Hasero is an elemental month shifter known as a Daikain, each month is a different form and element. All Forms have a normal Anthro form and an Entity form.
Note she is a smoker and will do a lot of things more unique than Shero or Shera.
Here is Hasero's VB moves:
Vore Battle Record:
1. Taur
Lu_Lu made a surprise pounce on the unexpected water horse, but Hasero turned the tides and fucked the taur before shoving her into her cock and sealed her from the world.
Ascher found himself another cardinal on the same day and decide to play with her as well. Soon the lion found out he had to cock vore Hasero twice in order to keep or use her little body as cum.
Sicha = Sicha OV release
Thedrake = Thedrake CV digestion
Lord_Kane = Hasero CV digestion

Hasero's True Form

1. January is the Horse of Water.

2. February is the Tiger of Darkness.

3. March is the Dragon of Storm.

4. April is the Cardinal of Fire.

5. May is the Dolphin of Ice.

6. June is the Shark of Lightning.

7. July is the Snake of Wind.

8. August is the Gryphon/Griffon of Earth.

9. September is the Bear of Metal.

10. October is the Fox of Light.

11. November is the Crocodile of Death.

12. December is the Wolf of Life.