When you think of Xenomorphs, if you've seen the movies, you mostly think of black chitin, eyeless shells, smooth lines, and all too many sharp surfaces. Unless you're a fetishist, in which case you may or may not think about eggs getting stuffed down your throat. POint is.... you KNOW what to expect, right?
... generally-speaking, anyway.
MY point, however, is that with you knowing what to expect, you'd NOT expect it to be Gaiga. After all, she's only four foot six, with pale skin, heterochromatic eyes(green and blue, with her left being blue and her right being green), and long, silky brown hair, worn loose more often than not, with jeans, sneakers, a tank-top, and a pair of nice, round glasses. You'd not expect a xenomorph to look.... well, like a loli. And then you see that she's got the classic Xenomorph tail, and her eyes are glowing, and her ears are pointed, and you might think... well, hell if I know.
The point, here, is that she IS a Xenomorph. An Alien. An evolved one, born from an unusual queen, and a willing host... and a snarky one, too. BUt, then, she was born from a combination of
Amari, and
Merenestris, so really, we should probably count our blessings, right? After all, she's friendly, at least, and with her inherited abilities(some measure of psychic power from Meren, shapeshifting from Ryla, deliciousness from Amari...), she could be a HUGE problem....
As is, she hangs around in vents, sometimes ambushes her family, and may or may not cause her siblings to disappear, only to turn up later, coated in slime. What more do you expect from a child of Ryla?
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