
(The Latest entries are at the bottom.)

The following is a List of stuff
Miler has stolen; condensed
into a floating mass of paper hellbent on stealing valuables,
eating objects, and defying the government...

NAME: List of Larceny
ALIAS: List / Larceny
SPECIES: Construct
GENDER: None / is Masculine
AGE: 7,348
BIRTHDAY: November 11th
ALIGNMENT: Lawful evil
JOB: Guardian of Miler’s possessions / Professional criminal
HEIGHT: 12"ft /365cm "default height"
WEIGHT: Unknown
DISTINCT FEATURES: Is completely made out of paper, has a number of green eyes popping out around his form, has countless tendrils in place of legs, a neutral expression, and he has a pencil lodged into his hair.

LOVES: Larceny, serving Miler, serving those with access to him.
HATES: Intruders to Miler’s home, police, fae spirits, threats, ListOfAlly.
FEARS: Erasers, ListOfFatality.
GOAL: Be the indefinite Curator of Miler's Inventory, Steal stuff.

PERSONALITY: List is mostly emotionless and devoid of any true feeling, only replicating expression using the things Miler put inside him and his experiences from observing Miler. He can replicate joy, sadness, and even mischievousness, but lacks the capacity to truly feel it. He cannot outright lie either… take that however you want.
The one emotion he does seem to have a grasp on though is sheer fucking HATRED. He will immediately drop whatever facade of joy or general neutrality currently smeared across his face when he or his occupation as Miler’s home security is threatened, viciously hunting down intruders and… disposing of them.
The helpfulness or tendency to throw things related to someone’s dilemma is merely a byproduct of faulty ‘coding’ from Miler to make List more reliable in day-to-day activities. Further glitching may take the form of randomly messing with people or throwing less... helpful things.

Say the words; Crime, Theft, or Steal, at your own risk.

ORIGIN STORY: List was created by one of the first Milers to fall through the multiverse, first appearing as a small piece of paper that began to be passed through countless other Milers each time the last one died. Every exchange usually coincided with the current Miler leaving a piece of his personality or ‘vibe’ embedded into the List’s form.
Eventually, one Miler got overwhelmed by loneliness after an… incident… and opted to use the number of science fiction and magic stuff he stole to remake the List and give it consciousness. The process took multiple years and countless gurgled Milers before one eventually got it right, the former checklist now becoming its own unique entity and loyal servant to the kleptomaniac.

POWERS: List is capable of passing through dimensions and appearing wherever he wants just like Miler, possessing the same interdimensional sight in turn. Where he exceeds his creator is his sheer size and ability to regenerate his form rapidly, growing any number of paper tendrils he wants for any given task. These tendrils can be molded and shifted around to give List any shape he wants, allowing him to grow or shrink however he pleases. Finally, the inside of his body is affected by hammer space and he can swallow anything without making so much as a bump.
His internals are green, luminescent, and fleshy, far different from the paper making up the outside of his body.

Crime Game!!! - !1d20
0: Gift or Stolen before money was thrown at the owner.
5-6:Worthless Junk
7-8:Barely valuable.
9-10:Average Trinket
11-12:Above Average
15-16:Extra Rare, Large, and/or Notable
17-18:Historic Treasure

0 - 800 tons of popcorn
0 - 17 crates of M'n'Ms
0 - A taco truck
17 - A handmade greatsword fashioned with stolen jewelry
0 - 20 tons worth of car batteries
0 - A fortune teller robot
0 - 17 wedding cakes
13 - 36 Ceramic Jars of lava
0 - A carton of nutmeg
0 - 3 tree grown potatoes
0 - a series of collectable popcorn buckets
16 - godzilla's toenail
10 - 18 electric wheelchairs
15 - A green dump truck
5 - 3 dubloons
12 - an entire aquarium of sea life
17 - 10% of the catalog of the Library of Alexandria
6 - A rainbow party horn
20 - An Alligator Snapping Turtle. "Fortissax my Beloved"
7 - the main gun of an M1-Abrams
20 - 81,403 seperate lego sets.
0 - 4 UV lamps
14 - An Exorcism kit
16 - A pagan Death God relic
20 - an original copy of Shadow of The Colossus
6 - a rope and 2 anvils
9 - 23 steel cages.
8 - A cyberware Pc Tower
0 - a possessed teddy bear
0 - a crab in samurai armor
5 - 37 decks of playing cards
18 - Buddha's library card
17 - A filing cabinet
6 - A shopping cart
17 - the Sarcophagus of an egyptian pharaoh
12 - anakin skywalker's legs
0 - a laser gun that sends the entirity of Underground by Tom Waits into someone's head
10 - 2 sacks of Carls Jr's nuggets
11 - 120 gallons of acid
19 - A crimson warstaff from ancient china
6 - 6 car engines
12 - 370 sticks of dynamite
5 - A black pickaxe
11 - 7 gallons of sticky glue
14 - An AC-130 warthog
16 - General Greivous' stache of lightsabers
7 - The wheel of a monster truck
0 - The diginity of a Finnish Forest God
0 - A blunt wrapped in an endangered plant species
8 - A honda civic with a human shaped dent on the hood
0 - Dimensional laser pistol
0 - A plushie of a Dimensional laser pistol
10 - A Medieval Catapult.
