Name: Dramp
Species: Unknown Plant
Height: Around 3ft (Excluding roots)
Color: Variable, though usually a light orange.
This character is mostly used for OOC stuff now.
Please don't come asking for a scene unless I'm set to LFRP or Open. I'm saying for a fact right now,
if you do, I'm just going to ignore you since you clearly didn't read the first thing on the profile.
=: Short Description :=
This is NOT a plant character made for rape, sexual assault, or any other crazy thing dealing with molestation anyone can come up with. So please don't come asking for me to do that kind of focused Rp with you.
This is none other than Dramp. An unknown type of plant that somehow found it's way into the park. Unlike what most people would think of when they hear 'Plant' here, Dramp isn't just a mass of tentacles and vines. Dramp is more of a smaller, three foot tall plant with an orange exterior pod-like body with 2 literal eyes embedded within it. Although Dramp has no specific gender, it tends to refer to itself as a 'He' whenever it's able to communicate. On the outside, all you can see of Dramp is the main Pod-body, two small pouch-like parts on either side of him near the bottom, and on the 'cap' of his head there's another downwards facing pouch that drops small fragile orbs filled with a gas that can knock out just about anything that breathes in the fume. The lower section of the Pod-body is transparent, allowing any passing form to see what currently holds a spot inside of him, usually being a mass amount of water or small non-sentient critter. They're terribly easy to find around here.
=: Rooted/Uprooted :=
The two pouches on the lower sides of Dramp contain tightly packed coils of vine, not very strong individually, but fairly long, each with a cup-like tip on the end used for catching and hurling the small orbs previously mentioned in the last section. Although the tips are usually cupped, they can also be without a tip or with two sturdy hooks used for embedding themselves into the ground around him and pushing down to uproot himself from the ground, able to loosen up the four main roots under the Pod-body and pull them out of the ground to move short distances before needing to root back into the ground to regain some stamina to keep moving. Although he can uproot and move along himself, at the cost of having to plant back in every few minutes, he can also root on a living creature, but without actually digging his entire roots into their body. As long as he can keep his roots wrapped around some part of the creature, he can embed a few threads of the roots into the creature, which could easily be snapped and thrown off if that creature is unwilling. He will only try to root on a living creature if he knows that they won't resist, since there are a few sharp stings as the roots thread into them. Rooted on a creature, Dramp is free to move along wherever that creature goes, allowing easier methods of getting around. When rooted (To the ground or on a creature) Dramp can use his pouched vines freely, whether it's to use the fumed orbs or to pick up something, he has full usage of them. When uprooted, he can only use his pouched vines to move, unable to produce the orbs or change the tips to cupped or plain. Dramp can be uprooted unwillingly without breaking his roots if the ground under him is damp enough to pull him out without giving him a place to hold on to. When he's uprooted, he's only got about 10 minutes before he withers out and dies. He'll start losing stamina in about 5, stop moving in 8, and soon after it's the end. The only way to revive him afterwards is by the use of magic or with a seed he'd previously placed (If he even did place one) in which he'll grow from that seed with all the memories and knowledge from the moment that he's placed it. If he's uprooted, and any of his roots snap, he'll wither out within a minute or two. All of his four roots need to be intact for him to plant in properly. It IS possible to move him around in some sort of Flower pot or similar item, as long as he has enough room to plant in if rooting onto another living creature isn't the option to go.
=: Features/Abilities :=
Communication- Dramp can't speak out loud to a group of people, since he has no maw that is actually able to speak. He IS however, able to listen to others talking aloud, even though he has no visible 'ears' to do so. The only way he can communicate to others is if he roots onto them, or contacts them physically with a root, being able to communicate through thoughts, and catch every thought made in the creature's mind whether it was directed to him or not. He doesn't know much about other species since he's never really come across a sentient creature to root on to talk to them.
Re-Growth Seeds- If the creature he encounters allows it, he can plant a single acid-resistant seed in their gut so as to bring him back should something cause him to wither. If he withers after he placed a seed, he will grow from that seed with the same memories and knowledge that he had at the moment that he planted it, leaving the creature it's inside to let him out again. The seed can't be planted in the ground, since it has to be inside a host in order to grow again. The seed itself is about the size of a stretched out baseball, and is planted through one of the two pouched vines on his sides down the creature's throat. Only one seed is placed, since multiple will cause problems when trying to re-grow. The seed is harmless to the host, but the reason he can't just plant one in anything he crosses is because it will only start to grow back if there is no acid in the creature's stomach, but will not stop growing if it then fills with them, which would end up in him being 'killed' without a second seed to bring him back.
UPDATE! Miraculously, Dramp managed to find a way to plant the seeds into the ground, and no longer requires a host to hold the seeds. ( I changed this since having the host part of it like so would lead to withering, and then a long wait to be back on when a host would be able to let him back out when both players were online.. A lot easier to get by now. )
Fume Orbs (Or just Orbs)- The cap atop the Pod-body has a single pouch which can drop a fragile orb filled with fumes (as stated in the short description). These fumes, when inhaled will cause any living creature's state of mind to calm at a drastic pace, almost instantly causing them to fall over asleep. This effect can last from an hour to a day depending on the size of the creature that inhaled it. The point of the Fume Orb is to keep any threats away by putting them to sleep before they can get close enough to reach him, giving him time to uproot and move away. Should one of these creatures be immune to gasses and their effects, he's very vulnerable to the creature approaching.
