Link is humble but brave, attributes consistent with his role as the rightful bearer of the Triforce of Courage. (S)He is known as the "Hero of Time" in Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask and the "Hero of Winds" in The Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass.
For the purposes of this character, Linkette is assumed to be from a non-specific storyline
"With a sudden flash of claws and pure strength, Link was sent flying backward into a nearby wall, the master sword spinning off in the opposite direction as Ganon lets out a deafening roar. Link...felt as though this would be the end for him...The Gerudo-turned monster swung one hand forward, encasing him in a ring of fire....but before he could even think of giving up, his left hand glowed with the intense and powerful energy of the Triforce of courage, the very power of it dispelling the flames and stunning Ganon just long enough for link to once again get his sword.
and sent a huge stab into his chest, wounding the monstrous form of the former theif and buying just enough time for the seven sages, including Zelda, to opened the doorway to the Sacred Realm and forced Ganon through it."
-Excerpt from the Legend "Hero of time"
This, of course, is how the tale always good conquered evil and the world is at peace....or so the legend goes...the boy is returned to the days long since past of his least thats what everyone wants you to believe....
"We did it link, we di-" Zelda was cheering on, when...without warning the door to the sacred realm reopened with a blast of energy, and a single hand, still holding the door, trying to keep from being sucked into the realm, was seen, the booming voice of Ganondorf belting out over even the void.
Link, not wasting any time, pulls out his bow and shoots Ganondorf in the hand, sending the former prince of the Gerudo spiraling into the void, it finally shutting before he could even think of finally breaking past. Zelda let out a single sigh of relief, and link laughed a bit nervously, stashing his bow away for...what he hoped was the last time.
"...Cmon, lets go home" Zelda said with a smile, offering her hand to Link. He smiled back, and softly took her hand, the both of them walking slowly, knowing they had all the time in the world....those words nagged Link though...and he couldnt help but think something would go Ganondorf always did seem to make good on his threats....
-A Few weeks later-
"What in Din's Name!?"
Those were the first words out of Zelda's mouth the moment she saw....what she thought was link. The Hero...or should i say Heroine of time was standing there with a small confused look on her face, yawning softly as she tried to make head or tail of exactly what was going on, only to be horribly confused the moment Zelda grabbed her arm.
Link, well known for her quietness, didnt say a word, but had half a mind to stop the princess and give Zelda a piece of her mind....till she saw herself in the reflection of her mirror shield, and just about dropped it. With that seen, she began to move even faster then Zelda was, knowing exactly where they were going...
"...This is indeed the work of Gannondorf's say, he performed a curse upon Link, just before he was sent into the void?" Impa asked this with a frown, she keeping a close eye on Link as she was staring at herself in the mirror within Impa's room.
"Yes....he called a curse on Links name...and any who dares come near him...." Zelda said with a small shake of her head. "...does this real?"
"We can only assume for the worst, Princess.....if this curse is true, we cannot allow Link to stay any lo-" Impa began, but was immediately cut off.
"Dont you even dare say that...we cant just leave Link cursed like this, He saved us all! Now he needs our help, and we arent going to just send him away, how would he fe-" Zelda....was cut off from her rant...when she noticed that link had left....leaving only a note.
I appreciate the thought of you wishing to save me...but something came to my attention....if this curse is real...and Gannondorf performed it...then it must mean that he is still alive somewhere.....
Please don't come chasing after me, but do your best to try and research a cure...i know of someone who may be able to see just what happened to Gannondorf after he was sent into the sacred realm....and I hear he has left for a land called Terminia....
I shall return to you soon.
The battle was finished....Skull kid was finally defeated and the moon's horrible advance on Clocktown had been stopped by the one known as "Heroine of time" in these days. Though Link had not come any closer to finding a cure to the curse, she also had realized that the curse had done nothing to any who came near only affected her, and she was plenty fine with that.
She took the fastest route possible to get back from the lands of Terminia, and though it had been only a half of a year, to link it seemed like an eternity for her to finally see the rolling hills and familar roads of the Hyrule field.....
Softly Link raised the ocarina to her lips, playing Eponia's song for the first time in months, the music immediately bringing what was easily one of her best friends in all of hyrule to her side, her faithful horse lightly walked up, and though she stopped only for a moment at the new look of her master, a soft pat on the nose and a carrot calmed the beautiful mare down enough so Link could slip onto the saddle and begin riding toward the castle.
~its been so long....I hope everything is ok....~ Link thought to herself as she took a slow pace with Eponia, and though she kept a careful eye on the peahats, at the same time she felt at ease....Hyrule was at peace.....even after all the time away, all the threat of Ganondorf was at peace, and Link was happy that it stayed that way.
Slowly, Link rode into the rebuilt town, the guards well and asleep at the front gate, which gave the heroine a good laugh when she was far enough away that she wouldnt disturb was once she got to the castle gate where things got....confusing, to say the least.
This was the first thing shouted to link, an arrow suddenly whizzing past her ear as she just barely had enough time to hop off eponia before the mare dashed away and Link immediately drew out her sword and shield, frowning a bit as she tried to motion to the guards as to who she was, though that was only met with a second arrow, causing Link to sigh in exasperation, she immediately blocking the arrow away, only to draw out her boomerang, throwing it toward both guards to knock them out, she feeling no need to cause needless bloodshed.
