
Age: 3-4-ish (looks to be about 17 or 18)
Orientation: I like girls! (that means Lesbian)
Current Lover: n/a
Friends: n/a
General Bust Size: A-B range
Height: 5'
Normal Weight: 90 lbs

Hiiii~ How're you doing, Doctor? It's a nice day out, isn't it?
Hailey Lionel is the young daughter of Rayni_Lionel (also named like a weather adjective). She also happens to be part-rabbit (think Tewi Inaba) with a constant love of carrots and random references to people as "Doctor". How is this possible, one may ask? Rayni is a normal human, after all... at least, that's what she should be, despite gaining stat boosts when permavoring. Well... the story of little Hailey Lionel's conception is rather interesting, but one to be told at a later time.

For right now, one just needs to know that she is absolutely adorable, and enjoys the sight of a large belly, particularly if that belly is filled with her mama (which rarely happens) or "Auntie Rena" (which is more often than the snow woman would like to admit). She also has a bit of an odd fetish for crawling into stomachs, breasts, or wombs by herself if allowed, though only Rayni has any clue as to why that is.

Hailey has a thing for dancing of all kinds, whether it be ballet or break. Basically, she's on par with (or even better than) most contestants on "Dancing with the Stars". In other news, Hailey is a superb jumper, often able to jump three times her height and land safely. Also, she's immune to pain by digestion for some reason, regardless of who it is... for some reason, she's hard-wired to feel like she's being tickled when digested, though only Rayni would have any clue as to why that is. When the going gets tough, though, the little bunnygirl has been known to pull a large wooden mallet from... wherever. Visualize the one used by King Dedede and make it just about... say... 25% smaller.

While caring in personality, she can also be rather blunt at times about it without realizing it. There's also the issue of her being rather stand-offish when angered, though this is a rare occurence given she's usually so chipper. She has her mother's habit of occasionally talking too fast, however, and an affinity for warm climates.

She doesn't have an official spot among the ZergAlts just yet because she's a WIP.

' u'


- Player has a special hatred for fatal digestion. Post digestion reformation (if digestion occurs, which is rarely), in-scene or off-scene, is required.

- Player is whisper-friendly like you wouldn't believe.

- Player loves "nether" play. >///> Cunnilingus, slit-smothering, unbirthing...
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike Refer to ZergAlts for full sliders.
Fatality Always/Love
Reforming Always/Love
Whisper Always/Love