9 - Black Bagpipes
5 - 2 red kazoos
14 - The Demon Core
20 - A Reality destroying donut
14 - A triceratops skull
16 - A ball pit that sends you to a dimension of playground themed demons
14 - A golden statue of Bender from Futurama in a napoleonic soldier uniform
16 - 470 meter large chunk of the moon
7 - A traffic cone with a katana in the side
15 - 7 Hot Topic stores
9 - Waluigi's spare hat
14 - A bag of human-sized lobsters
0 - Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas on blue-ray
14 - A statue of a Megalodon containing 69 fire spirits
19 - Optimus prime's left horn
11 - Alternate dimension Hag Brew recipe
0 - Chriax's saliva
6 - A barrel of fake swords
5 - A cash register with 483 dollars inside
0 - A laser pistol that turns people into plushies
0 - A hammer made out of many smaller hammers
19 - The first spear created by mankind
15 - 7837 Cajun sausages
11 - A lead deck of playing cards
0 - Fourty-eight magnesium pills
0 - Transformers on DVD
0 - GI-JO on DVD
0 - The Simpsons movie on DVD
0 - Howard the Duck on DVD
0 - A new york giant's jersey
20 - Mr Bean on DVD
18 - Bloodborne 2
13 - An enterprise of white vans
13 - A genie lamp with superglue on the lid
1 - Something that isn't a hat
16 - The second american penny ever manufactured
14 - Two porcelain elephant statues. *size accurate*
17 - A perfectly preserved Atlantean household
8 - 2 purple water coolers
11 - 274 human knee caps
7 - A harpy egg
8 - A stick shaped like a musket
17 - Five Ancient Egyptian Khopeshes
0 - A cease and desist order signed by 639 multiversal governments
0 - An Anti-Rapga net
20 - Chuck Norris' sunglasses
13 - Backup keys for the United States cheese vault
20 - The answers to every lore question in a soulsborne game
12 - 24 blunts made by an evil wizard
15 - A series of 48 pills that transforms someone into a tank
0 - The grave of a glass measuring cup
15 - Megamind's DE-gun
18 - 12 Plutonium shrek statues
0 - Pink Adeptus Astartes armor
17 - A bucket capable of starting wars
19 - The Beetles if they were goblins
8 - 4 robot skulls
6 - Six rainbow sprinkle donuts
16 - A purple and gold music box
12 - 15,028 pounds of turtle food
EnoUgh BuLlsHit to FerTIlIze A tHoUSAND FieLdS
2 - An exact replica of Big Ben
13 - 700 Phoenix downs
17 - The skull of Dagon, Lord of the Old Abyss
5 - A shrunken version of the sun
19 - The concept of Hydrogen
16 - 29 F-22 Raptors
17 - The Lance of Longinus
16 - 5830 gigabytes of information pertaining to the invention of the microwave across the multiverse
20 - The ashes of 147,506 deceased Fae Spirits
0 - Bahamut's Materia
0 - Odin's Materia
14 - 12 Tomahawk Missiles
0 - Lightning Perfume recipe
0 - Fire Perfume recipe
0 - Frost Perfume recipe
0 - Poison Perfume recipe
0 - Madness Perfume recipe
10 - A Water Bending Scroll
9 - 7 Caprisuns from 1988
17 - A cup from 6028 B.C
15 - The front half of a Cargo Ship
6 - A glass measuring cup with a butterfly scribbled on the handle
13 - 10,000 Purple Shirts
13 - 10,000 Jeans.
12 - 19,999 Purple Socks
12 - A Golden Sock.
10 - 5 Authentic Cutlasses.
9 - A cowboy hat with a gila monster in it
19 - The Skeletal Remains of King Arthur
20 - The PLANET of Pluto
5 - A Plastic Eyeball
5 - 6 Phalanx Shields
11 - An African Elephant named Gordon
20 - Mecha-King Ghidorah
11 - A Nerf Blast-A-Ball
17 - Sinh, Slumbering Dragon
15 - A Christmas Goat
16 - an instance of SCP-500 "Fortissax's first crime ;-;"
14 - 680 weaponized turtle robots
19 - His own Adeptus Custodes
10 - 14 authentic pirate hats
16 - Megatron's fusion cannon
7 - A silver Moped
17 - A Castle made out of Blackstone
15 - 43 pounds of Kratos, God of War
15 - 385 Lolipops
16 - An Imperial Star Destroyer
17 - An Imperial Star Destroyer piloted by Coconut Crabs.