Link opted to use the secret path into the castle she discovered in her youth, slowly evading most of the guards, till she finally made it into the main garden, only to be met halfway by zelda....who suddenly tried to shoot her with one of the light arrows, causing Link to immediately roll away and give Zelda a look of pure shock.
"....Dont think disguising yourself would make me forget what you did Link....The took grip and i know it....You cant fool me anymore.....and i'll give you only one chance to leave....before i kill you..." Zelda said this with tears falling down her cheeks.
"...Z...zelda..." Link, actually saying something to the princess for the first time, immediately stowed her weapons away, taking a few hesitant steps toward her, only to be forced to duck by another arrow.
"LEAVE!" Zelda yelled out in a sob, she clearly not wanting to kill Link....but obviously she would if the heroine came any closer. Link....was shook up and on the verge of her own tears, she slowly looking to Zelda, before she dropped her head, and with a single tear hitting the ground, she disappeared, Faore's wind taking her out of the castle and back into the field.
Link took one last look back toward Hyrule castle, her hands shaking on the reigns, before she turned Eponia in the opposite direction....and began to ride....she didnt know where she would go....but she knew she was not welcome in the lands of hyrule any longer....
OOC Notes:
Yep, hero of time, enough said....i think the curse was a fine addition to the character, mostly so i could girlify her with a bit of plot.
Sliders are preference, but not definate
Not a HUGE fan of vore, but will do so when asked
The Master Sword
The Four-Sword
Knight's Sword
Biggoron's Sword
Mirror shield
Gale Boomerang
Bunny Hood
Ocarina of time
Megaton Hammer
Iron Boots
Hover Boots
Pegasus Boots
Golden Gauntlets
Bombs (99)
Hero's bow
Arrows (99 (Fire/Ice/Light capable) )
Cane of Byrna
Cane of Somaria
Lens of truth
Blue Potions (4)
*shutter* The Minish Cap
Keitsuyoigami Mask
Missing Equipment:
Magical Armor
Zora Flippers
Ion Slash: After using the Song of Storms, it allows her to fire electrified slashes from the tip of her sword, giving her normally short range with the knight's or master sword an electrified boost. Cannot be used with the Biggoron's sword.
Shockwave stab: After using the Earth Gods' Lyrics, it allows her to stab the tip of the Biggoron's sword or the Master sword into the ground, creating a massive shockwave that can knock down her foes. Cannot be used with the Knight's sword.
Hurricane blade: After using the Wind God's Aria, it allows her to use the ancient hyrulian technique of an empowered spinning slash that either can stay in place or move in a twirling pattern, slashing enemies multiple times. Can be used with any sword.
Din's Fire: Spell granted by the Goddess of Power, Din, through the 'Bolero of fire'. It creates a high heat explosion localized around its caster and obliterates most foes in red flames.
Naryu's Love: Spell granted by the Goddess of Wisdom, Naryu, through the 'Serenade of Water'. It creates a mystical, and powerful isometric shield around her body, deflecting any blows that come from outside it.
Faore's Wind: Spell granted by the Goddess of Courage, Faore, through the 'Wind God's Aria'. It allows link to teleport to a place she chooses, allowing her to escape from danger, or move rapidly from one place to another.
Four-sword Split: With the sacred four-sword in hand, her past lives, including a new form are split into four different people, each with the equipment from their homeland. Red and green are original linkette, red obviously much more angry and battle thirsty then green. Blue is from the windwaker verse, and purple from the original verse.
Keitsuyoigami Transformation: With the use of the Keitsuyoigami (Fierce Deity) Mask , she becomes the incessantly powerful ancient warrior, his past unknown but with the Infinity sword in hand, he is nearly unstoppable in battle. Linkette CANNOT use any songs or other equipment in this form, making it a dangerous form for anything but melee combat.
(If you need a reference to one of the songs, i have all of them on link in my bookmarks, just ask and ye shall recieve, Some songs will have different effects from the original intention in the games, So READ carefully.)
Theme of Hyrule: A song learned in her past, it has no general ability, aside from being something she enjoys playing.
Song of Storms: A powerful technique learned at the village windmill, it allows her to call storms, even on the clearest of days. If used indoors, it charges her sword with the lightning element, and allows her to use the sacred technique 'Ion slash'.
Oath to Order: One of her status changing songs, the Oath to Order gives her stoic resolve in the face of battle, changing her armor from its normal green to a deep blue, guarding her body from physical harm.
Bolero of Fire: A powerful technique learned at the temple of fire, it allows her to manipulate flames while outdoors, along with being able to cast the sacred Technique "Din's fire" and also charges her sword with the fire element.
Elegy of Emptiness: One of her status changing songs, the Elegy of Emptiness shifts her body into an impossibly rock hard state, increasing her defenses to impossible levels, but preventing her from moving till the magic wears off. It also allows her to make a small 'Command Melody' Statue, if needed.
