All the girls from Fire Emblem Awakening have found themselves transported to the Nexus through the Outrealm Gate! That's about all I got right now. This is an evolving character, with only the first generation characters being available for now, until canon events happen to allow the second generation to arrive. Also, because I am lazy, I will be copying the personalities of each girl from the Fire Emblem Wiki.

Lissa initially comes across as an individual who looks upon the world with a naive, simplistic outlook, a fact that is compounded by her seemingly spoiled and immature behaviour. In a rather conflicting light, Lissa is embarrassed of these traits of hers, as she perceives them as brusque and unbecoming of a noble lady. She has thus become rather insecure over her character as a whole, where she not just laments over her un-ladylike mannerisms, but also expresses a desire to emulate the example set by her sister. These flaws are, however, heavily offset by several redeeming qualities; The most prevalent of these is her exuberant, optimistic attitude, one that is deemed crucial for boosting the army’s morale by Chrom. This is further bolstered by Lissa’s compassion, where her willingness to indiscriminately help anyone in need has allowed her to build up rapport and trust with others easily, as is the case with her friendship with Maribelle.
Canon Events: None as of yet.

In a manner that is heavily reminiscent of the most masculine of men, Sully possesses a personality that is characterised by a spirited zealousness, brimming with self-confidence and passion - a fact that has caused her to be regarded as being cooler than most men, earning her the admiration of many a woman in Ylisse. Such a fact is concretised in her supports with Miriel, who notes that her language is rather brusque and vulgar, alongside her general character being one that is aggressive, traits that are stereotypically instituted as hallmarks of masculinity. Despite her initial display of apathy towards her femininity, Sully does, in actuality, fret over her appearance and personality. Sully has also proven to be obstinate, headstrong and independent. In her pursuit to prove her worth as a knight, Sully has thus neglected honing such domestic skills like cooking and washing clothes. This fact is further compounded by her aversion towards engaging in such activities.
Canon Events: None as of yet.

Miriel is a perfectionist who cannot stand having even a single book out of place in the Shepherd's garrison. She is especially harsh when berating anyone who behaves thoughtlessly. An embodiment of efficiency, Miriel keeps track of everything in the army, making sure everything is up to code. In fact, she is efficient enough to keep her own possessions in order, even though she has the most possessions out of everyone in the army. More so, Miriel is an intellectual individual with a vast array of eloquent vocabulary which leaves most of the Shepherds, more often than not, confused or sometimes even annoyed. Miriel tends to be interested only in the theoretical and discovery of the inner workings of the world. If something interests her, such as Frederick's sword parry techniques or the Avatar's tactical brilliance despite their amnesia, Miriel stops at nothing to gather as much knowledge as possible as her role as a scholar.
Canon Events: Non as of yet

Sumia is a klutzy individual, prone to small mishaps. In fact, her clumsiness is so bad that she trips over nothing more than anyone in the Shepherds, much to her embarassment. Because of this, she feels that she is sometimes unsuited for her job but still does her best whenever she can. Despite her clumsy habits, she holds a hidden strength that most people lack. She has a strong affinity for animals and can read their feelings very well. She used this ability to calm and tame an injured pegasus that was feral to everyone else. Even a horse that Frederick could not tame was quickly quelled by Sumia. Her best friend is her fellow Pegasus Knight Cordelia, who is always there to help her when she is in trouble, and admires her flawless demeanor. Still she has shown to be courageous, caring, and kind, willing to fight for her people.
Canon Events: None as of yet.

Maribelle is a typical noblewoman, trained in the classical and finer arts of the higher ranks in society. Ironically, this has sparked within her an interest in the "plebeian" lifestyles of the common citizenry of Ylisse, in turn motivating her aspiration to become a magistrate that fosters equal rights between both the nobility and the common folk alike. She tends to come off as being snobbish and prideful, warming up rather slowly to others. Once she has developed a fairly intimate relationship with a given individual, she becomes much kinder and is more sensitive to the emotions of the other party. This personality of hers has had a negative impact on her social life during her childhood, in which she was alienated by many of her fellow noble peers, who, perceiving it as weird and bizarre, took to cruelly mocking her and falsifying rumors about her. Lissa is by far the only person willing to befriend Maribelle and accept her for who she is, compelling Maribelle to view Lissa as her most treasured friend. In gratitude for Lissa's friendship, Maribelle has vowed to protect her, even at the cost of her own life.
Canon Events: None as of yet.

Panne is a cool woman with a strong sense of duty and pride for her people. Panne distrusts humans for the genocide of her people, leaving her as the last Taguel. As such she refers to any human who has not earned her respect "man-spawn". Panne is somewhat a "wild" person as she never grew up with human customs.
Canon Events: None as of yet.

Unlike Sumia, who is considered a klutz, Cordelia is considered to be a genius who can do most things flawlessly, though she hates being referred to as such. She is aware of her prodigious talents and as a result is seen as a prideful individual. She holds feelings for Chrom, but hides them as she believes the relationship would be impossible. She is not satisfied with the term "average", as she aims to be perfect in mastering her skills. Her perfectionism caused many of the other Pegasus Knights to dislike her, believing that she looked down on them.
Canon Events: Cordelia has fallen for
The_Tactician, and is now in a happy relationship with him!

