NO! I am NOT just a perma-vore alt. I really love perma-vore but it is not a requirement, don't be afraid to say hi to me in fear of loosing your character, it wont happen.
Genesis Quotes:
>12:35:27 [VirgotheServine -> VirgotheServine]: (( !ld20: 1 Total: 1 ))
>12:35:34 [VirgotheServine -> VirgotheServine]: "WHAT!?"
>12:40:37 [Allen_mewtwo -> Allen_mewtwo]: "Hey calm down, I'll 'rescue' you"
>12:41:39 [Allen_mewtwo -> Allen_mewtwo]: (( !1d20: 1 Total: 1 ))
>12:42:28 [Allen_mewtwo -> Allen_mewtwo]: "... No... fucking... way... you gotta be kidding me DX"
A simple toy was all that Jamie was supposed to be, just a little toy for the mewtwo and serperior to play with since the two were experimenting with the predatory role. To have their fun they decided to each roll a dice, each number had a different cruel and evil thing they could each do to Jamie. As a little joke though, they put number 1 as "Jamie>Serperior&Mewtwo" meaning they would both become permanent prey to the human.
Of course at first the two predators would just laugh this off, but Jamie's decided that it wasn't quite fair, seeing as she didn't want to die. She found a way to summon arceus into the room, who was quick to take Jamie's side in the argument. The god pokemon used his powers to summon an invisable hold on the grass and psychic type pokemon, forcing the Serperior's muzzle into Jamie's pussy, and the Mewtwo's head into her left nipple. Within a few minutes the last of both their tails slid into their respected holes. Jamie was panting as she held her massive belly and left breasts.
She rubbed it in, taunting them for a bit and rubbed over their bulges. Soon enough the two of them found themselves permanently absorbed into her body. The mewtwo would serve to perk up her breasts, and the serperior to live as a few inches of fat on the girl's thighs.
While Jamie certainly did enjoy this fact, she didn't enjoy the conditions she had to meet. Since she had permavored two characters she needed her own profile, and therefore was once again a target for other preds in the nexus. Being classified as a pred would only get her more attention in time. Her mostly timid nature didn't bode well with the idea, but her predatory side kind of enjoyed the idea.
How will she favor in this new environment? We'll have to see!
Yes, Jamie is indeed a trainer, she loves to go around and catch pokemon (not in the same way she caught the serperior and the mewtwo though...) She has quite the assortment of supplies and pokeballs to help her... not that she can use them that well though.
The Pokeball game!
The player chooses a pokeball to use to catch a pokemon character, you must roll a 20 sided dice to reach a certain score, if you cannot reach that score within a certain amount of rolls then you are caught.
- x18 pokeballs (normal) (reach 30 within three rolls)
- x6 great balls (harder to excape) (Reach 40 within three rolls)
- x13 ultra balls (very hard to escape) (reach 50 within three rolls)
- x3 dusk balls (good for catching pokemon who are dark type or who live in caves) (reach 15 within one roll)
- x5 heal balls (heals the captured pokemon and makes it more friendly) (reach 30 within three rolls)
- x2 net balls (good for catching water and bug type pokemon) (reach 30 within two rolls)
Caught pokemon:
Miekia: A cute little raichu who took TWO pokeballs to catch, as her first ever pokemon Jamie was quite excited to become friends with the raichu.
Diamond and Pearl: A male lucario and a female lopunny played by
Custom_Roleplays . The couple was found in a park all alone in their pokeballs, so Jamie took em in! They became friends with her fast, but they're more than willing to have a bit of fun with her once in a while. Jamie sometimes even finds herself inside Pearl once in a while.
Forms: Yes Jamie does have alternate forms now, with a specialty. Each of her forms have the ability to perma-vore, so each will have their own tags for people if she manages to get them. However as a pokemon she can still qualify as a trainer, entering contests, using pokecenters just fine. Even as a pokemon she still has her trainer card and can throw pokeballs to catch other pokemon. In a roleplay if Jamie is able to vore someone, a dice is always rolled to decide the outcome (since I like leaving events in the rp up to chance). The prey rolls the dice ten times, each form has a different "goal" which they must reach in order to escape.
Serperior form: Gained from accidentally eating a miracle seed. She really does like this form, being one of the first pokemon she ever ate, she did love the look of it's body and how it could slither around so elegantly.
Belly capacity: Infinite
Chances of escape: 25% (prey must reach a total of at least 150 to escape)

Prey count: 38
Reshiram Form: Gifted to her from a male Zekrom who wanted her to make love to it against her will. This of course resulted with the Zekrom becoming assfat, naturally.
Belly Capacity: Up to three legendaries the size of Zekrom/Reshiram.
Chances of Escape: 11% (Prey must reach a total of 178 to escape)
Pokemon/people caught in... other ways:
Congradulations, you caught
Congradulations, you caught
Vore (from favorite to least favorite):
Other kinks:
-being pred
-being prey
-Endo/imprisonment (keeping prey alive within the pred)
-willing (rare)