Song of Healing: Though it can only be used once per day, it is an essential song, that when played, heals her of any wounds and restores her magical abilities.
Serenade of Water:A powerful technique learned at the temple of water, it grants her the ability to breath underwater for two hours, and to cast the sacred technique"Naryu's love" and also charges her sword with the water element.
Prelude of light/Nocturne of Shadow:A powerful technique learned at the temple of Light/Shadow, The Prelude of light grants her sword with the element of light, creating a shining sword that pierces the darkness around her. The Nocturne of shadow grants her sword with the element of darkness, concealing her from the view of her enemies. Either song only lasts two minutes, till it must be replayed.
Requiem of Spirit: One of her Status changing songs, the Requiem of spirit invigorates her body, changing her armor from its normal green to a fierce red, increasing her strength and allowing her to use the biggoron's sword in one hand, though only for a limited time.
Earth Gods' Lyric: A powerful technique learned at the temple of earth, it allows her to create huge walls of rock and earth, giving her an impassible wall to keep enemies away from her. When used indoors, it grants her sword the element of Earth, and allows her to use the 'Shockwave stab' technique.
Wind Gods' Aria: A powerful technique learned at the temple of winds, it allows her to call the winds and change their direction, along with giving her access to the technique "Faore's Wind". If used indoors, it charges her sword with the wind element and allows her to use the sacred 'Hurricane blade' Technique.
Eponia's Song: Back home, this song allowed her to call her faithful horse, Eponia to her side, Now it is merely a song she can play to remind her of the old times in her homeland.
Zelda's Lullaby: Though this song had great significance in her homeland, it has lost its luster, seeming to do little more then allow Link a peaceful nights sleep without any risk of being attacked.
Command Melody(Windwaker only): A Windwaker song, it allows her to take control of special statues, either allowing the to mirror her movements, or literally projecting herself into them so they move as she pleases...the second ability leaves her vulnerable to attack though.
Anthem of Legends:The powerful song given to her by Magical_Mindy, it allows her to access other abilities and items from her past lives...though it should only be used once a day, or else she takes another form, her past lives coming to control her body.
Minuet of Woods: Found by Little_Flare with Siclia_Yellowtail's Help, It gives her the ability to camoflague herself in the forest, becoming completely invisible as long as she stays within it. It is better then the Nocturne of Shadows, because there is no time limit to how long it lasts.
The Call of the Sacred Ocarina: With help from NUMEROUS friends, obtained from Ganondorf. It allows Linkette to, Theoretically, travel from her world to the park...though it remains untested, as Linkette's situation is rather unique.
The Great Fairies Melody: A song she has not found a purpose to as of yet. It is said that one day she may find its purpose, playing it in each of the great fairy shrines throughout the worlds.
IF you want any items/songs given to her from any of the games, let me know ^^
As stated above, Link is not a mute...just very quiet ^^
Friends: Magical_Mindy
A (Possibly Ecchi) book in Manga_Shop_Yukari
Original(Green) (Top picture)
Age: 19
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 121 lb
Bust: 34 C
Legend of zelda to A Link to the past Form(Purple)
Age: 17
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 90 lb
Bust: 34 D

A far cry from her normal form, much more of a trickster...and a flirt then her normal reserved self...known to be a bit too overbearing to those of the opposite sex, along with a rather short temper toward cuccuos and other flightless birds.Tunic becomes a dark purple when in four-sword form
Windwaker form(Blue)
Age: 22
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 121 lb
Bust: 34 C

Its hard to tell the difference in body when it comes to the two forms, the clothing and demeanor being more important toward figuring the difference. Windwaker Linkette is far more shy then her Ocarina of time self, choosing to avoid battle then to participate, she seeking a peaceful life more then anything.Tunic becomes blue in four-sword form.
Age: 19
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 121 lb
Bust: 34 C
The fiesty and bloodthirsty fourth member of the four sword group, she is the spitting image of Green, except for the fact that where is green on her tunic is now red, where is white there is black. She is easy top goad into a fight, though she doesnt come out unless the four sword is activated.
Twilight Princess form
Age 17
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 109 lb
Bust:34 C

Unwittingly brought out by Magical_Mindy, Little is known about this form, except hse has much longer hair then all the other linkettes...and she keeps getting knocked out by Red before they can ask her anything.
Minish form
Age: 22
Weight: Unmeasurable
Bust: 34C...sort of
Yep...she's got a tiny micro form, thanks to the Minish cap, once again brought by the wonderful Magical Mindy...Link was hoping that little cap would ever be seen, let alone she ever be caught dead with that thing on, as it turns her to a horribly small and abruptly useless form in the end, especially in the park of all places.
Keitsuyoigami form
Weight: 235 lb
Bust: MALE!

Known in english as the Fierce Deity, is not link in any way shape or form, but in truth one of the ancient sages in Hylian history, far before even Linkette or Ganondorf were born, He obtaining the powers of magic and abusing them to become a god of war. The three goddesses, angered by his vanity, cast him into a mask as pennance, forced to help whoever wears the mask for all time....Known for being blunt....and hating linkette.
~Soon to come:Chibi form as soon as i can find/make/comission pictures for them~