18 - 5 Royal Crowns
8 - A Peacemaker
0 - A necklace containing a photo of multiple Milers
0 - Hyper-Digestion laser pistol
13 - A toy monkey with cymbals
13 - A white toy train
14 - 3 cyan bullet trains
7 - 77 Beer Bottles
13 - 13 Random Pirate Funkopops
15 - The remains of a forest giant mid-Sprigganization
18 - The Book
0 - Schematics to gaps in the Multiverse
10 - 5 fully decorated Christmas Trees
16 - 721 Glass Bottles
20 - One of Placidusax's heads
19 - 83 pounds of Platinum
0 - A skateboard depicting Godzilla vs Kiryu
15 - A Big Daddy in hybernation
14 - 24 milliliters of ADAM
19 - 34 Royal High Elf relics
11 - 7 Holy Anti-demon candles
0 - A throne made out of candles
13 - 9 Purple Dragon Eggs
6 - 13 Cowbells
0 - A burlap sack containing a wereshiba spirit
18 - Demi_Thorrin
20 - 2 Dodos
0 - A time travelling trashcan
10 - A T-rex egg
14 - An Argentinasaurus named Benji
17 - A Crow Monster with rabies
12 - 64 piece Psychic Bubblegum pack
0 - Kisuke's Clock
18 - A Hate Mace, forged pure of hate, wielded only by those who know tremendous hate. Made on Planet Heaven
16 - A jar containing the collective misery of 43 fast food employees
20 - Kirby
15 - A space marine helmet "Blood Ravens legion"
17 - A Schneider A1
5 - A samurai skeleton with a katana and grenade stuck in it
9 - 5% ownership of Youtube
15 - 5,593 novels of Oswald the Octopus
19 - 3 of Quetzalcoatl's horns
One EGo OverSIzEd
18 - The Colossus of Rhodes
5 - A miniature of the Colossus of Rhodes
12 - 14 Eyes of Ender
17 - A map to El Dorado
13 - 2 Sarlaacs
18 - Asterix's magic potion
15 - A Fatalis Glaive
12 - A Light Breaker Press
7- The keys to an evaporated Tesla Truck
9 - The keys to a honda civic stepped on by a kaiju
7 - A honda civic stepped on by a kaiju
13 - A discarded Unicorn Horn
19 - A copy of The Nexus inside a Fishbowl
5 - An Imperial Lazgun
8 - 13 Plasma Fractile Grenades
9 - A homonculus
18 - Cherno Alpha
3 - A wallet with cobwebs inside
16 - 53,529 empty tin cans
20 - 3 Emperor Class Titans
19 - Tiamat's wedding ring
20 - A black and yellow 1977 Camaro
20 - The Black Mortal Blade
5 - A pair of Black Boxing gloves
7 - 637 Assorted plague remedies
5 - Echidna Wars DX on mobile
18 - A Victorian Era Vampire name Louise
15 - 19 Thunderbird talons
6 - A 20x20m bank vault covered in slashes and numerous switch blades
13 - A Contageous Brain Eating Ameoba contained inside a Blueberry Pancake
0 - 43 Blueberry Pancakes
14 - 4,351 Sunglasses
0 - Cassie's meathook
11 - Messmer's fire extinguisher
19 - Dark Moon Wedding Ring
18 - The Remains of a 230 meter tall Storm Giant
5 - 600 pounds of printing paper
20 - A butter knife
0 - An Amazon Drone from the 41st Millenium
0 - Grey's hotdog mac'n'cheese
7 - A swamp cooler
12 - 69 Gift Cards
0 - 7 other Milers
0 - The Declaration of Independence "duh"
15 - 583 Seperate Tree saplings
13 - 4,738 pounds of mulch
17 - A mass production EVA unit
0 - A Carrot Sticker
0 - A bear costume
0 - One of Hephaestus' hammers
11 - A Decepticon Warrior
16 - The Death Note
19 - The United States Cheese Caves
11 - A 2024 Chevrolet Camaro
15 - 16 Psycho Warrior Globules
5 - A Xenomorph Egg
15 - 2 Starscourge Greatswords
20 - A prison complex
13 - A cursed celtic warhammer
17 - 46% of the vegetation present in the Hanging Gardens of Babylon
9 - 58 Pounds of Assorted Peppermint Candies
19 - The Sleigh "You know which one"
20 - The remains of Kos
14 - An evil glass jar
8 - A red sack full of toys
13 - 8% of the Naughty List
20 - The moon of Kalyke
16 - A Japanese skyscraper
17 - Rasputin's bath robe
10 - 3 Giant Sequoias
0 - Atsuko's shirt buttons
16 - Dire Miralis
6 - SFW Slaanesh art
17 - The Trinidad shipping vessel
13 - The Sandman's eye collection
8 - A Blue Cadillac
11 - The Piston Cup
19 - The Schematics to every machine that rebelled in the Butlerian Jihad
15 - Safi Dreamspear
14 - A Lego Millennium Falcon 75192 set encased in gold
7 - A Medieval Cannon perfectly cut down the middle
6 - The head of an Ultron drone
19 - Tyranid Hivefleet
12 - 1,253 pounds of assorted hair salon equipment
20 - Forge World Graia
11 - A Nether Star
13 - Three cubic meters of obsidian
10 - Five cubic meters of glass
15 - 8 MS-06 Zaku IIs
19 - The undying loyalty of 437 seperate intergalactic shadow governments
16 - A rocket powered greatsword
11 - A sandevistan
5 - An X-box 360 controller
20 - Trazyn the Infinite's 772nd Storage Unit
7 - A #4 Dave's Hot Chicken meal
15 - A Rodan Hatchling. "Snappy"
19 - Ultraman's ribcage
10 - Written instructions for the construction of an NES
16 - Timecop's Identity
15 - A Geth Prime
6 - A Psychic Lightbulb
9 - A white dragon's eyeball
13 - Soda Can minigun
9 - Hardlight pistol
20 - A vending machine connected to an entire dimsenion of Soft Drinks and chaos demons
12 - A Functioning SCP-5000
10 - A copy of the entire Horus Heresy lore, but with a slavic guy named Boris replacing Horus
17 - Rogal Dorn's severed hand
15 - A holy electric chainsaw
17 - A photo of Yujiro Hanma kneeling
9 - A golden refrigerator
20 - Manus, Father of the Abyss
8 - The Abysswalker Ring
0 - Indigo Flash
10 - A Titanoboa skeleton
0 - Wiggler Helmet
12 - 22 ounces of Brachydios Slime.
