Name: Sawyer Hellgan Catharine Nickname: Hellgan Nationality: German Alliances: Legion of Chaos/Slaanesh/The_Red_Four Age: Is 2804, Looks 48, Feels 21... XP Race: Demonic Femine. Sex: Female. Sexuality: Straight. Kinks: F-List Height: 5’9 ft Weight: 145 lbs. (Carry weight not added) Personality: Seems sad as of lately, easy to bring to tears, and looks depressed most of the time now. Voice Actress: Ryoko from Tenchi Muyo. Hair: Dirty White, having that puff on top some. Skin/Fur: Dirty White, a little oily. Clothing: Corrupted Imperial Guard Officer's Uniform, Chaos Armor, Chaos Armor 2 Hobby(s): Making others suffer, watching her enemies die, and drinking. Inventory: Box of Matches, Brass Zippo Lighter, 1x Bottle of Whiskey, 1x Bottle of Vodka, Deck of Cards, & Philosopher Stone. Follower(s) Champion(s): Crushes: Lord Shen and two others, I'm keeping secrete. Pet(s): Lucario_Luke
((All Art is mine, well, most of it. XD))
Character’s Status Info
True to the meaning of her monstrous nature, the chaotic blood that flows inside of her body allows her to summon powerful, ferocious "demon" spirits, which let physical attacks pass right through them, while the gem on the inside of her right wrist allows her to control the summoned spirits, and the last gem, which inside her throat, gives her full power.
Physically, Hellgan has no taste buds, and has no need to eat anymore; all the energy she gets comes from the gem inherited by Imperium of Man God Emperor , on her wrist. Hellgan eats to be social, but has a "taste" for whiskey. Although she enjoys allowing herself to become drunk like normal humans, Hellgan's level of healing has the ability to instantly nullify the effects of alcohol, or any other toxic chemicals within her body, which comes in handy if she has to go into battle. In addition, Hellgan does not need to breathe, and can survive unaided in the vacuum of space.
Having turned her back on the Imperium of Man, finding that humans are weak and can't handle the true power of the overall universe, Hellgan took in the dark powers that were summoned from the eight pointed star icon she made out in sand. Offering her blood and will into the darkness that opened within the circle, the feline's body took to new shape, both within her mortal form, as well on her appearance, scarring her for life. Now a Daemon of Slaanesh, taking pleasure in his enlightenment...
Other powers Hellgan possesses include:
Relatively mild levels of superhuman strength and superhuman speed, but the former can essentially be greatly amplified by merging with Chaos Units under her command.
Intangibility, but not necessarily to energy-attacks.
Creating energy swords and energy blasts of varying yields and destructive power.
Instant regeneration of missing limbs.
Telepathic chat with others, allowing her to drive a mortal mad.
In addition, Hellgan can access an advanced internal database, as a group-mind shared with the ship to constantly overview her exact universal coordinates. She can also use this to access information and construction specifics for advanced technology, which combined with her ability of molecular reconstruction, allows her to create some of them out of available surrounding matter, such as bunkers and turrets.
Ships Owned The Mitzger: Once a design considered suitable to serve as the backbone of an Imperial Battlefleet, the Chaos Hades-class Heavy Cruiser is an exceptionally dangerous and well-armed vessel, a dire threat to any ship of the line. Hades-class Heavy Cruisers can put out a devastating amount of firepower at long range, including dual banks of lances and heavy clustered weapons batteries on each broadside. It is suspected that the Hades-class contains certain non-Euclidian quirks of architecture, perhaps placed deliberately by its corrupted planners, that inexorably lead towards madness and worshiping daemonic entities of the Warp. Whatever the truth, it is well-known that this heavy cruiser is often found serving at the forefront of Traitor battle formations. Dimensions:
Hull: Heavy Cruiser
Class: Hades-class
Dimensions: Approximately 5.2 kilometres long, .8 kilometres abeam
Mass: Approximately 33.5 Megatonnes
Crew: Approximately 130,000 crew
Acceleration: 2.4 Gravities maximum acceleration
The Splatter Mash: The Chaos Devastation-class Cruiser is a fleet-support carrier, a rarity among Chaotic warfleets. A Devastation-class vessel possesses large starboard and port launch bays that are capable of launching four squadrons of Chaotic attack craft into any battle, bringing vital support to Chaos warfleets that are normally short on the fighters needed to counter the massed torpedo volleys that are part of the standard tactics employed by their Imperial nemeses. Devastation-class cruisers also bring to bear bombers and the Dreadclaw Assault Boats (Drop Pods) that are an incredibly dangerous offensive weapon when they are also filled with Chaos Space Marines for a boarding action. While the Devastation-class' weapons batteries and long-range Lances lack the firepower required to engage in short-range duels, the Devastation-class nonetheless remains an effective long-range threat for the Forces of Chaos.
