“Women are just as capable as men, whether it is saving the world or a single life. We will feel our breasts grow as we eat our enemies, our rumps grow with their fat! Remember to always act with honor, and dignity. Our luck will run out, so go down with a fight, and always with honor. ”
-Power Girl, creation of the league
Now looking for slutifiction, bimboification, pregnancy/breeding, inflation/popping and vore. Perhaps something involving finding herself undercover, and winding up at the villina's gloryhole. Females, shemales, and herms preferred.
“Women are just as capable as men, whether it is saving the world or a single life. We will feel our feel our breasts grow as we eat our enemies, our rumps grow with their fat! Remember to always act with honor, and dignity. Our luck will run out, so go down with a fight, and always with honor. ”
-Power Girl, upon the creation of the league
(note, numbers are for rolling dice to choose randomly)

Black Canary
- Real Name: Dinah Lance (Secret Identity)
- Age: 25
-Occupation: Florist
-Power: Sonic scream able to render people unconscious by overwhelming their senses, as well as create a massive amount of background noise. MUCH more effective against people who have super hearing.
-Gear: Motorcycle,
-Magic items: None
-Background: Dinah Lance is actually the second Woman to hold the Black Canary mantle. The first person was her mother, who surrounded her daughter with friends of the old disbanded Justice League. Her father was a Gotham City detective, eventually died of heart failure shortly after Dinah lance was denied a place in the Police force. Still wanting to serve justice, she took up her mother's old moniker of Black Canary, and began to fight crime with the Justice League. Upon getting her bearings, she soon joined the League of Super Women in Robertopolis where she serves as second in command, underneath Power Girl and Wonder Woman. She is quite capable of sending someone into her gullet, but normally does so only as a last resort.
-Personality: Dinah is an independent and capable woman. She is experienced in several forms of fighting, and is one of the world's top hand to hand fighters. She is also very caring, the plants in her shop almost like children to her. She is also well versed in several forms of electronic communication, and advanced electronics, keeping track of the team from the command tower. She is one of the main voices in the city's anti-slavery movement.

- Real Name: Shayera Hol (Secret Identity)
- Age: Appears 26
-Occupation: Archaeologist/Museum Owner
-Power: Super Strength, flight, regenerative ability, keen eyesight
-Magic items: Her Mace is made out of nearly indestructible Nth metal, which is capable of disrupting magic fields and items. The mask she wears also gives hawkgirl enhanced vision. Her wings enable flight. (Yes, those are real wings)
Shayera Hol was once an Egyptian princess killed by her former lover, Hawkwoman. The Nth metal contained in the knife used to kill them both in murder/suicide bound their souls together forever. Each partner has been reincarnated over and over only to end up bound again. So far, her lover hasn't been seen since Hawkgirl was born as a planetary police officer on the planet on Thanagar. She was exiled to earth for reasons she refused to talk about, and joined the League of Superwomen.
-Personality: Having been inducted to the Thanagarian military, Shayera is a rather forceful personality. She loves to fight in order to prove herself, both to the outside world, in addition to herself. She loves the thrill of domination, and subduing an opponent, quickly sending them to her gullet. She is quite intelligent, drawing upon dozens of different lifetimes of experience. She is also an expert in Egyptian history, as well as alien technology. She is one of the few members who actively support the random slavery of citizens, feeling that might makes right.
- Real Name: Helena Rosa Bertolelli (Secret Identity)
- Age: 27
-Occupation: High School Teacher
-Power: Hand to hand combat, stealth, and long range weapons training.
-Magic items: None
-Background: Helena is the lone survivor from a mafia hit that killed her entire family. She was sent to live with family in Italy. However, she never knew that the family she was living with were assassins for the mob family her parents had belonged to. She had been trained in hand to hand combat, stealth, and is proficient with several long range. The assassins finally fell, police raided her home for evidence, and left only a hand crossbow. Helena picked up the crossbow, hating what her family had become, and became the huntress.
-Personality: In her costume, the huntress is a vengeful, heartless woman, reveling in sending a criminal to her doom. As a teacher, however, she is caring, making sure her student excel in their lessons. She is the most likely member of the league to send someone to her gullet, reveling in the feeling of someone digesting within her. She supports the fact that there is slavery, and actively sends her criminals there.

