A Fire Emblem Awakening fan alt. This is Robin from the Fire Emblem series. Both versions are equally available for roleplay, the current gender next to the character name will be the person you'll be interacting with. They're both the same person but with different lives, so don't be afraid of chatting with both. ^^ Mark and Kiran are available for play. Faded purple text will be for female Robin. Light gray text will be for male Robin. Mark will use green text, and Kiran will use yellow text.
Current inventory:
1x Book of Naga
1x Celica's
Robin's Gale
1x Levin Sword
1x Brave Sword
1x Killing Edge
1x Bolganone tome
1x Thoron tome
1x Blarraven tome
Current supports: (Based off of past roleplays.)
Timeline 1
Lyndis S
Lucina C
Tiki A
Timeline 2
Cordelia S
Timeline 3
Other faces of Robin and Morgan
Now this is just embarrassing... Hey you over there! Don't just stare! Get me some help!