Tough and reliable carriers, the Devastation-class Cruiser is a starship highly valued by pirate bands and Renegade warlords. It possesses powerful long-ranged Lance emplacements on either broadside, racks of turbo-laser destructor batteries on its prow, and can launch a considerable array of Attack Craft from its flight decks. Devastations carry robust repair and re-armament facilities for its bombers and fighters, and below decks, entire cargo holds are given over to crude quarters teeming with hordes of mutants, Chaos Cultists, and madmen who fill the ship’s complement of Dreadclaw Assault Boats. Within the Koronus Expanse, the crews of the Swiftdeath fighters and Doomfire bombers exist as tightly knit clans, with sets of pilots and crews competing against each other in savage duels for supremacy. Dimensions:
Hull: Cruiser
Class: Devastation-class Cruiser
Dimensions: Approximately 5 kilometres long, .8 kilometres
Mass: Approximately 28.5 Megatonnes
Crew: Approximately 80,000 crew
Acceleration: 2.4 Gravities maximum acceleration
Bleach Hooks/Infidel-class Raider: It is widely believed that the Infidel-class Raider was developed from stolen plans for a larger Imperial Escort ship destined to replace the aging Cobra-class Destroyer. The Infidel is a relatively new design, combining a battery of punishing Macrocannons with a sizeable array of torpedo tubes in the prow. Fast, tough, and incredibly dangerous when formed into squadrons, Infidels quickly gained a dire reputation amongst their Imperial Navy opponents. Infidels are often used by their vile captains to perpetrate surprise assaults, leading the way with a wave of boarding torpedoes with the Chaotic ships following close behind ready to devastate any survivors with their broadsides. Dimensions:
Number in Grouping: 7, 4 with The Mitzger, 3 with The Splatter Mash.
Hull: Raider (Escort)
Class: Infidel Raider
Dimensions: 1.5 km long, 0.25 km abeam approx.
Mass: Approximately 6 megatonnes
Crew: Approximately 24,000 crew
Acceleration: 5 Gravities maximum sustainable acceleration
Tyronous, a Chaos Warhound Titan (sometimes referred to as a Feral Titan) is the Chaos counterpart to the Imperial Warhound Scout Titan operated by Traitor Titan Legions. Its Machine Spirit is wholly corrupted by the powers of Chaos and the Titan's soul and crew, now possessed by daemons, are doomed to serve the Chaos Gods in battle for all eternity.
They are formidably armed with two 'Titan weapon' mount hard-points available, with the same weapons available as the Imperial version, Tyronous is mounted with a Vulcan Mega-Bolter for it's left arm fitting and a Turbo-laser Destructor for it's right arm fitting.
Current Condition- Battle worn, needs repairs, weapon stabilizers need replacement, armor is pierced in different locations, fuel cords need replacing, and crew replacement, the Titan Commander seems to have shot his two Engineers for cowardly behavior during the battle for the Capital of Ishaqueth...
Umper 4: On the outside of Segmentum Ultima's stretch, the winter planet of anthro wolverines was once a peaceful, but soon the war was brought to it, by Imperial Guard and the Legion of Chaos. Sadly, the Guard only held the dark forces of the Red Four back for twelve days, till they were over runned and slaughtered like lambs to a meat grinder, not one Imperial making it out alive. Once the the Chaos forces finished with the Guard, they turned to the locals, seeing only fresh meat and good humping, no one surviving the ordeal, just those of the Warp spreading out, growing stronger from the fresh blood of youths and pure spirits...
Played with Warren_Kingston.
Feros 4: A world that was populated and settled by a Chakat support group. Several other species have moved there, over time, but the population is, or was, primarily chakat, save for the full time military which, though boasting a higher percentage of chakats than any other detachment, do not hold that species in majority. The population was, at the time of landing, 1,248,962 by census, with an estimated 10,000 unregistered. The world was a quiet place, built into caring standards, offering equal balance of hope. A civilian world with pleasant plains, rolling hills, fields of flaura and edible fauna, ripe for farming across the entire surface. Terraforming was entirely unnecessary, and it produces more food for this section of the galaxy than the entire rest of the system and the nearest neighboring system. The people here preferred to build things with their own two hands, and thus had a large variety of artistic, yet nostalgic, architecture and art. And the best part about it was that 90% of the structures on the planet didn't need any napalm at all to burn like a bonfire.This place wasn't ready to hold off the forces of Chaos, and they only got a meager 10% of the population off world before Hellgan's forces conquered it. The population was so spread out, though, that it was proving a marvelous game of hunting down each and every group of survivors. Only 83,982 made it off the planet's surface, the rest were either killed, enslaved, consumed alive, or worse...
Played with Daean.
