
Age: 18
Orientation: Straight/Lesbian
Current Lover: n/a
Friends: n/a
General Bust Size: B range
'Length': ...I want to say 1' 4", max? This is the first time this section has had a worthwhile entry.
Height: 6'
Normal Weight: 141 lbs

- Can TG in-scene, but doesn't have to. The scene can have Kris stay as either gender throughout, depending on your tastes.

- Kris might have a bit more "oomph" as a girl, but as a male, he's no slouch. Either gender will wreck you if given a chance and a reason.

Meet Kristopher--er, wait, make that Kristana--dammit, stop changing! ...Kris Allagi, transgender being galore. No, this isn't result of a curse or a scientific blunder. Rather, Kris was just... born like this. S/He's been two bodies in one mind for all his/her life without any middle ground, and is, in a way, proud of this fact. "Avoids a lot of the drama, I say," s/he says. ...And I can't necessarily blame him/her. Do note that this is an entirely different "beast" from Zemma_Arcen, and not to be confused for having the same situation.

Clothing descriptions are well on their way, but I'll hold off on those for the time being until my brain starts functioning properly again.

As for personality, there's no real difference between Kristopher and Kristana. Both are streetwise, intelligent, are fairly nerdy in their own rights (they know the names of a fair amount of giant robot manga/anime, for one), and they're both, in a way, gyophilic. ...For those of you lacking in the language department (no offense intended), that means that both sides of Kris like being around women, to the point where Kristana is a lesbian. However, neither side is afraid to hit a girl if the situation calls for it, and s/he has an honor code that holds him/her back from putting their hands where they don't need to be, even in private. Even with this code of chivalry, Kris has somewhat of a devious prankster side, taking advantage of his/her transgender ability. More than once, Kris has staged situations using pre-recorded messages and videos, combined with impeccable timing in order to fool people into thinking s/he is not an only child, and has a blast every time.

As for abilities? While Kris does take his/her gender change into stride, it's still something that can be influenced by an outside force. The main trigger for Kris' gender change is--retro anime fans will get a kick out of this--water. Not that original, I'm aware, but it's the most convenient. Cold water changes male to female, and hot water turns female to male. It has to be water specifically, and it can't be salt water, like in the ocean. Also, there can't be significant amounts of chlorine in the water, like in a pool. It has to be as close to pure as possible in order to trigger the gender change. However, the gender change can be cancelled if there is a living being within his/her body. This means that after a good meal, a splash of water is just a splash of water, no physical harm done.

There's also somewhat of a power difference between the two sides of Kris. The male is generally speedier, and reacts a lot quicker to things. The female is the stronger one of the two, with immense strength. ...Yes, I know, strong women are a staple of ZergAlts, hush. While Kris may not get into enough situations to warrant usage of these abilities, it's still nice for him/her to consider if running late for an appointment or needing to lift something up for a little kid.

Male form picture here.

ZergAlts WIP, mind the dust.

Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike Refer to ZergAlts for full sliders.
Digestion Always/Love
Fatality Always/Love
Reforming Always/Love
Whisper Always/Love