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The last stand of the Seven Nations, allied in defiance of the Witch-King, took place on a cold, steel-skied winter's day, in the Arleth Glen.
She offered them mercy, as the armies lined up, taking formations, shouting ordered.
"Throw down your arms!" She called, with a dark smile, green eyes luminous with bloodlust, visible even from hundreds of yards away.
"Throw them down, and surrender to me. Your death's will be quick. Resist, and I will slaughter you and your families when I conquer your homes."
Men quavered in fear at her voice, so rich, so full of confidence and danger. But they held fast, the generals of their combined armies rallying their troops.
Now blood stains the earth. The men, those who were left, they begged for mercy, begged to be spared.
But the Emerald Defiler, the brazen whore who the Witch-King called his Voice, only laughed at the pleas. Already, she'd met and defeated each of our generals in single combat, outright slaying two, eating two more alive, and stuffing each of the last three.. I.. I can't say.... But they never re-emerged."
-Eyewitness Account of the Battle of Arleth Glen, the final stand of the Army of Seven Nations.
Lushai, the Emerald Defiler, who burned hundreds of temples to the ground or perverted their altars and idols with profane markings, forever corrupting the holy purity of the places as worship-centers. The Voice of the Witch-King, general of his armies and notable warrior in her own right, her word taken as his will.
She's a woman of grave infamy, with many names heaped upon her, in glory and spite. Historians note that Lushai's leadership, and her own deadly talents and savvy for strategy likely greatly helped to lead the Witch-King and his armies to victory over the combined might of the Seven Nations.
Lushai's true origins are known by few indeed. The most notable and generally accepted rumors say that she was created by the Witch-King himself as a tool for his conquest, shaped and forged by him to be used as a weapon and sent out in to the world with a portion of his power and will to do it. Fainter, more insidious rumors insist she is a traitor of the grandest magnitude, who leaned at the feet of the renowned paladina Charity Cormack of Falacaerr, and betrayed her trust and teachings, turning to the Witch King once she'd acquired enough knowledge, and that, indeed, had used the paladina and Maternal Guardian solely for her talents in those areas, as a teacher. The truth may lie somewhere in between, but only Lushai, Charity, and the Witch-King know the truth for certain. She emerged as a the deadly Voice and Will of the Witch-King in the chaotic months after the siege of Caer Huin ended in the sacking of the massive fortress-city, and the reported loss of a powerful artifact, a remnant of the Witch-King's power long separated from him. Rumors say it may even be the corrupt blade Lunereitic
Legends speak of a towering woman, amazonian in size and stature, with hair of the brightest red, and eyes of flickering green crystal. In truth, the tales are not far from fact. Lushai is indeed well above the height of an average woman, standing a full six and a half feet tall. She's built along slender, lanky lines, with her long limbs corded with hard muscle, given to her by years of training and hard, unforgiving life. Brilliant emerald eyes, luminous and piercing, are set in a pretty face, unmarred by scars or burns from her long years of war. The face is haloed by a thick, endless cascade of flaming-red curls, which she typically lets hang free, well past her shoulders, but has been known to restrain on occasion for convenience's sake. She has a slender, aquiline nose, and high cheek bones which only serve to accent her arrogant, haughty appearance.
A smooth, well-defined jaw completes her attractive face. While rumor flies of Lushai, the temptress, and her appearance certainly doesn't disappoint, in that aspect. A tight fitting leather bodice, accented with a metal-and-leather harness that allows her armored pauldrons and gauntlets to hang comfortably from her frame, only makes her attractive bust more eye-catching, or the smooth, unblemished skin, so soft that it looks touchable, even if the forbidding, dark grin of the woman would warn one off. Well-maintained, and obviously well-used steel paudrons offer her shoulders protection, while her right arm is clad in a well-crafted steel gauntlet, armoring the limb from fingertip to shoulder. Her other is more lightly armored, clad in supple, but well-crafted leather, enough to turn a blow or two.
Around her hips clings an indecently short skirt, barely enough to cover her hips, just loose enough to allow her full freedom of movement, though it clings in distracting ways to the curves of her powerful hips and ass. Her feet are clad in calf-high leather boots, sturdy and road-tested.
A heavy leather mantle falls from her shoulders, to around the level of her waist, typically, although she's also seen in a larger, flowing cloak, if she needs to hide her identity.
And, most notably, a heavy iron collar rests around her neck, a never-ending reminder of something, no doubt, and certainly with no visible clasp to be removed by.
In some ways, what she doesn't wear is as much part of her outfit as what she does. Her full, well-tanned bust is strikingly presented, heaving within it's leather confines, a rune or two visible atop the flesh there, inked on by Lushai herself. In a similar way, her arms, stomach, legs and back are all inked with sigla of unknown purpose and power, rumored to be of use in summoning arms and armor to her side when she needs it. Certainly, there's numerous examples of the bastard sword and falchion that she favors appearing like smoke in her gloved hands. Her stomach is perfectly smooth, well-defined with taut muscle, and steely to the touch, as any Guardian's would be. Her hips give some nod to her feminine nature, padded with a slight surplus of fat, enough to soften the powerful muscles of her hips and thighs, and to give eye-pleasing curve to her body.
Lushai's talents range from swordplay and large-scale tactics to intimidation, assassination and subterfuge. She's a talented fighter, a dangerously keen judge of character and manipulator, and, more worryingly, one of the terrifying, morality-free Maternal Guardians, a dark sister of a syndicate of her own.
Where the Witch-King requires only one dark Guardian to serve him as Voice and Will, Lushai has seen the advantage in having a wider range of the evil Guardians working for her. One cannot compete against numbers alone, no matter the strength of the one. So, she began her own syndicate, dedicated to the capture and conversion or execution of her holier sisters, to weaken and destabilize her master's enemies, and to, with enough time, begin to wear away at the base of the Maternal Guardian's favored position.
Unbirth is her primary weapon beyond her martial skills. Her capabilities with such things are nearly unparalleled, and many of the legendary feats of destruction and defiling have gained a mythical quality in the retelling, owing to her skill.
She also possesses the rune-making talents of her holier brethren, which allows her to manifest armor, weapons and other more mystical effects in near proximity to her body or on those trapped within her inescapable prison of a womb.
In addition, Lushai possesses a near-immunity to most toxins, posions and drugs, granted by the harsh training she forced on her own body.
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