18 - Alatreon's Horns
11 - The batteries from 2,384 seperate smoke detectors
15 - A Walking Mausoleum
17 - Bob
14 - Inner Angels
0 - Inner Demons
0 - The Box of Hate
18 - The Pesse Canoe
5 - A cup of orange water
17 - A blizzard
17 - A Category-4 Hurricane
15 - Dr Fate's mask
17 - Superman's cape
6 - A cursed Tuna Casserole
13 - A plushie of King Caesar
13 - A My Little Pony artbook signed by the Undertaker
16 - A Yautja Scouting Vessel
17 - Spartan's Bio-mask.
17 - 15 Preserved Yautja corpses
15 - The Throngler
0 - Gwen's Line
15 - An X-wing
0 - A sacred altar depicting Bob the Minion
12 - 13 Soul Grenades
15 - Magnus the Red's library card
15 - Gandalf's staff
17 - A Wordbearer's Dreadnought
16 - 74ft of Adamantine Chains
16 - The Scarlet Aeonia
19 - Ladon
18 - Mahoraga's Wheel
6 - A Car Muffler
9 - A cardboard replica of a truck
5 - 45,000 USD
8 - 46 Torches
11 - A green wizard hat
16 - A Great Unclean one "your mother hehehehehehe"
20 - R'lyeh, City of the Old Ones
16 - Illustrator Pikachu Card
14 - 7,000 homemade cheeseburgers
13 - A purple wizard hat
19 - The Infinity Gauntlet
8 - A candycane hammer
18 - The 11th Primarch's Insignia
7 - 47 ounces of nightshade
17 - Lord Gwen's Crown.
19 - The Erdtree
7 - The Happiness of 4,728 High Priests
18 - The Holy Grail "Monty Python's"
7 - A sheep doll
14 - 2 Lovecraftian Scrolls depicting the end of the multiverse
7 - An Deepfryer
18 - A Pacifist Black Templar
16 - 7 dead Black Templars
6 - 3 yellow spraypaint cans
12 - The Word Autodefenestration
11 - An ammunition belt
13 - Nomadic Merchant clothing
6 - An aerial jellyfish
5 -An aerial sea turtle
17 - The Elder Wand
18 - Some wizard nerd's glasses
20 - Typhon (along with the volcano containing him)
18 - The remains of 32,874 time travellers trapped outside of their home era
7 - A set of diamond armor
19 - An alternate history where I started a revolution in 2084 (sealed inside a locket)
7 - An Ork's written critique on the human arts
10 - A medieval bestiary
19 - A fortress city filled with reasonably agitated lamias
14 - A house made of candy
8 - An Imperial Kriegsman
12 - A pool table
11 - An NES controller with a ruby lodged into the side
10 - A xenomorph tail
11 - A xenomorph skull
20 - 54 contained Withers
10 - AK-47
17 - 2 enderdragon eggs
0 - a jar of genuine 1897 Louisiana dirt
20 - Everything in the American Museum of Natural History
15 - 62 pepperjack cheese wheels
19 - An immortality serum
14 - 440 cases of Zombrex
15 - The Dorats
6 - Pinnochio's nose
18 - A cure to the lasting effects of understanding Omori's plot
18 - 4 RX-78 Gundams
11 - 197 bandaids
18 - A golden box filled with infinite tissues
20 - The Kindness Rock
11 - 27 smoothies
9 - A plastic pumpkin filled with candy
7 - A Nokia
17 - A Sun and Moon cartridge containing two shiny spinda of the same variant
12 - A guide to social interactions
0 - 3 office chairs
5 - A piece of mud with two rocks for eyes and a licorice stick frown "Mr Gumphry"
8 - Half a red motorcycle
10 - A jambalaya recipe I really, really, really, really like
10 - Pepper spray
10 - A baseball signed by some guy called baby or sumfin idfk
0 - An empty can of whipped cream
13 - A vampire's fang
12 - 7 Panamanian Golden Frogs
12 - Aladin's Fez
12 - An Arstotzkan passport formerly belonging to one; Jorgi Costava
14 - Victor Hargreeve's violin
8 - An anti-fae mallet
12 - The fucker who keeps making him roll twelves
20 - 21 wierd super babies inside drop-pods
18 - Barabas Dantioch's helmet
11 - A participation trophy from Trazyn the Infinite
19 - A mentally stable and well-adjusted Night Lord
9 - A pink PS3 controller
0 - A Pair of circles that make a man into a rat
19 - The Moon
13 - Metyr's purse
11 - A giant pot of acid
13 - Krayt Dragon pearl
6 - A poptart
9 - 7 boxes of otter pops
9 - 15 party size dorito bags
12 - 500 cigarettes
17 - Bucky's arm
12 - The Mirror of Erised
4 - Tania's pride
20 - A deceased unluck spirit
8 - The Minotaurs chapter of space marines
15 - Hellboy's gauntlet
5 - A green T-shirt
20 - Glove that can strangle anything
15 - A gun jetpack
12 - A Balam corp MT
19 - The Allspark
17 - The Mona Lisa "duh"
11 - A popsicle stick infused with radiation
11 - The Wicked Avatar card
19 - El Dorado
