
Age: 19
Orientation: Bisexual
Current Lover: n/a
Friends: Necrolance
General Bust Size: C range
Height: 5' 11"
Normal Weight: 131 lbs

I knew we had a mystery[ery]... I'll just put him on the wall.[all.]
Imenia Monogon, digital kitsune. ...In a way. While her attire looks tech-y, she is not an actual technological entity. She's just good with tech is all. If anything, she works in the same business as Telari_Correio, but on the digital end of things, scanning e-mails for viruses, troubleshooting and all that stuff. Of course, when I start getting to her other details, it'll be a wonder she's as good as she is at her job.

Imenia's work garb actually is that. Yes, the exposed shoulders, the slight sideboob, the thigh-highs and partial skirt (I daresay showgirl a la the Sisters of Purgatory) is part of her uniform. The uniform itself is a piece of technological work, as it looks, since she can dismiss and call up parts at will with a touch of a button. Though, she likes it so much she frequently wears it to more casual occasions, confusing people who work with her on a regular basis. While she does have more normal attire, she really, really likes her uniform.

Now as for Imenia's personality... when she's talking with people live, she's friendly and outgoing, usually minding her language and speaking clearly. Online, when not at work, though... well, let's just say she's a very interesting play on GIFT. She's the same nice girl, but her language tends to get more crass, and she starts speaking with a form of lisp or nasal blockage. That, and she starts saying some odd stuff... weirdness is an inherent trait of ZergAlts, apparently. Regardless, she's a very tech-savvy girl, capable of fixing damn near any device that's broken if given the right materials.

Now as for what makes Imenia stand out, it's not so much her tech savviness... it's her clumsiness. Really. She might have a nice sway to her walk, but she's been known to trip over her own feet at sometimes inopportune times. Her chances of tripping increase when dealing with physically sensitive materials for some reason, and every now and then, when dealing with something delicate with her fingers, she occasionally slip. Not as much as her feet, but there's still a chance. And as for her tails involved in all this? They've been known to knock at stuff directly behind her... which isn't helped by the fact that, everyday, the amount of tails she has changes from anywhere between one and ten. That said, her worst days are when she has all ten tails, which means that anything or anyone directly behind her is definitively doomed to get bowled over. Not to mention those tails make it hard for her to sit in comfy chairs that aren't custom made, and she doesn't get a lot of those. Some days, she just wishes she weren't a kitsune...

UPDATE: Monogon's somehow managed to pass down her clumsiness and incredible skill with tech to Arisa via family reassignment. o.o

Kitsune girl of ZergAlts. The connection between her and Telari is intentional, if you watch YouTube. XD

*drops a stack of dishes* Oh... no! Not again! RDM! RDM!
Monogon without her work uniform.

Just moments away from getting serious!

Formal wear.
Lucia_Vermillion (oral)
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike Refer to ZergAlts for full sliders.
Whisper Always/Love