Name: Sonya Wilhelm Slater
Age: 34, appears as 24 due to biological aging being slowed
Race: Blood-Ministrated Human
Blood Type: Ancient Echoes Infested Old Blood / Immortal Blood
Soul Type: Immortal / Godsoul
Occupation: Hunter
Specification: Executioner / Hunter of Hunters
Weapons of Choice: Ludwig's Holy Blade, Sword-chain, Quicksilver Pistol, Moonlight Great Sword
-The Healing Church
-The School of Mensis
-Vicar Amelia

"I don't bring forgiveness. I don't bring peace. I've come to slay you. Come to kill the beast.
Hailing from a land far away from the hallowed streets of the city of Yharnam, Sonya Slater eventually contracted a sickness known as Ashen Blood. She was unable to discover if she had contracted it because of her time in the Royal Military or if it was because of her family bloodline but it was made rapidly apparant that it would kill her, and slowly. At the time, there was no cure for her ailment and it took lives very quickly. Her desire for live became desperate. Choosing the only alternative she took a ship to the city of Blood build over the catacombs of the dead; Yharnam. Once there, she engaged in Blood Ministration, curing her Ashen Blood, but cursing her with Old Blood. She became a Hunter; grainting her access to the Hunters Dream and to The_Doll wihtin. It wasn't until her confrontation and defeat of Rom the Vaccuous Spider that her blood would gain it's ancient power, her blood now having the whispers of eternity, and the threat of beasthood reduced. Though tragically having to face down not one but three of her former comrades, Gascogine, Henryk, and Gehrman, Sonya remained resolute to end this nightmare once and for all. Having eyes on the inside and an Immortal Soul granted by consuming the Three Elder God Umbilical Cords, she called down the strange Eldrich Entity that had given cause to all this madness, but instead was wisked away to The Nexxus/The Park. Now she searches for a way to return to the Hunter's Dream, to Yharnam, to finish what she started. However, she's not above purifying a few Beasts while she's here.
She has found herself a servant and slave of Evanora as her Enforcer and Protector, as well as other duties. She serves her dutifully and to the best of her ability. Woe betold those who cross Evanora for the wrath of the Hunter of Hunters, of gods, and of Beasts sets itself upon them. She is entirely devoted to her mistress and will not hesistate to devour, tease, digest, or quell any threats to her owner.
She is going to operate mostly on the Bloodborne lore as that's more or less her world, that doesn't mean she won't adapt and change now that she is in ours.
Not available for Permavore...yet. Though if you want her to permavore you, that's cool.
Whisper please, asking to play, don't just IC approach.
Character is both pred and prey.
Character is a part of Bloodsouls.
Vore Battle Move List Coming Soon!

Just found out, after a few typing speed tests, that she can type at roughtly 90WPM. Yay!