0 - A Hyacinth Macaw
19 - Heracles' skeleton
20 - Jupiter
15 - Gaius, the 3rd Colossi
16 - A Replica of the night sky in 1443 january 7th
15 - Roses of the Nubula
16 - Spectral Steed Whistle
7 - A straw doll
10 - A celtic shortsword
11 - A compound bow
20 - A snowglobe of six blurred human figures
17 - 441 stasis pods
16 - An Albino Gorilla
19 - Destoroyah
19 - Burning Godzilla
7 - A VHS tape
13 - Dva's mech, Tokki
7 - A box of Mozzarella sticks
10 - Ash Ketcham's hat
19 - A 5 kilometer tall statue of the Emperor of Mankind
7 - A steel chair
14 - A department store's inventory of plumbing equipment
18 - The perfect sandwich
17 - 56 emeralds
15 - 22 rubies
17 - A citrine gem encased in purple metal
0 - 2 hunter arrows
9 - A piggy bank
15 - A daemonic Kanabo
0 - Raime Chocolate
17 - Captain America's shield
12 - Deadpool 3 but they lose
20 - Sachiel
11 - A grand piano
17 - 8,653 various music boxes
20 - His original world's bed
6 - 3 pub mixes
18 - Ghengis Khan in the cars universe
7 - A PS5
12 - A propane grill
0 - 3 kisses from Smolder
9 - The tiny car the grinch drove
19 - Kayden's magic remote
0 - Smolder's pile of gold
0 - Smolder's 439 dresses
0 - Smolder's pile of gems
0 - Smolder's pile of nerd possessions
0 - A bug GF
14 - A flag of the NCR
15 - Imperial schematics on Primaris deployments and supply lines
20 - Kumonga and her 432,543 offspring
13 - 2 cybernetically enhanced catapults
15 - A nether fortress
18 - The Wither Storm
11 - A branding iron with a 17-headed serpent
14 - A lava golem
8 - Preceptor Seluvis
8 - A rat king
15 - The Kraken
17 - The Fire Giant
6 - A written apology from Augustus Caesar
15 - Dragon Miler's destroyed containment cell
20 - Evil Miler
10 - Gurren Lagann glasses
8 - A hormagaunt
10 - A black and red compass
13 - 359 doses of Miscellaneous Medicine
14 - A firefly greenhouse
8 - A pineapple pizza
8 - A gremlin
12 - A Shisa statue
13 - A mogwai
13 - A Vex Hobgoblin
18 - An interdimensional history book
19 - A space whale pod
7 - A silver dish set
19 - A command block
19 - Jormungandr's head
15 - A reaper leviathan
16 - A Capitol Imperialis and its occupants
10 - 22 pigeons
8 - 6 wooden training swords
17 - Little Red Riding Hood's stupid hoodie
16 - A 20 mile field's worth of solar panels
8 - Lorenzo the Parrot
0 - A baby desert tortoise. "Gransax my beloved"
18 - SCP-173 "Gransax's first crime ToT"
20 - A throwing hatchet
0 - Hijack's fireworks
19 - Voltron
5 - A bronze ring
11 - Sasha from TF2
11 - Hijack
20 - Corpse god Vermis
16 - Psychic ghost chains
16 - A 40k Plasma Pistol
18 - Kratos' throne
16 - A Shiny Voltorb
10 - An enderman's headless body
19 - The Chaos Emeralds
12 - An evil clown
7 - A gold longsword
0 - 8,573 throwing darts
15 - 13,000 mantis shrimps
5 - Lint
9 - A functioning wishbone
14 - An award for comedy
17 - Lulu the Glukkon's drip
5 - A broken Caestus
12 - A blue racing dog
0 - The power to kill chat by merely speaking
16 - A hunter killer drone
0 - A jewelry stand
0 - Sacred Gravel
18 - Alduin's corpse
20 - A highway network spanning 3700 miles
20 - Gungnir
20 - 5 Gogmazioses
11 - An I-Pad
16 - 10 Cannons designed to shoot canabis
7 - Judge Holden's hat
10 - A set of Vagabond armor
12 - Cad Bane's hat
10 - a 170 year-old paper fan
7 - A copy of Miler's mind inside a sea slug
4 - Depression
9 - A giant pacific octopus
20 - A taxidermized Anguirus
12 - 10 antique victorian pillows
19 - The Millenium Falcon
16 - A golden statue of Rick May
7 - A hat with WAY too much mercury in it
11 - A capybara with a tiara
8 - An unlabeled ash urn
14 - The remains of 43 forgotten knights
12 - 30 burmese pythons
16 - Amy Rose's hammer
15 - 250 ounces of Deathroot
19 - Godwyn's original corpse
19 - Disufiroa
17 - 531 pieces of Math "Mokey variant"
18 - A rock, Moyai statue, and pineapple
19 - Mohg's body
7 - A Spitting Cobra
13 - Anti-Miquilla spray
9 - A Catgirl's riot shield
8 - A Catgirl's stun baton
11 - An armadillo with metal plate armor
13 - Reflector, decepticon
18 - Every Scott Comic
16 - King Bob-omb
10 - A finished version of the Thief and the Cobbler
14 - 3 Wizard Beers
20 - An unlimited Shapeshifter
15 - A Death Angel "quiet place"
5 - 53 tinfoil cogs
5 - 40ft of ductape
8 - Godzilla Yoga promotional material
