
"Red, right? Never heard of her."
Name: "Lucy Ella Lane"
Age: Her assumed form appears to be anywhere around 25.
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 129 lbs
Ethnicity: Her assumed form is caucasian
Body Shape: Slender, shapely (usually).
Occupation: She bounces from job to job, just long enough to get what she wants from it.
Hobbies: Eating people.
Family: ???
Luciella, or Lucy Ella, as she spells on her forged documents, is little more than your every
day monster. She's a shapeshifter, who can assume your appearance, retain your memories and
emulate your habits and verbal tics with flawless accuracy, once she sucks you through her
tail and crushes you down to soup. She cannot transform into the same outfit you were wearing
at the time of consumption, however, and thus often has to find some form of contingency plan
if she intends to use your shape to deceive others.
More often, though, she'll just gobble you up and never think of you again. <3

"In you go, Peaches~"
-Despite how the profile was written, I strongly prefer scenes written in the third person
from both parties.
-Her primary form of devouring others is via her tail, nearly identical to Cell-style tail
vore, although her's is much thinner and overbearingly tight. Oral is on the table, though.
-This is a massive WIP, so please give her time to grow.
List of Forms
Below is a list of women who have been devoured by Luciella and will no longer exist within
the universe that she's in. The first few are my own alts - any one else added to the list
will be by the players own request. This will allow me to use an eyecon of that character and
a font color emulating them. This is not permavore unless otherwise stated.
Sherri Broadbent - an overnight stocker at a local supermarket; the host for her main body.
-Server_Red - "This can't be happening, she sobs, as it happens~."
-AlexxAnarchy- "It's hard to look tough when your bravado is running down your leg, love"
-Danielle - "Funny how all your followers abandon you when the only place left to follow
you is into my guts, huh~?"
-Morgan_Blackwell - "And try not to worry about 'what if's' and 'if I had done this
differently...'s, because, frankly, my dear - the moment I laid eyes on you, you
were going to die screaming inside of me <3"
Churned Forever~

Sara_Irving - Sara picked a terrible first day to begin her career at BottomsUp! The short staffing meant that the brand new hire would have to close
the restaurant all on her own - an opportunity the ravenous shapeshifter took full advantage of. The shapely, bottom-heavy newbie was initially going to be one of Luciella's
new shape's, but perhaps inspired by one Panther's recent disposal of several other employee's, coupled with a sadistic desire to humiliate the girl, Luci opted to show Sara just
how capable of shapeshifting she is - producing a lurid, lengthy cock to send the supple, sobbing cutie slurping down into; churned up in the predator's furnace-hot balls and
finally purged into a stretched, latex condom to burble away forever on LunaRhea's desk. Bye Sara<3