Real Name: Laira
Age: 30's (human equivalent.)
Occupation: Green Lantern
Power: Imbued with a green ring that reacts to her imagination
magic Items: Her green Lantern ring, and charging battery
Laira grew up on the world Jayd in Space sector 112. She was trained by her father, Kento Omoto, and grew to be a formidable opponent. She was chosen to enter the Green Lantern Corp after her planet was attacked. The lantern having fallen, the ring chose her, and she alone, it seemed, would soon fight the invading army alone. She would return to Jayd on her first solo mission, returning to fight the leader of the Golden Dragon, her father. She fought her father, to a standstill, and eventually, Kento Omoto died by his own hand. Laira then returned to the green Lantern Corp, having put the council back into place, where she became the green Lantern of Sector 2814, Earth.

- Real Name: Courtney Whitmore(Secret Identity)
- Age: 18
-Occupation: College student
-Power: No natural powers
-Magic items: Her staff enables flight. It is also capable of shooting breams of light as an offensive attack, as well as able to create simple constructs of light.
-Background: Shortly after joining the league of superwomen, Courtney was given the starstaff, which belonged to another family member, Starman. She attends Robertopolis university, studying astronomy physics, and mathematics. She is a bright and inquisitive student, eagerly learning about the world around her.
-Personality: She is an inquisitive, but quiet student. She studies seriously, is cheerful and bubbly, and rushes to the aid of those around her. She is quite friendly and close to those around her, never really wanting to send someone to her gullet. However, she is capable of eating people, and will do so as a last resort, much like Black Canary. She supports an end to Slavery in Robertopolis, but will only show up at political events if she is backed by other members of the league.
Power_Girl - leader of the league.
- Real Name: Karen Starr (Secret Identity)
-Occupation: CEO of Starrware
-Power: Heatvision, Freeze Breath, Super Strength, Flight, Invincibility
-Magic items: None
-Background: Karen Starr was brought to this earth from her home dimension of Earth 2 during a cataclysmic event called Infinite crises. Once on earth, she developed Starrware technologies, who specialize in nanotechnology.
-Personality: Karen is a very friendly and outgoing individual. She is headstrong, and stubborn, a result of her Kryptonian abilities. However, there is a distinct personality difference between her secret identity, and She is one of the first members of the league to eat someone who threatens a friend, quite proud of her infamous bust. She is working at ending slavery inside of Robertopolis, using personal and company money to fund a anti slavery movement.

-Real name: Rachel Arella Roth
-Age: 19
Occupation: Student
Magic Items: none
Background: Rachel is actually the daughter of a demon, by the name of Kryton. She found her way into the league as a form of control, so that she may learn to control her powers, all the while afraid that she might lose control over herself and her powers.

Real name: Koriand'r
Occupation: None
Powers: Fires energy beams from the sun, flight, invulnerability
Background: Starfire comes from Tamaran, a planet where she was destined to rule as queen, had it not been for the betrayal of her sister, Komand'r. Komand'r gave detailed weaknesses of Tamaran's defenses to the Citadel, long time enemies of the Tamaranian people. The citadel attacked, and gave Kori to Komand'r as a prize. Kori's new life as a slave was harsh, but it would get worse as a group of sadistic alien scientists attacked, and imprisoned both sisters. The scientists attempted to overload both sister's bodies with solar radiation, in an attempt to force them to self destruct. However, Komand'r's ships attacked in an attempt to free Blackfire, and Starfire managed to escape in a shuttle, using her starbolts, a side effect of the experimentation.

