
Age: Unknown
Orientation: Unknown
Current Lover: n/a
Friends: n/a
General Bust Size: A-B range
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 110 lbs

Geh... I need to finish this profile sometime.

Speaking of, I don't think the interference of the player behind this ZergAlts thing is necessary, because I can explain myself just fine...

My name is Fieria Arden (sometimes Arden-Taylar, depending on where I am), a high-ranking "Innovator" of [REDACTED]. All you must know for the time being is that Operation: For Answer is underway, and anyone interfering will be eliminated.
In other words, this girl tends to shag the fourth wall something bad. You wouldn't expect that kind of thing from a mecha girl, I would imagine, but hey, this is a ZergAlt after all.

That dress in the picture? The cute faux-battle-damaged one-piece with the knee socks and white semi-platforms? Believe it or not, that's standard-issue for her. Officially, it's to help her blend in with the usual crowds of Nexus Park, and you'd be surprised at how much stuff she can hide in there.

Fieria (Fee-air-ee-uh) Arden here is a form of Super Soldier from the same organization that brought us Oda_L_Yuy and Rika_F_Exia. While still a mecha girl in principle, she's on a much, much smaller scale than the other two. Specifically, she is the first of a breed of Super Soldier known as "Innovators" that can connect with a variety of electronic devices to access or alter information on them, as well as other modifications such as super strength, speed, regeneration and other sensory abilities.

However, due to chemical imbalances combined with slightly faulty circuitry, Fieria's personality is a bit of a wild card, ranging from gentle and understanding to raging nymphomaniac to broken-down sobbing wreck. One thing that remains a constant among her personalities, however, is a constant striving for perfection and order, though even this is affected at times.

For further specs on her enhancements, she has several. On top of super strength and endurance, Fieria is notable for the fact that she is capable of breathing underwater. No, she can't swim all that fast like a mermaid, but her respiritory enhancements are something to be beheld. And in vore, when she has a good grip on someone, she actually begins to suck them in, effectively dooming them to end up in her stomach, womb, whatever when she gets them up to the top of their chest. Not that she's much of a digestor... her vore capabilities are more intended for restraining. For some players, though, these particular enhancements can be omitted entirely.

What Operation: For Answer is, even I dunno... this character is a WIP, so more details to come as I think of them.

Sh-Shag? How did they get in my profile? Delete! Delete! D:
Unbirthed: Chieko_Meng_Ue

[Alternate Timeline Family]
Sister: Charlotte_T

[Vore Room Personality Guide]
1: The Ojou
2: Raging Nympho
3: Sob-Story Extraordinaire
4: Rei Ayanami
5: Luigi

Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike Refer to ZergAlts--I've noticed they have this on most of their alts now.
Oral Vore Always/Love
Whisper Always/Love