14 - A Sawtooth
9 - Lego Piece 32557 on a pedestal
14 - Captain Falcon's helmet
12 - Solid Snake's eyepatch
10 - A purple laser rifle
13 - 32 crates of holy water
7 - A blue centipede
18 - A pool that shows better alternate realities
13 - 12 golden rings
18 - A mouse with an infinite M'n'M
8 - A seahorse the size of a basketball
16 - A map of milkyway galaxy, Circa 6542
15 - A Dragonator
19 - An Ogryn with an IQ of 63
6 - ______
17 - A behelit
10 - The Undertaker's elden ring account
18 - An Illuminate prison ship
19 - Saturn's rings
19 - 1/3rd of Anor Londo
16 - An illegal gun printer
11 - Ice 101 Red Cool Cinnamon Liqueur
10 - Footage of actual Hero Wars gameplay
19 - Detroit
6 - A ceiling fan
14 - Vaporeon
15 - A purple Symbiote
0 - The schematics to a marshmallow bazooka
18 - Freddy Fazbear's pizzaria
12 - A blue Ford Mustang
14 - An infinitely rotating potato chip
13 - A car-sized carrot
16 - Someone's kitchen
0 - A painting of a Ghost
8 - The Wendy's menu
11 - Evidence of Alex sitting in Smolder's hammock
14 - A suburban house (which he stole while 6'4 inches)
0 - Tiny playing cards
20 - Hollow Purple
17 - An 011 Melander
17 - A CC-2000 Orbiter
18 - The Prydwen
17 - 8,000 Loyal instances of SCP-3008-2
18 - The Nameless King's clothes
16 - A Rajang
15 - rideable lightning
5 - 3 guitar strings
19 - 3 Savage Deviljhos
13 - A cat with a piece of buttered toast taped to its back
19 - A functioning replica of Fort Knox made out of cardboard
7 - A tarp slung over a Car-sized carrot
7 - A Walkie-talkie connected to AM's communication systems
5 - 2 pounds of mold
9 - A Yian Kut-Ku egg
16 - Therapy
19 - Infinite Alcohol bottle
10 - A forged ID
20 - Christmas
14 - A polar bear
7 - a fishing rod with polar bear bait
10 - A sad ghost
6 - A ghost pigeon
20 - 8400 years worth of written Arcane Knowledge
0 - A penguin
15 - 10 shipping containers of animatronics
13 - 2 zombie viruses
11 - A grandfather clock
13 - A pen literally mightier than a sword
20 - 1/4th of hell
15 - A sonic screwdriver
12 - A bag of rare flowers
16 - A spaceship filled with mouthwash
19 - A portal to hell "Pennsylvania"
17 - Nicepool's corpse
18 - Ouroboros
18 - The Dragon Scroll
19 - Nebraska
19 - 2 XXXG-01s Shenlong Gundams
7 - A metal baseball bat
17 - A Bewilderbeast
10 - A strawberry cheesecake
8 - A monopoly board
7 - 6 gold balloons
14 - Velma's glasses
5 - A superheated penny
11 - A functioning mustache/glasses disguise
16 - Oogway's staff
16 - The soul of the fucker who invented coleslaw
15 - A cumulonimbus
18 - Sburb
6 - A TMNT themed backpack
19 - RDR2 but Micah dies at the beginning
8 - A metal frisbee
19 - A 50ft large peach
6 - Handsome Jack's mask
7 - A human skull with a candle inside
19 - Isla Nublar and Sorna
17 - A Bonfire "darksouls"
20 - The Deathstar
12 - The Bear from the Revenant
5 - A flare gun
19 - 3 languages
8 - 4 gasoline cans
15 - An 18 year old's birthday party
5 - 158 reeses pieces
17 - Spawn's cape
11 - batgirl's utility belt
10 - Joshua Graham's vest
7 - 12 Colt M1911's
20 - 2,000,000 turkeys
14 - weaponized traffic light
0 - A stop sign
6 - An electric screwdriver
0 - Infinite lockpicks
12 - A painting of Miler as a french woman
14 - Agent Smith, inside a hard drive
13 - A human-sized pitcher plant
11 - An Atari
20 - 2nd angel Lilith
5 - His right pupil
5 - A bundle of Garlic
13 - A vampire hunter's clothes and equipment
16 - 57 trashbags filled with gunpowder
12 - Jamison Jr. the potato
12 - A purple oni mask
13 - A theme song
18 - Malenia's Tibia
14 - Warhammer 40k Tauran Lore
11 - Charlie Dompler
17 - 28 Milfs
13 - Grunbeld's helmet and shield
9 - A sewing kit
13 - 4 telephone poles
11 - 118 crayon packets
11 - An Ashen Idol
10 - Evil water bucket
0 - Raime's pryomancy attack
13 - One of Mindy's spells
15 - A cyborg dragon
7 - The Story of Thumbelina
0 - A fire extinguisher welded to an office chair
0 - Rowan's silverware
0 - A rake
9 - A red naginata
19 - The Angel's Egg
6 - A flashlight
6 - A pepper spray canister
13 - A pride of lions
12 - A walkman
9 - Prince Lothric's wig
13 - 190 egg cartons
19 - The Minions
20 - a recording of the God Emperor ranting about lemons for 1.2 years
9 - A cardboard crown
18 - Melanie's tree
16 - A sandwich factory