Ingestion of food/fluids- At the end of an untipped pouched vine, there's an opening used for planting Re-Growth seeds and ingesting food and fluid. Anything being ingested through this way ends up in the transparent area which could also be called his stomach, if it fits. Instead of being watered like a garden plant, Dramp has to ingest water through these means to keep himself alive. In a Pred situation, he'd only be able to eat anything around his size or smaller, the vine unable to stretch enough to fit over anything extremely large. His 'stomach,' however, can stretch surprisingly large. The only downside to ingesting enough to stretch is that he can't uproot himself until everything inside is absorbed, leaving him exposed to other creatures.
Color-Camo: Although not very effective in most situations, Dramp can alter the coloring of his Pod-body to try and fit in with his surroundings, even though his cap and vine pouches don't alter, making it very ineffective. Normally if Dramp changes color, he does it for Aesthetic reasons, rather being able to be seen fully instead of partially if the area around him isn't his exact color.
Character Evolvement
Pitcher plant vine-tip: During a friendly meet-up with GaleTempest, Dramp was altered a bit through ingesting a bit of her blood. The effect gave him the ability to create a Pitcher Plant at the end of either vine, useful for eating things of a larger scale. He's able to fully control it, change it's size, and ingest food through it. He's really only been using it for non-lethal purposes, like holding friends inside for awhile. The Pitcher will fill with honey-like liquid with the density to match. This is a light acidic fluid used to break things down so he can properly ingest whatever's inside it. The fluid is not acidic enough to cause a lot of harm in a small amount of time, only if something stays inside of it for quite some time will it start to actually dissolve it's contents. Inside the Pitcher itself are more vines, smaller and stronger used for restraining struggling prey. He really doesn't use this method to eat for real, since he prefers not to kill others for his own gain.
=: Personality :=
Dramp is always rather curious of what's going on around him, often running into bad situations in which he encounters something that he really has trouble dealing with. Dramp will (Usually) only use the Orbs if he feels threatened or scared, just to buy himself time to get away from whatever caused the feelings in the first place. He instantly has a neutral outlook on anything he encounters, easily switching over to liking or disliking it depending on what happens after encountering it. If it's a person that is calmer and more careful, he'll come to like them. On the other hand, someone more destructive and angry would quickly get negative reactions from him, usually ending up in an Orb thrown at them just to get away from them in hopes of finding someone new. He can usually be found in clearings or by lakes (For the supply of water easily accessible to him) by himself, either full of water or looking for some small critter to absorb. His pouched vines are each about 25ft long, tightly packed into each pouch. The advantage of having them longer is so he doesn't have to uproot himself to get to something 15ft away, instead being able to contact it from where he is, saving time and energy. Dramp always enjoys seeing something/someone new to him, wanting to find out as much as he can from Nexus Park and all it has to offer. He loves being taken care of and given attention, mainly just so he can feel as though he had someone to care for him. It's fairly easy to get him to let you approach, just be calm and don't make quick movements--he can take out a tipped vine, drop & catch an Orb, and hurl it at something incoming in a matter of seconds. A way to tell if he's getting uneasy would just be to look at his vines, if they're pouched and kept still it's usually easy to say he's calm. If one is tipped and held under his 'Cap', he's ready to drop & throw an Orb, usually representing that he's uneasy. In the case where his Orbs don't affect something he feels threatened by, and he knows he can't get away, he'll back up as far as he can from the threat and lower his cap over his Pod-body, pushing his eyes down past the Ring/Neck normally below his eyes, leaving only the tops of them visible, in an attempt to make himself look just a bit smaller, able to seem about a 1/2ft shorter, not really protecting him though, so it isn't a defense.
=: Events :=
After Yol digested Dramp once, grew him again and let him off to do whatever the hell he normally does, Yol was able to create usable seeds for the same plant Dramp is. He's been cultivating more copies of the plant, for reasons unknown. Dramp has yet to see any of these plant copies, and really has no idea they actually exist. As of now, the plants he's grown don't seem to have the same personality, and most of his abilities are already shown in those copies, though slightly altered in a few ways. But everything isn't exactly apparent.
=: Species Impressions :=
Deleted this for quite a few reasons...
=: OOC Stuff :=
-I've found by looking through profiles that quite a few people aren't very fond of Plants, and for the sake that I miss something, I won't really approach anyone but friends in private. In public, I still may very well ask to approach, although I won't really that often, since I'm usually multitasking until I get an approach myself. When I'm in the Roleplay room with LFRP up, I'm either doing one of two things on a different tab: Watching Youtube, or listening to Soundcloud. I check this tab every few moments, sometimes longer if I'm watching Youtube, so if you send me a whisper and I don't respond right away, there's ( Probably ) your reason. As soon as I notice I have an approach, I'll pay more attention to this tab and be more active.
-Just to let you all know, the player has a bit of a mood disorder, and can get from a very serious to a very active or depressed mood in almost an instant. Although it really won't show that much in an Rp, when I'm in the OOC world or just LFRP in the Rp room, you may notice some very obvious mood changes if I'm posting OOC.... Such as odd or random comments on certain Rp's if I find the chance, or just taking a long time to respond, and with shorter posts.. Sorry if this happens to you, it's not something I can handle very well and medication isn't helping all too much.
-If you approach me (or vice versa) know that I've read every word on your profile two times over. The more you have on it, the better of an idea I can make about your char. I don't mind if there isn't much, but it's nice to have something to read.
-I can have a bit of a problem with IC approaches, and always end up hesitating to respond. Seeing something like "Comes up next to you and stares" out of the blue doesn't really seem like much other than a miswhisper to me. If you don't end up saying it was a miswhisper within a few minutes, I may post back, but don't get mad at me if it wasn't an approach. If it's from someone I know on the chat, I may easily post back without much hesitation, and feel free to say it was an approach if I take too long to respond. It takes a burden off my back.
Free Counters people have had enough interest to see what this character is about.
Succumbed to the inevitable fate of the Linked_Minds.