- Real Name: Linda Davers (Secret Identity)
- Age 18
-Occupation: College Student
-Power: Exactly the Same as Power Girl
-Magic items: None
-Background: Linda was born on Krypton, and sent into the universe to take care of the infant superman. However, there was a miscalculation, and her craft was sent off course, keeping her in suspended animation until Clark was well grown up. By the time her craft was found by Batman, and Superman, there was no need for her to act as a babysitter.
-Personality: She is a rather impulsive teenager who is almost as powerful as Power Girl and Wonder Woman. However, a lack of experience means that the application of her powers is less than ideal, bursts of brute force aiming for a quick end. She makes her decisions on a moment by moment basis rather than having an actual plan. She is quite willing to eat someone in self defense, and perhaps even someone she finds irresistible. She is often found at parties.

- Real Name: Mari Jiwe McCabe
- Age 25
-Occupation: Fashion Model
-Power: Ability to take the abilities of animals.
-Magic items: A magic amulet worn around her neck that allows her to take the abilities of animals.
-Background: Mari was born in a small African village in Zambesi, she was gifted a totem after the death of her parents after an attack on her village from nearby rebels seeking to control the country. Orphaned, she immigrated to the United States, where she began to use her powers to stop crime. She was eventually recruited into the League of Super Women.
-Personality: Mari considers herself upper class, dressing in the latest fashions. She often spends her free time practicing, socializing in cocktail clubs, casinos, and often finds her way into the most exclusive parties. Her totem has affected her mind, making her personality rather predatory, eager to sharpen her proverbial fangs, her stomach hungering for fresh meat. She is the most likely member of the league to eat someone random, and her bust and butt show it. She also uses her influence to end slavery.

Wonder Girl- Cassie Sandsmark is a young high school student a year older, and in the same graduating glass as super girl. In fact, the two often share the same classes. She is much more driven than either supergirl or stargirl, and works hard at her studies at both her leadership ability, and her school studies. She plans on heading to college. For fun, she hangs out with both supergirl and stargirl, as well as sparring and studying. She has the same powers and abilities as wonder woman, and often spends time studying under her.
- Real Name: Cassandra Sandsmark
-Age: 19
-Occupation: College Student
-Power: Same as Wonder Woman, although weaker
-Magic items: Her armor blesses her with super strength, and flight. Her sandals grant her superspeed She also studies warrior techniques and weapons under Wonder Woman and the other members.
-Background: Wonder Girl is actually the daughter of the Greek god Zues, and Helena Sandsmark, a famed archaeologist who was working with Wonder Woman at the time of Cassandra's conception. During her youth, Wonder woman was battling a Doomsday clone, and Cassandra was quick to make herself a Wonder Girl costume, using magical items given to her by Hermes. She soon asked Zues for actual superpowers, and was granted with her wish, but with the caveat that Dr Sandsmark has the ability to turn them off at will. Currently, she is training to be Wonder Woman's protégé.
-Personality: Cassandra, or Cassie, as she is known to her friends, is a very outgoing and protective woman. With her identity well known, she is ready to protect her friends at any cost. She currently studies world history, linguistics and “Peace Solutions” in an effort to become a diplomat much like her idol.
Wonder_Woman – Amazon warrior
- Real Name:
-Magic items:

