A little thing to keep track of some of my characters better.
Time_TwisterHoney_BeetchGooey_GirlAlpha_ReaperWicked_WarlockMinnieturizer A variant!
Captured: None atm
Lectra_7 Strangled and had her soul dewvoured by Ilflis
Soul_Stealer Eaten alive day 1 by Aesir
Fearless_Feline Swalled alive by Aversa, soul trapped eternall digesting in her stomach.
Miss_Mayhem Had her head crushed by Berserker
Reaper_Z Devoured by Minnie! Long story
Lectra_9 Masterwork witnessed her reforming, figured out how to end her permanently, and did so using Omega
Reaper_X The Madame saw through her attempt at getting in her good graces for a betrayal. After beating her, she casually gave her to Bewitch to ahve her butchered.
Minnieturizer Played one too many games with Soo, the succubus of her dreams. Soul sucked out and devoured casually over a few weeks
Lectra_8 Killed by Dr Lin after Nora decided she could only be at neace by letting Ilflis finish her off.
Hail_Girl Killed by Mother Shroom after trying to freeze her into a statue to keep
Girlzilla_ Killed by The Madame after juicing her up for a terrorist attack
Meta_Girl Eaten by Bella herself-and loved it
Hot_Stuff Eaten at a Yacht party while too drunk to resist by Ilflis. Slurped her into her tail and digested her.
Living Hub Girls (yet to get a Proper Profile)
More Heroic:

16 - HP, 18 MD
Offense: 1d10 vs hp, 2d4 vs MD
Parry: 3 hp and md
Regen: 1
Powers: Flight, fire, acid attacks. Temptation, can get in your head, make you give yourself to her.
Personality- sweet, but lethal. A good temptation demon.

18 - HP, 10 MD
Offense: d6+1 In light, d12+4 in darkness
Parry: 2 in light, 6 in darkness.
Powers: Shadowplay - Can send her own shadow and shadows around her to attack foes, wears a big cape to ensure maximum shadow tendrils for her to control and attack with.
Personality: Outright Sadist, enjoys causing pain.l Went as a hero to not get in trouble with heroes.

14 - HP, 16 MD
Offense: 1d6 Thorn Whip, 2d4 Mind spores
Regen: 3 Physical, 1 mental
Powers: Mind altering body - She's mildly toxic, consuming her deals a final 2d4 of md, giving her a chance to escape. If someone digests her completely, their MD is cut in half permanently
Personality: Gentle, Kind
Crystal Crusader

10 - HP, 15 MD
Offense: 1d10+2
Parry: can reduce her offense die by 1 to gain 1 parry for each.
Powers: Shatter - punches things and causes them to share into purple crystals. she can manipulate them offensively or defensively
Less Heroic

14 - HP, 16 MD
Offense: 1d8 Mental
Powers: Draining Kiss

18 - HP, 12 MD
Offense: 1d10, can double her damage for one attack when below half health. Roll a d4, recharges on a 1
Parry: 2, Regen 2
Powers: Manipulates Fire with her Fire wand!
Baddest Bunny

16 - HP, 10 MD
Offense: 1d8+3
Parry: 2 regen 1
Powers: Leaps and bounds! She kicks really hard with powerful legs
Steel Maiden

20 - HP, 14 MD
Offense: 3d3
Parry: 3 physical, regen 1 All
Powers: Powered Armor - Double her parry (or have 3 mental). Recharge on a 1 on a d8
Blue Bombshell

14 - HP, 16 MD

14 - HP, 16 MD

18- HP, 16 MD
Offense: 1d10+1
Parry: 3
Regen: 1
Powers: Thunder Clap - if she rolls over half damage, her foe is deafened, meaning they roll their next attack at disadvantage
Dead Heroes/Villains?

Red Gale / Gail Whethers
12 - HP, 10 MD
Offense: 2d6 Air Blast
Parry: 1d6 from blowing her enemies backwards with a reaction
Powers: Air manipulation. Can use it to leap, kinda fly (more like gliding) and blast with a bludgeoning or slashing impact. Can blow back foes
Personality: Generally nervous, decided to use her powers for good before she went and used them selfishly somehow.

(Vampire - Vulnerable to Sunlight (Double damage when in it)
HP: 16 MD: 10 PPL: (Physical) 1D6+2 (Mental) 1D4+2

Flies, strong, fast
Willa Wisp

14 - HP, 16 MD
1D7+1 Fire Damage
can cast Mirror Image. Roll 1d# of images +1 to see if she gets hit or not.
Final Gambit - If she would be killed or knocked out with an image still up, she can trade places with said image instead.
Hungry Harpy

14 - HP, 9 MD
Powers: Flight, energy force shield projection from her necklace
Parry: 3, 1 vs mental
Damage 1d6+1, can once per 3 turns double her damage by dropping you from a height.

14 - HP, 16 MD

15 - HP, 10 MD
Parry 2, heal 2
Razzle can emit bright flashes of light to distract her enemies (parry 2 mental as well) and can focus that light into a bright neon pink laser blast from her hand.
Ms. Magic

HP: 15 MD: 15
Powers: Spellcaster, can perform all sorts of mind-bending effects.
Parry: Abjuration spell, 1d4
Damage 1d8+1 vs MD
Hail Girl

HP: 17 MD: 13
Powers: Ice based powers
Parry: 3 from ice shields (2 vs metal-wielding opponents, 1 vs fire)
Damage: 2d3, slows you down for every 3 dealt, giving foes a -2 on attacks. if you cant roll higher than 0 total, you're frozen solid.
Sparkle Sinister

HP: 14 MD: 12
Powers: Flight, sparkly energy beams that make you tired.
Parry: Disarming Presence (You're cute when you're angry) People tend not to take her seriously, dealing 2 damage less than normal to her
Damage 1d12+1
HP: 14 MD 11
Damage: 1d6+2
Draining Strike: she heals half the damage she deals to a foe.
Peeled apart by Kuzunoha when she realized she was a plant and not really meat

"Don't dish out what you can't take!"
HP: 17 MD: 10
Powers: Energy Absortion/Release
Parry: 2
Momentum's body stores energy to be dispatched later. She's stepped into tornados to gain enough wind force for flight, has let herself be electrocuted so she can taze with a touch, and whatever she gets hit with she can dish back out.
Damage: d8+X, with X being the damage she took last round
Damage: d8+X, with X being half the the damage she took last round (rounded up), can surge once per 3 rounds do deal full
Stood no chance against a mind-infecting demoness from the SuperCity

Geo-Girl is excited, fresh to the City, and very much is an idealistic hero. While perhaps not naturally voracious, she does attack by smashing rocks around with telekinesis-and thinks that if you're a villain that gets crushed by a ton of rubble, that's your own fault.
20 - HP, 13 MD
Powers: Geo-kinesis- she can manipulate rocks. that includes bricks, asphalt, and concrete.
Parry: Instinctual blocking - throws up rocks quickly to block incoming attacks. parry 1, but roll a d3. blocks all damage on a 1
Damage 1d12, can once per 3 turns double her damage by trying to crush you between two boulders

Portal Girl
14 - HP, 10 MD
Offense: 1d7+2
Parry: HP, Only takes damage from even dice roll totals before bonuses by putting a portal between her and her attacker.
Powers: Portals, can make two at a time-a point A and a point B. They can move at her beckoning, and she uses them to punch people through, as well as lop off enemy limbs.
Personality- kinda lazy, very bratty