0 - Melanie's pot of mashed potatoes
0 - A half-digested stocking
0 - A chewed ceiling fan
17 - Baldi's ruler
15 - A 150x150ft painting of Sukuna mogging
6 - 3 locks of Sky Bison fur
19 - A cosmic air fryer
5 - A chunk of hail
8 - 14 human brains
15 - 8 Coca cola trucks
6 - Steven the cruel
14 - A clown car
15 - A functional Boeing 727
0 - A sorcerer's pillow
12 - A chainsaw axe
5 - 7 bang snaps... who the fuck calls these things bang snaps they're fucking poppers, why the fuck did wikipedia call these ba-
7- 4 purple handcuffs
13 - An EMP bomb
20 - Every Keyblade
10 - A sawed off shotgun
0 - Raime's plate of cookies
0 - 149 pounds of corn cake
8 - An acid soaked hoodie
0 - List of Larceny's ancestry data
0 - A wallet
0 - Player__Melanie
0 - Sena's Pigeon "Lansseax my beloved"
14 - Free Magic
19 - The city of Xylem
17 - 6 Glitter boy Power armors
9 - 18 avocados
18 - 15,235 bulletproof Kimonos
9 - 27 grocery lists
8 - 2 deer skulls
18 - The enderdragon
7 - A Lego astronaut costume
17 - Guts the black swordsman's therapist
14 - 2 Wolf Brigade armors
11 - A longsword resembling a compass
17 - A godskin noble
19 - The Hulk's arms
19 - Every merchant corpse from beneath Leyndell
14 - His 7th grade English teacher
8 - The aftermath of Medusa's haircut
14 - Spongebob's bed
7 - 10 starfish
5 - An eyepatch
8 - 2 Stormtrooper helmets
16 - E-shield piercing grenade cannon
6 - 5 black markers
7 - neon green hairdye
18 - Leonidas' spear and shield
15 - God's awful secret
12 - Hulkbuster helmet
18 - 22 Deviljho tails
6 - A toy crown
12 - A moon-jitsu fighting tape
5 - A bionicle
11 - A mooshroom
6 - A green rock
12 - 4 Giggis
13 - A shark with a top hat
9 - Evil Broccoli
0 - Two anti-magic pistols
17 - A baby chameleos
0 - Malice's silverware
10 - Female paper
16 - A colony of 48 Kuaui 'O'o birds
13 - An empty container of Elder God DNA
8 - 12 vials of Vintage Ink
6 - A number 3 pool ball
9 - a boombox
11 - A steel training dummy
7 - A poisoned pepperoni pizza
8 - A mafia uniform
8 - A slightly burnt cardboard box filled with paper dragons
9 - Hiccup's prosthetic leg
14 - 3 absurdly giant Hammocks
0 - A ninja pancake star
14 - A newborn Dalamadur
11 - The Bible
12 - 2 giant ink pens
5 - A bucket filled with ink
16 - 12 possessed giant pencils
11 - 6 gallons of assorted hair-dye
19 - A Lovecraftian Cult's headquarters
7 - 4 battletech grasshopper minis
0 - 36 race-cars
12 - Ed's beanie
12 - A Plasma Shotgun
6 - A cardboard cut-out of Bill Cypher
11 - 2 standard M-16 rifles
15 - A C-RAM
18 - Shen Gaoren
8 - Alpha-4 MTF uniform
8 - 23 pounds of cotton-candy
10 - A 5ft sandwich
6 - A unicorn plushie
18 - The Lasso of Truth
17 - 12 paper husks
20 - Equestria
19 - Igris the Bloodred
20 - The soul of an Angel
12 - 23 Piranhas
10 - An Acorn
13 - A declaration of war from a squirrel
12 - Monster creation sunglasses
20 - Methods to creating Eldritch Demi-gods
9 - A poker table
6 - A replica of Hellsing Alucard's hat
13 - A Wendigo's Stomach
6 - Ghost stories "Japanese version"
12 - Ghost stories "English version"
14 - DanTDM's roblox account
9 - 3 of Gambit's decks
0 - The Moon with whipped-cream on top
14 - Telepathy-resistant ring
12 - Gerald Robotnik's moustache
17 - Starlord's mask
5 - A purple fedora
19 - 53,849 interdimensional gemstones
16 - Toy Chica
6 - The cupcake one
19 - A working Mcdonalds Ice-cream machine
10 - A real monkey with cymbals
11 - 6 punching bags
19 - An SCP facility
0 - Foxy_Mindy
13 - A brush that creates anything it draws
19 - Evil Miler Control Remote
20 - ALL of Mindy's plushies
9 - A turtle onesie
18 - Alucard's stache of pistols
7 - Pizza The Hutt
9 - Steel nunchucks
20 - 79% of America's chicken sandwich supply
12 - 2 Enor Pearls
9 - A washing-machine
14 - Car-sized 2x3 lego
18 - Sakamoto's store
12 - An Elite energy sword
16 - A 2,500 page novel on The Miler Civil War
13 - Batman's suit
14 - 1,438 pouches filled with sand
18 - A Super Destroyer
17 - Vegeta's hair
6 - 22 rechargeable batteries
20 - The Equal Dragon Weapon
18 - A cure to Chaotic Gore Magala
16 - The Soul of Colonel H. Stinkmeaner
19 - Khorne's nose
15 - A time-reversing laser pistol
5 - 439 fruitflies
6 - weed killer
7 - A Mickey Mouse Keychain
8 - ... what the fuck?