> Zantanna
- Real Name: Zatanna Zatara
-Occupation: Stage Magician
-Power: Ability to alter the world around her with Mnemonic incantation (backwards English)
-Magic items: Magic Wand
-Background: Zatanna grew up admiring her father, Giovanni Zatara. She studied magic under him, idolizing him. When he died, she was devastated, and dedicated her life to his legacy.
-Personality: Deep inside, Zatanna still idolizes and misses her father, but refuses to communicate with him with magic. She constantly craves attention, leading her to be one of the more open members of the league. She keeps to herself, almost not answering questions about her feelings on slavery. She hates it, and wants it abolished, but acts as if she is afraid to use her magic to stop it, aside from making a few banners. She is very outgoing personality, loving to show off. Her desire to be close to her friends makes her rather easy for the to seduce.
Things I like
cooking: I will happily engage in any cooking you wish, be it as predator or prey. This can occur in one of two ways: 1) The prey is cooked whole, but not at a very high temperature, so that there is very little burning and Is still alive 2) the prey is made into various cuts of meat.
Pregnancy: I know not everyone is into this, but I LOVE pregnant women, be they predator or prey. I am willing to play anyone as pregnant for an rp. ITs particuarily fun when she's cursed, or when combined with slavery and/or beastiality.
Scat: I love scat, but I just wont' eat any of it. Preferably, I like to see bits of clothing, and other unique identifiers such as hair, inside the “pile” as reminders of what the pile used to be.
Transformation: A bit yes, particularity when used to demean the prey, such as giving them an extra pair of breasts in order to help identify them as a “milk slave”
Beastiality: A big yes, and will play this out, usually any time when asked. Its particularity fun when combined with sex slavery and pregnancy
Mind Control: A form of domination quite popular with me, and will play this out to the fullest. However, you must understand that nto everyone has the ability to mind control.
Slavery: This is a big enjoyment for me. This can happen in many different ways, and its decided on a scene to scene basis
Shemales A female with a penis? bring it on! I'm also willing to change someone so they have one for the rp, if you so desire.
Male chars: NO offense, guys, but i just dont' have fun with 90% of male chars unless you're pred. MAYBE if hte seen in interested, but it will be limited. I just dont' find them sexually attracted enough for me to be a pred. However, I have been known to bend this rule, but the scene has to be EXTEREMLY kinky and intriguing.
Living Breast Fat After the prey is eaten, the soul stays inside the body of the predator, for example, inside of of the breasts, or rump. They may or may not be able to communicate
RP ideas:
Vixen's Modeling Career: In her career as a model, Vixen often finds herself surrounded by several people at once. It also stands to reason that at some point, one of the models would wind up getting eaten backstage. For this idea, vixen herself eats one of the models, possibly due to a chance of losing to her prey, or to simply make her bust a bit bigger than the next girls in order win.
Vixen's Career Ends: In her career as a model, Vixen often finds herself surrounded by several people at once. It also stands to reason that at some point, one of the models would wind up getting eaten backstage. For this idea, vixen herself winds up eaten, and ends up pushing out a models chest, inadvertently helping the predator win.
The Defeat: A heroine heads to stop a crime, such as a bank robbery, only to enter a prolonged fight. During the fight, the heroine is eaten, and is digested, allowing the villianess to continue the crime.
The Victory: A heroine is called to stop a crime, and enters a prolonged fight. During the fight, the criminal is eaten, and the heroine is allowed to go home, save and sound, though a bit more plump.
Canary's Pred: Black Canary frequents bars during her time off, usually sports bars, lesbian bars, ect. She meets a wide array of people as she drinks, plays games, and chats. Therefore, it stands to reason that during one of these games/chats, she finds someone to fill her stomach.
Canary's Prey: Black Canary visits numerous bars during her time off, usually sports bars, and lesbian bars. she Meets a wide variety of people as she drinks chats, and plays games. It stands to reason that during one of these games/chats, she winds up getting eaten, and winds up filling someone's bust.
Funtimes at the University: Supergirl, Wondergirl, and Stargirl are all in university. They can run into trouble there, just as easily at it could happen during a fight. It could involve slavery, breast enlargement, hypnosis, mind control, breeding, enlargement, cooking and of course, vore. They could wind up as the winner or loser. It could take place as part of cooking class, slavery class, (in which the various slavery laws are studied) back at the dorm/apartment, anywhere on campus.
