
Age: appears 18, actually about 3
Orientation: Possibly Asexual
Current Lover: n/a
Friends: n/a
General Bust Size: B-C range
Height: approx 55' armored; approx 54.5' unarmored
Normal Weight: 8 metric tons

Profiles are cheap. Especially mine.
Don't let Oda's cute pose and face in the picture fool you--she's been trained since creation to be the perfect soldier, giving off a somewhat cold and stoic demeanor. In actuality, she's a kind soul who keeps her emotions under control in order to carry out her orders, whatever they may be. According to her, emotions on the battlefield are a good way to heartbreak, but she almost always thinks she's on the battlefield. One common thing to say to others is, "I'll kill you." Don't be alarmed; it's just her way of saying hello.

What she wears above is pretty much all she can wear, unless some charitable soul can make it so that when she's out of her armor, she isn't down to her partial jumpsuit. To that end, she isn't quite sure how Scarlet manages to "cosplay" since the other mecha woman is significantly larger.

There are a number of things in her background that led to this mentality of hers. One that particularly stands out is one mission during her first year of activity: she was assigned to destroy an anti-Nexus terrorist base. After placing the explosives, she found the time to relax, planning to detonate the bombs that night. While in the park itself, she encountered a young girl whom she befriended that day. That night, when she triggered the explosives, a nearby Leo was knocked onto an apartment building, crushing it before it exploded. Investigating the ruins, she found the girl's broken body. When she buried her out of remorse, Oda trained herself to suppress her emotions, leading to the stoic giantess we see today.

To win her over, prove that you aren't afraid of her, no matter what she's capable of. She's not one to harm innocents if she can help it, so you'll really need to prove that you can look past the bloodshed she's caused. Also, treat her like you would any other human being, which is something the mecha girl really needs. As far as gifts, it's a bit tricky... she IS huge, after all.

In battle, her armaments and other equipment are as follows:

{Beam Sabers}
Stored in her shoulder armor for quick access. They can compete with even Soul Weapons, though this is merely a rumor. However, they can easily melt through even some of the toughest armor out there. They can also work underwater.

{Piledriver Shield}
Features an anti-beam and anti-hex coating, and can shoot out the tip to puncture enemy armor similar to actual piledrivers. It's aerodynamically shaped to reduce air resistance.

{Buster Rifle}
Oda's primary armament, a weapon capable of destroying objects several miles in size, even space colonies. When charged enough, this baby can destroy entire waves of targets.

{ZERO System}
A powerful biocomputer installed in Oda's mind. Even though it supposedly decreases her reaction times, she's effectively granted the ability to see into the future and possible reactions to it in order to ensure victory or defeat. However, the system is prone to malfunction, flooding Oda's mind with ALL possible futures of herself and people within the vicinity, which runs the risk of driving her mad for a while.

She is the eighth girl of ZergAlts, and the most story-based of them all.

...I'll kill you.
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Realistic Always/Love
Never/Dislike By virtue of being classified as a Real Robot by Super Robot Wars.
Rough Always/Love
Never/Dislike You should hold tight.
Gentle Always/Love
Never/Dislike Don't worry... it's okay...
Sex Always/Love
Never/Dislike If you're lucky. I don't understand how it would work, though.
Pain Always/Love
Blood Always/Love
Magic Always/Love
Never/Dislike To do the impossible...
Micro/Macro Always/Love
Never/Dislike Pardon me if I'm keeping you from tanning.
Same Size Always/Love
Never/Dislike Someone like me...?
Male Partner Always/Love
Female Partner Always/Love
Human Partner Always/Love
Demi Partner Always/Love
Verbose Posts Always/Love
Quick Posts Always/Love
Evolving Character Always/Love
Staying In Character Always/Love
Multi-Session Always/Love
Group Roleplay Always/Love
Never/Dislike Operation Meteor is underway...
Whisper Always/Love
Public Always/Love
Never/Dislike Those who recognize me for who I am won't live to tell about it.
Private Always/Love
Never/Dislike Just you and me...I'll kill you.