
Fire may not be the first of the sisters, but she is definitely the core of the sisterhood. Created to assist Wind and Water in their hunting, she quickly learned how to manipulate her magic from boosting her sisters to creating powerful flames, changing her name from Magic to Fire. As the Master sought to spread the Wild Wood across the world, Fire was suddenly a threat, and it set out to destroy her without altering her sister. And it succeeded.

However, Fire's core remained, as she soon revived in a blaze that set the forest aflame and helped her sisters escape their captivity. Since then, she became the caretaker of the sisterhood, making it her job to look after the other fairies with her magical power. And though this is normally a good thing, she sometimes... goes overboard, having gained a habit of stuffing her sisters in her womb, breasts, or stomach if she thinks they are in danger. They are also the only reason she hunts, seeking to keep herself at top ability in order to keep the others safe.

Sisters: Water, Wind_The_Fae, Snow_The_Fae, Ice_The_Fae.