The School Visit: A heroine is visiting a classroom as a guest speaker. During their visit, they could be enslaved, eaten, or raped. This could work as the heroines as pred or prey.
Her Last Day Teaching: The huntress, as her alter ego, teacher Helena Bertenelli, is enslaved/eaten by a student.
Lunch at School: The huntress, as her alter ego, gets to eat a student.
The Buyout : Power Girl's business is bought out, and she winds up as part of the business deal. She could wind up as Dinner, a slave, or a mindless whore. She'll struggle of course, but it may not get anywhere. Of course, she could aways end up with Karen as the victor.
The Show: One of the heroines is going for an interview, when they happen upon a fan. This could continue in two ways, the heroine could eat the fan and go onstage with a bigger bust, or get eaten, and have the predator go onstage as the new interviewee, with the heroine filling out the predator's chest.
The Discovery A rare artifact is brought into Hawkgirl's museum. She starts to study it, only to have it override her mind. She can wind up as a slave, or anyone of a numerous items*
Pictures of Bad Ends:
Other Pictures:
If you are lucky, Perhaps you can get this view
Additional Pictures:
Even a pregnant Heroine needs to have some fun.
Even a kryptonian can have image issues!
Just because you're pregnant doesn't mean you are not beautiful
Just because you're pregnant doesn't mean the brooding stops.
Sometimes the villianesses get what they want!
Even the super sidekicks can get super pregnant
Making sure the league has enough future members
Everyone needs to make sure that they're helping make future members.
A belly like this would make stealth rather difficult
Even alien women can have too much fun.
Sometimes fertility drugs go way too far.The Gotham City Sirens seem to have too much fun with the league.
Some green lantern somewhere has some explaining to do!
A young sidekick plays catch up with her mentor.
To the Victor go the spoils
An x-ray of Diana's fate
In a game of Cat and Canary, there can only be one!
The unfortunate side effect of being a part of a group of vorish heroines: Thanksgiving.
Another sibling rivalry put to rest
Oh, Wonder Roast... Its hard to determine if you are tasting yourself, or gagging
Looks like Catwoman went a bit too far.
Poison ivy seems to have gotten a young heroine to help feed the plants. Who could it be, I wonder?
A bit belly for a big breasted heroine.
Not every shadow is a safe place to hide.
Mommy has to eat to take care of the children, after all.
One of my favorite pairings. Though, its clear who will lead the league now.
When you capture a heroine, be creative in the bondage.
The innocent minded heroines tend to corrupt quickly
If you are going to control a heroine's mind, be creative.
Last time: The GOLDEN age WW was a fan of bondage, NOT this one!
Yes, Turn Wonder Woman into a devout follower of Aphrodite
One last stop before the mind alterations begin
A kryptonite collar will make even the hardest willed kryptonian malleable
The line between Heroine and slave can be precariously thin.
Fear, and pride are but two of the emotions that must disappear when going through pet training
It is over. Diana has fallen, and Cheetah has won.
A bit of magical backfire can have horrific consequences.
Take care of a League member after they have fallen, and they will take care of you.
A undercover agent's greatest fear.
This is what Power Girl would look like if she ever became a "Morale Manager" (Company prostitute)
Yet another Power Girl bimboization. Noticing a theme here?
The league has a plan for a time when catwoman gets too far out of hand.
What is it about karen's hourglass figure that makes her such a target?
A bit of body and mind alteration later, and the mentor gets punished for leading them both into a trap.
Be care what fantasy you give a heroine to control them. Some are biters.
If you come across a heroine whose mine is blown out, Would you help give them an identity?
This is how you tease a heroine.
If you manage to take someone, feel free to REALLY rub it in. They won't mind.
What do i like about this pic? Everyone seems to forget that supergirl exists. She's just as vulnerable as Karen.
What is it about Catwoman's name that attracts dogs like this? She loves CATS, not dogs. (bestiality)
This is how you control someone. You give them a taste, then let them go If they come back, it was meant to be.
This can really happen if Diana embraces her dominant side.
When you tweak their mind, its good to never forget who they are, or who they were.
Why would such a minor change lead to a change of career?
Not all superpowers have to be used for fighting
Everyone can have fun. Since they're from different universes, it means they're technically not related.
Even though she is constantly brooding, Even Raven has passion.
The trainee has to be rewarded somehow
Sometimes, a villian must be convinced to speak.
If you are going to punish a villainess, have pity and make sure they enjoy it.
Why should the lesser known members be forgotten?
Much like the ancient greek Soldiers, Wonder Woman believes that sex is a way to bind team members together.
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Simrobert2001 character