Tera: Tera, a very rich and lush world, the planet nearly perfect for any life form, offering water, thick forests, calm atmosphere climates, wildlife for hunting, and wonderful soil to mine for generations to come. Time has past well for the Lucarios, slowly advancing in the tech tree, just coming into the Pre-Industrial age, farms being used more, small factories popping up, the small car engine having been made, while gunpowder was used more often, but blades and armor were still used too. Nothing was hard about life, just get up in the morning, work the day through, get paid at the end of the week, and have two days off, like the modern world, only this one was a bit old still, say 1900-1920... Course, that all changed when the forces of Chaos showed up, opening the Warp, covering the entire planet with chilling temperatures, the sun's light barely making it through the dark clouds, snow starting to take effect, and the very presents of Daemons coming in. Bolt-Action rifles, revolvers, small cannons, hand-crank gatling guns, even the 4 MPH tanks, were useless against the technology of The Red Four, easily clearing out the armies in less than 5 hours. Those leftover, workers, farmers, rich, poor, all left were rounded up, some enslaved, well most, others seen as food, who were the unlucky ones for once. The enslaved were put to work, some having little freedom still, others full-time slaves, mining, factories, woodwork, and even whores.
Tera is now a front to Hellgan's operations, the planet having some of the richest ore to be mined, refined, and used, while the Lucario race there is given the chance to survive, as slaves of course...
Played with Lucario_Luke.
Ishaqueth: Planet Ishaqueth, a Lush and vibrant jungle world teaming with life. The planet, which is located on the far eastern fringe of the galaxy on the exact opposite end of the universe then the Eye of Terror. Since the fall of the Eldar race, the planet has remained untouched by any save for the Eldar race. The planet's dense jungles are home to the Exodite Eldar, they living in peace with the planet. Migrating from village to village as many small tribes co-exist along side the plethora of beasts and creatures which share the planet with them. A small population of Lapine and Feline anthros also inhabit the planet, though they are a vast minority. The estimated population is roughly 600,000. Though the Eldar's numbers are boosted greatly by the many raptors, carnosaurs, megadons, drakes, and dragons, along with other large species of beasts that the Exodites have learned to use as both beasts of burden and war when the time calls for it. As well as being able to tap into the world spirit and draw forth the aid from long since deceased warriors. The people of the planet, though living a primitive life, are still by all effects Eldar, and as such implement wraithbone, lance, shuriken, and all other technologies known to those of their Craftworld brethren, though in much less of an abundance. Preferring physical labor which is all but unknown to their Craftworld kindred. The lower hemisphere of the planet is burnt, sundered and corrupted, forever tainted by the birthing of Slaanesh. This area has been quarantined, labeled as the forbidden zone as no living soul is allowed to travel there without proper clearance from the dragon king.
This planet has been fully wasted, a Dead World now, just ash, harsh winds, and freezing frost remains, all relics have been captured, any trash of Elder being there, fully gone...
________________________________________________________________ Hellgan's Bolter Pistol
Family! Fox Son- Kojak Vaughn Catharine, his father named him. Wild at heart, a free spirit and loves the outdoors, this little fox is a perfect copy of his father when he was young.
White Fox Son- Ingall Malavic Catharine, Mother named him. Shy, never likes trouble, and has a soft heart for others, loves to stay near his mother too.
Feline Daughter-Valborga Wuz Catharine, Mother named her. Like mother like daughter, mean as hell, Tomboy like some, and wants to grow up to be just like her mother...
1: I win, you lose, nothing more said...
2: Sex 1st, Vore 2nd, Combat 3rd, and whatnot 4th.
3: Please, talk to me about things first, don't wait till the last second...
4: No GOD Moders, no Magic Users, no Kitsunes (I hate the most!!!), no killing Sawyer, no bullshit about what's going on. If you don't like how things are running, then leave, I'm not going to waste time messing around.
5: Males 1st, Male-Herms 2nd, Female-Herms 3rd, CuntBoys 4th, Females 5th, Shemales 6th, and if you're genderless or a shape-shifter, don't even bother me. Thank you...
6: I'm open to nearly all fetishes, so don't be all shy, asking, "How do you feel towards...", look, I've done it all, so just let me know first, not when you want it.
7: This is a power character, meaning she's one of those badass fucken bitches you just don't mess with, unless you have my say so.
8: Try to have fun, that's what we're here for, okay? ^___^
I'm here, but at the same time, I'm not... Leave me a PUB, it's best... If you see this sign, I will only respond to you if you are in character... If I'm OOC, don't come to me asking for an RP... I'm wanting to have some fun... No, not that type of fun... Just playing around Nexus Park, looking for fun, action, love, and most of all, just people really... Feeling towards my soft side, like I'm wanting to be held inside a males testicle or his stomach, but not digested though... You're fucked if you come near me... >:D
________________________________________________________________ ((Fan Art!!! ^_____^))