
Name: Luna Rhea
Age: 36
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 179lbs
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Body type: Curvy, Bottom-heavy.
Occupation: Co-Owner and FOH Manager at BottomsUp! bar and grill! Previously a stay-at-home mom.
Hobbies: Jogging, Reading, Occassionally going out.
Family: Cupcake (Bratty, daughter), Tyler, Fiance(?)
Miss Luna Rhea
Manager and Co-Owner of BottomsUp! Bar and Grill!
After a recent series of disappearances, attempted murders between staff members, and the sudden, harrowing loss of her beloved daughter,
An angry, grieving Luna has taken full control over her fiance's failing business; demanding executive control from the disloyal partner in order to save his business and
hopefully save their relationship.
The first roadblock on Luna's quest for control was Server_Red. While the former mother of one had no proof, she suspected that the shapely Lacey had herself been
the one who had spread rumors about her cousin Alex's disappearance, and the one responsible for it, a stubborn CEO by the name of Miss_Natalya's, interest in her. That caught her admittedly
not the brightest young daughter's attention and ultimately led to her own disappearance in the feline's limo. Luna had herself already been dealing with the cat; the Panther was
keenly interested in acquiring BottomsUp! and absorbing it into one of her many assets - but not so keen as she was to absorb Luna herself, and of course - Lacey. The manager
bargained with the intimidating CEO, setting a trap for the insolent redhead at the end of her shift one day by offering her a spiked drink. That was all she had to do, before Natalya's people
came, hauled the bottom-heavy homewrecker away, and subjected her to a torturous trivia game where every wrong answer resulted in her being dragged closer to the pulsing cockhead
waiting at the end of that bobbling, squeaking condom. Live streamed, Luna curled up with a cup of hot cocoa and watched with a sense of sadistic delight; vengeful victory over the vapid bimbo
who had nearly ruined her relationship, her job, and had been the catalyst for her daughter's churning end.
That didn't mean she forgot Natalya's very active part in Victoria's disappearance, but that revenge would have to come a deal slower, and through means of business.
Now, with her boyfriend's leash pulled taut, and uncontested control over his company and his cock, the confident, cutthroat Luna Rhea is taking BottomsUp! in a radically (not really)
new direction. The process for hiring is going to be more elaborate; not just the size of the would-be-server's ass and how good they look in a crop top. Nor are any servers going to be getting
special treatment. All waitresses must adhere to the dress-code. However, the dress-code is going to be more slack - as long as the legwear are black or gray, a server may wear them - including leggings.
Furthermore, the company will not be (illegally) exclusively hiring human women - Men and women of all backgrounds may apply to work at the restaurant as long as they pass a criminal record's check.
With a no-nonsennse sort of leadership and a desperation to move passed the last traumatic few months, Miss Luna Rhea is ready to take BottomsUp and her life into a brighter, better future!
-Luna is Prey. If she does pred, it will be ooc and considered non-canon in any capacity. Typically I only pred for friends, and those who I think
look really desirable - so please don't ask repeatedly, especially if I give a flat no the first time.
-She's always going to be played unwilling, and is mostly for grab and gulps, though I am interested in playing and expanding on the BottomsUp setting.
-Her clothes stay on. If you want a Sex scene, talk about it first. If you tear off her pants in the middle of a scene with no warning, I'll end
it then and there.
-Very whisper friendly! But please don't approach in-character or in FIRST PERSON. It weirds me out.
-I prefer Headfirst, and my prefered styles of vore are Oral and Cock.
-Bondage and kidnapping play are also extremely adored.
Like daughter, like mother. Luna thought she could outsmart the predatory pantheress with her business savvy and keep her own churning demise at bay by feeding the insatiable
feline from her own, unknowing staff list. It might have worked - for a while - but the bottom-heavy, former manager found herself forcibly retired when Miss Natalya cornered her in her office,
slammed her over her desk, sucked her in whole and alive, and churned the uppity, pleading ballfiller into a thick white load. The predatory panther took photos of the doomed manager on Luna's
own phone, texting the Bottoms Up! text group with the announcement that she was the new owner of the failing company - and for her staff to make sure not to disappoint their new boss.
Not even permitted to wobble away as a trophy cumbag like her daughter, the sobbing CEO was churned and pumped away into the staff bathroom's toilet, flushed away in a white mess for her former staff members
to mop up.
Enjoy your retirement, Miss Luna <3