planning on it staying that way for a long long time to come!