Nowi, despite her true age, mostly acts like a child, but this is revealed to be a deliberate act to cheer others up which in turn shows how mature she truly is. She loves playing outside and is always looking for a playmate. Despite this however, Nowi is well aware of her Manakete status and, like Tiki, is afraid of being alone, knowing that one day, her human friends will die while she continues to live on for many more millennia. Nevertheless, Nowi continues to live everyday, enjoying the time she has with everyone in the army. Nowi has moments showing her maturity, especially with her children to whom she uses mature language and shows such emotion making sure to care for them and raise them the only way she knows how. Nowi also upon joining the army, immediately understands her cheerful impact on the army and acts accordingly to keep the army's morale up.
Canon Events: None as of yet.

Tharja comes off as a stalker due to her unhealthy obsession with the Avatar, regardless of their gender. She even values the Avatar's life more than her own and usually acts quite amorously around them. She is willing to do whatever it takes to win their affections, even if it means changing her whole personality to suit their taste. Around others though, she is a rather cold individual, usually threatening to curse them if they stand in the way of her plans of gaining the Avatar's affections. Despite Tharja's grim personality around others, she is capable of loving another person, though her love for the Avatar still takes a higher priority in the end. She is also sensitive about others to an extent, even vaguely telling Nowi, that her parents are dead, while passing it off that they are "far away".
Canon Events: None as of yet.

Olivia is extremely shy and withdrawn, but a dancing genius with many fans across the lands. She states to Chrom that she is only good at dancing, which even then, she feels she is inadequate in doing, mostly due to her stage fright. She can summon more of her strength than usual for the sake of others. Her dream is to open her own theatre. She is the best singer in the army.
Canon Events: None as of yet.

Cherche is a domestic woman raised on simple values who is good at cooking and sewing, in contrast to her vicious wyvern. She has a bizarre sense of aesthetics, referring to monsters and bugs as cute. Cherche shares an extremely close bond with her wyvern and has developed an ability to tell what Minerva is feeling or saying by her shrieks. She is the scariest person in the army to anger as she tends to threaten people by implying that she will make Minerva eat them all with a smile on her face.
Canon Events: None as of yet.

Lucina is a strong willed and driven woman who is determined to alter the dark future she came from. Due to the countless deaths and horrific events of the future, she dislikes any form of death, even "noble" ones. Her main motivations comes from her love for her parents, especially Chrom. Lucina is willing to do whatever it takes to see that Chrom stays alive, even if it means going against her wish for no needless deaths. Nevertheless, she is obedient to Chrom and puts her trust in her father's judgements. Lucina bears a resemblance to Marth and has been mistaken as him by Tiki when she is introduced. Tiki also remarks that her involuntary actions around camp when helping others further likens her to Marth himself.
Despite her serious and stoic persona, Lucina has childish moments around her parents and siblings. In fact, she is paranoid of the female Avatar if she is not her mother, worried that she'll steal away Chrom from her mother because of their close relationship. Lucina has a rather dry sense of humor, and is the least likely to get a joke out of anyone in the Shepherds.
Canon Events: After arriving to the Nexus, she has found a love in
Yatchet, and is currently married to him.

Anna is a bright, cheerful young merchant, but her true nature is clouded in mystery. She's very fixated on money and is a girl of many talents. Not much besides that is really known.
Canon Events: None as of yet, but Anna is unique. Due to her having a nearly infinite number of identical sisters, Anna can have a great multitude of canons.

Say'ri is a princess of Chon'sin, a small nation in Valm. She seems different from the people of Ylisse and has an old fashioned look. She has a strong personality and always gets to the point.
Canon Events: None as of yet.

In the events of the Akaneia Series, Tiki is a typical child having an innocent outlook on life and easily attaches to others. She shares a close relation with both Marth and Bantu, affectionately referring to them as "Mar-Mar"and "Ban-Ban" respectively; Bantu being the first person she interacted with when she was first awoken and Marth who protected her after Gharnef brainwashed her. Her relationship with Marth developed into a more of a childish crush. As a result of Tiki's long slumber, she hates falling asleep as it had left her alone for several hundred years.
2,000 years later in Awakening, Tiki has matured significantly, where she is much more calm and serene, although small glimpses of her childish past emerge. She aspires to preserve the memory of her long departed friends, vowing to protect the future that they had fought for as she does so. However, Tiki laments that all of her friends from long ago have long past while she remains alive, and at the same time, is well aware that those feelings will happen again when the Shepherds eventually meet the same fate as Marth's army. Despite all this, Tiki still wishes to interact with humans and make friendships with them, saying it's better to go through the loss of having those relationships rather than not having them at all. Because of her Divine Dragon status, she is worshiped as the Voice of Naga; however she dislikes her title and status, as it creates a barrier for normal interaction with those she meets.
Canon Events: None as of yet.

Flavia is a brave, heroic, strong-minded woman; like a reliable big sister. She is a hero of women who yields to no man, but treats her opponents equally no matter who they are. She has a side of her that pays attention to her surroundings and has an attention to detail.
Canon Events: None as of yet.
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