19 - A demi-god of numerical order
14 - 14 evil sex plants
19 - WB water tower (Animaniacs included)
11 - Raime's Kidney
14 - 19 horses
17 - 1,500 Kilometer chunk of cold iron
19 - 4 of Vulcan's Artefacts
5 - 4 Mistletoes
16 - A Woolly Mammoth
18 - Ronald Mcdonald
13 - 8 Cargo Containers of Easter Eggs
14 - Templar armor
15 - 4 Magic Tridents
14 - 16 size-changing sunglasses
7 - A Karaoke Machine
9 - 173 assorted coins
16 - Mallory Jone's Hat
0 - Kayden's fridge
13 - TaniaLamia's Virginity
13 - 2 of Raime's guards
0 - 12,870 Lemons
0 - Smolder_Rebel
0 - Smolder's white dress
5 - A car license
0 - 3 starbucks
13 - A golden laptop
12 - 78 Frisbees
11 - 100 rain frogs
18 - The Kazaragian Emperor's Funkadelic crusade groovefest playlist.
13 - Orichalcum Anvil
8 - 4 clown wigs
18 - The Labyrinth from Labyrinth
16 - The man the bell tolls for
11 - Batman's 47 coffee mugs
17 - Ukanlos
0 - Yuffie's Giant Ninja star
0 - 226 of Raime's assorted personal belongings
0 - Fun
13 - Kayden's fridge
14 - +1 Lockpick
21 - God
0 - A two dollar bill
15 - Feiko
0 - A Windmill
0 - A ball mill
0 - A batch mill
0 - A rod mill
0 - A grist mill
0 - A tumbling mill
0 - A pebble mill
0 - A coffee mill
0 - A raw mill
0 - A water mill
0 - A holy mousetrap
0 - Hellgrey's 55%
18 - A skunk costume
10 - The Seventeenth shard

Things stolen from Miler:
- His Virginity
- 37 Cents USD
- His real name
- 44.7% of his Sanity
- 62 doctor peppers
- Penguinz0 reference

Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As Pred

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike [He wouldn't be a very good containment unit if he was contained.]
Soft Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike [He prefers to steal things fully intact.]
Digestion Always/Love
Never/Dislike [He wouldn't be a very good containment unit if things melted after being stolen.]
Fatality Always/Love
Endo Always/Love
Oral Vore Always/Love
Unbirthing Always/Love
Never/Dislike [He has no genitals]
Cock Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike [He has no genitals]
Anal Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike [He... doesn't need to use the bathroom]
Tail Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike [His tendrils can form into a mouth.]
Breast Vore Always/Love
Unconventional Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike [You are literally getting eaten by an eldritch grocery list, nothing is not unconventional about this.]
Stretchy Always/Love
Never/Dislike [If the countless celestial bodies didn't make a bump, neither will you~]
Rough Always/Love
Never/Dislike [He can squeeze things preeeeeetty tight once you're inside him... also he fights people a lot.]
Gentle Always/Love
Never/Dislike [I am told it is like one big hug in there.]
Sex Always/Love
Never/Dislike [I don't know HOW you would do it, but I would be willing to find out.]
Pain Always/Love
Never/Dislike [He can, and will beat you into submission if things go south.]
Bondage Always/Love
Never/Dislike [Tendrils!?!?]
Magic Always/Love
Never/Dislike [he can do some crazy shit.]
Willing Always/Love
Never/Dislike [... kay']
Unwilling Always/Love
Never/Dislike [If he feels like stealing you, he will steal you, whether you like it or not.]
Micro/Macro Always/Love
Never/Dislike [big or small, you'll fit~]
Same Size Always/Love
Never/Dislike [I've stolen bigger things than you.]
Male Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike [You can be stolen...]
Female Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike [And you.]
Herm Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike [You too.]
Human Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike [No species is excluded.]
Demi Partner Always/Love
Fur Partner Always/Love
Scaly Partner Always/Love
Feathered Partner Always/Love
Plants Always/Love
Animal / Non-morphic Always/Love
Non-Sentient Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike [I literally gulp down random items as a gimmick. Also imagine Rico from the Penguins]
Underage Character Always/Love
Never/Dislike [... I will send you back to your parents in a mummy outfit, because I do not RP with kids characters]
Verbose Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike [eh, writer's block is a bitch but I'll try.]
Quick Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike [mi amor]
Evolving Character Always/Love
Never/Dislike [I've been like this for over seven thousand years...]
Breaking 4th Wall Always/Love
Never/Dislike [I see you reading this.]
Staying In Character Always/Love
Never/Dislike [yeh, heheeh.]
Surprise Me Always/Love
Never/Dislike [where did you get that piano-]
Multi-Session Always/Love
Grab and Gulp Always/Love
Never/Dislike ["hmm? I didn't see anyone pass by... " hastily wipes lips.]
Vore game Always/Love
Never/Dislike [Roll Alterations or not, lets do some gambling~]
Whisper Always/Love
Never/Dislike [Am shy with stuff. I know where I am but I'm still getting used to hiding my kinks OOC.]
Public Always/Love
Private Always/Love
Being approached by me Always/Love
Never/Dislike [This pref is for friends in particular: I definitely see you the moment you enter chat, but I won't engage in anything until you talk to me directly or speak in chat... because of past experiences of being a nuisance.]
Saying Hi Always/Love
Never/Dislike [he says hi by throwing things or giving people stuff]
Asking for another character Always/Love