Age: 19
Weight: "When WAS the last time I weighed myself?"
Breast size: "I never asked anyone to measure me." *blushes up*
Body type: Hourglass
Hello everyone~. A few of you may know me as a lot of my alts. I've told even fewer my name. Here, I will RP as myself and work on a list for all my alt. I've been told that I am very kind hearted and shy. Mostly shy. So, you may need to approach me yourself. If you see any of the alts you've RPed with in my list, do give me a little poke. =^-^= Now, I'll tell my story.
I was born a bit oddly. Didn't cry, didn't laugh. I was born asleep. The doctor was stumped on how the green earth I'd slept through my own birth. I stayed asleep until we exited the hospital. Then I woke up in the car. My parents were surprised that my eyes with grey. They didn't stay grey though. (How do I know? It's simple. I asked my parents.)
When I was 5 or six, then noticed that my eyes had turned icy blue. I didn't really understand why my eyes turning colors was a weird thing. I thought it was really cool! ^^ Then came the day I was introduced to the worst facility ever constructed... SCHOOL. I'd cring if I ever had to go back.
Boys at my school were anything but nice and good. They were down right mean and hateful... Mostly, my friends were, and don't laugh. It's not funny.... Most of my friends were my teachers. There were a a bunch of nice girls I met. They are why my outlook on most guys is the way it is. They didn't influence me. I decided that myself.
Then, in about the 6th grade, I met a few boys who were nice. One was so nice that I thought that he was supposed to be a girl, because he really acted like one. But he did have a lot of boy traits. He wasn't gay or bi, just very girly. XD But I liked that guy.
They saw what I meant so they understood and accepted my bisexuality. Did I mention the majority of them were lesbians? And that none were straight? In about the 10th, one of girls, my best friend since I could remember and my first friend ever, Admitted that she was bi. She was a long haired brunette with the strangest almost violet, dark blue eyes. She looked like she wanted to say more, but she started blushing and, well.. She went a little mute.
She never did say what she'd wanted to that day, but I already knew. I wouldn't force her to tell though. I did, however, never leave her when I didn't have schoolwork. She thought I'd slowly stop being her friend, but I never did.
When we graduated, we made sure we'd never drift apart. We moved into the same apartment. We're still friends to this day and she is an inspiration for me in some of my alts. At times, I still visit my folks, but mostly for my sister. And she and my brother both showed me this site.
Now is a good point in which to stop, because I'm not telling you the specifics. There were some things I left out, so please. Keep it that way. I'm not going to tell you those, no matter who you are. There are so many negative things I left out that it's ridiculous. NEVER ASK ME.
(I'll add my likes and dislikes later.)
Now for my alts.
Alternate characters in order from time created.
Tiare (wip)
Cowgirl_Ember (MAJOR wip. Will not RP with her yet.)
Cory_and_Milly (wip)
Silvia_Mouse (MAJOR wip. Will not RP with her yet.)
Love these girls
Has had a baby with: Serenade_Alts Named, Amori.
Favorite Love: Carol_Love