Name | Nabi Mudai |
Nickname | Kitten |
Birthday | August 10 |
Likes | Walking at sunset, fairy tales, romance stories |
Dislikes | Handsy customers, dogs |
Fun Fact | Has never even held a boy's hand! |
Bio |
Nabi certainly never saw herself as the type to work in a maid café. She didn’t need the money, and while not shy, per se, she was certainly reserved beyond the point of dressing up in costume and flirting — or going further — with male customers. Besides, maid cafés seemed passé and seedy: more an opportunity for promiscuous girls to advertise themselves to men on the hunt than a legitimate workplace. Still, with all of her classmates getting jobs, Nabi was beginning to draw undue attention from the other girls: “too rich to work” is rarely a good look. Moreover, she wanted something to do after school — and even with parents willing to pay for everything, what high schooler doesn’t want pocket money without strings attached? Finding a job so late in the year proved difficult, however. Other students had long since snagged most of the service jobs. She had no choice but to turn to the cafés she had once turned her nose up at, but even those had all long since hired their yearly cadre of girls…all but one: Maru’s Maid Café. Everyone knew Maru’s, but not for its menu. Maru’s was the sort of place that had colored Nabi’s initial perception of the industry. Maru’s was where the people who got kicked out of other cafés went to do things they could never get away with elsewhere, where guests were just as likely to play with their waitress as with their food. But they always seemed to have a “help wanted” sign up… Working at Maru’s has given Nabi a new reputation amongst her classmates, but she doesn’t mind. She’s taken a liking to the job, channeling a cheerful, flirty version of herself that only the costume can draw out of her — and, of course, running to meet the mailman so she can collect her paycheck before her parents have a chance to see the return address. It’s not too bad, she’s found, so long as she’s quick on her feet: the men can be grabby, but she’s done a good job so far at never being pinned down for too long. Some of the other girls have a bet running on how long she can keep it up — her luck’s bound to run out eventually. |
Fate |
Nabi was let go after not coming in to work for a week. She turned up eventually: if you'd like to see her, just head into the forest, following the strands of silver hair still fluttering from the occasional bush, and eventually you'll find the missing maid — or what's left of her. A pile of bones; a tangled mat of hair; the pinned, fluttering components of an ownerless maid costume; and a leering, jawless skull, crowned with a pair of spat-up panties. She hardly looks as good as she did going down — but judging by the dried splatter of cum in the dirt nearby, her good looks didn't go completely to waste. ☠️ |