This profile is built as a companion for Realms_of_Hedonism, functioning as one of several skill trees devoted to different
categories of both RPG and fetish-related skills and stats. This one is dedicated to disposal, waste, and diaper stuff! If you're viewing
this early on, it is likely that there is little to nothing here; even if there is stuff here, I probably am still taking suggestions!
Waste |
Disposal |
Diapers |
Other Grossness |
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Diaper Bloating, or just Bloating, is an active skill based on heavily filling up a pamp. Practicing it makes it easier to release one's bowels and/or bladder, and pairs well with skills and stats based on disproportionate waste, filling diapers in general, or diaper hypnosis. Generally, bloating is considered an important skill for aspiring diaper users to gain at least a little XP in, so that they can more effectively use and master their pamps.
Diaper Hyperbloating, or just Hyperbloating, is an active skill unlocked by reaching the maximum level of standard Diaper Bloating. While normal bloating is a fairly normal skill for diaper users to practice and gradually master, hyperbloating is a more specialized, "high-tier" skill for characters which are very interested in large messes. As a skill unlocked by a preceding skill, it has greater effects, but less levels which are harder to unlock.
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Change Denial is an active skill used to quickly refill a diaper after being changed. It is utilized primarily to prevent a character from spending more than the minimum possible time in an unused pamp. Practicing of the skill generally makes it easier for the character to swiftly load a pamp without consequences, either from their own body or from other characters around them, including refusal of potty training.
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Rapid Digestion, sometimes called Instant Digestion when it is especially fast, is an active skill used to expeditiously digest meals. It is typically used by predatory characters for digesting prey, rather than for general use to digest any food. Practicing the skill will enable a character to more easily and effectively digest larger meals at faster speeds without losing desired nutritional value, asset gains, or waste production.
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Intestinal Digestion is a stat which allows a character to gradually utilize their intestines more effectively for digestion. The stat is increased through use of the intestines in digestion, particularly digestion of larger and more rewarding meals.
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Gradual Digestion, also called Gradual Consumption, is a passive skill for predatory characters. It is utilized by predators who consume prey over time, rather than all at once. Typically, it is used by predators consuming prey who are larger than they are, when they either lack the capacity to consume their whole body in one go or when they simply do not desire to do so. It is common and often important for small predators- such as children, short characters, and smaller species such as fairies or goblins- to gain some XP in.
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Diaper Sharing is an interactive skill for two or more pamp users. It involves one character giving their previously-used diaper to another, such as a sibling, cousin, other relative, or friend. It can alter the second wearer's body or mind, or share some of the first wearer's XP with them. It can be utilized both for mutual gain, or to give the original user some power over the second character.
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Diaper Competition is an interactive skill for two or more pamp users. It utilizes the diaper-wearers' other skills to create a competition between them, and awards rewards to whoever wins the competition; the rewards might include things like sharing some of the losers' XP on certain skills or stats to the winners, turning the losers into sentient pamps, or making the losers' pamps receive the waste from the winners while the winners receive all XP from the losers for a particular amount of time.
Diaper Stealing is an active skill for one diaper using character to use against another. It involves the active character stealing the other character's pamp, either used or unused, being worn or unworn. In the process, the thief gains some of the victim's XP or can temporarily take some of their stats/abilities. They can also potentially return the diaper after use, forcing the victim to wear their used pamp and, sometimes, have their body or mind influenced by the thief.
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Pamp Control is a stat related to how effectively a character can move while wearing increasingly full, heavy diapers. Practicing enables easier and faster movements with steadily heavier loads, including preventing others from physically manipulating a skilled user's pamps.
Digestive Aid is a stat which utilizes outside influences- specifically taking the form of consumables such as milk or alcohol, soothing physical actions such as massages, and similar calming or comforting items- to enhance the digestive speed and/or power of a character. It is naturally increased for most predatory characters through digesting prey, but any character can increase it slowly just by using digestion enhancers.
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As PredAs Prey
Vore Basics | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | ____________________________________________________ Mix of pred, prey, and observer. More likely to be prey for underage characters, especially when played older. Also interested in being prey for adults, "more likely" for one doesn't mean "less likely" for the other! Soft vore only, no hard vore. Digestion not required, but normal. Endo sometimes good. Not always interested in fatal but sometimes. Always interested in implied or visible reformation, sometimes pred-controlled reformation. Same-size is an absolute preference. Micro pred or macro prey is rarely possible; macro pred almost never, micro prey absolutely never. Willing and unwilling are both good in certain contexts; both have their good and their bad sides, so y'know, we'll decide based on the scene and the characters! ____________________________________________________ |
Vore Details | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | ____________________________________________________ Roughness is good. Gentleness is also good. Sex allowed IF the characters are old enough for it and the right ages in general. Talk to me about it, we can establish what's okay and what is not comfortable. Stretchiness preferred over realism. Food-related stuff is fine, but cooking is not enjoyed. Pain and blood sometimes allowed in certain contexts, but not liked much in digestion. Transformation is good sometimes depending on moods and what kind of TF it is. Bondage is also sometimes good, and also depends on moods and context. Magic definitely good sometimes. ____________________________________________________ |
Vore Methods | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | ____________________________________________________ Oral vore always good. Anal vore almost always good. Cock vore sometimes enjoyed. (Enjoyed more, I think, if it provides nutrition to the pred almost like the balls are both cum production AND an extra stomach) Unbirth sometimes nice. Breast vore theoretically could be interesting. Soul vore can be very good if the right mood is happening. Vampiric vore can be pretty nice, if it's done in a way the moods like. Tail vore is almost an absolute no, but you can ask if you really want. Other methods, ask, I might not know them or might've forgotten to put them here. ____________________________________________________ |
Gross Stuff | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | ____________________________________________________ There's a lot to potentially put in this category so I may need to just explain it in a conversation with you. Scat very good. (Here's some good scat stuff: casual pooping, sentient scat, disproportionate scat, gradual/partial pooping AKA pooping over time rather than all at once, friends pooping together, preds showing off pooping/pooped prey) Watersports very good. (Here's some good watersports stuff: casual peeing, disproportionate urine, marking, friends peeing together, peeing inside the balls or ass of a sub, prey, or friend) Gas very good (both burps and farts alike). (Here's some good gas stuff: casual farting, casual belching, gassy digestion, gas-based disposal, scentplay (in various forms, like musk, pheromones, etcetera), farts and/or burps accelerating digestion and possibly holding them in slowing digestion) Diapers very good. (Here's some good diaper stuff: (actually too long to go into everything I've sometimes seen or thought of but here's a few) diaper TF (sometimes), diaper digestion (also a sometimes thing), filling diapers inside an endo pred, kids continuing to use diapers older than they "should", heavily waste-bloating diapers, younger kids manipulating or convincing older ones or teens to try on their diapers (maybe even including used ones), un-potty training/diaper training, sleepovers or playdates with diapers/pull-ups, peeing/pooping into another person's diaper (while worn or otherwise), public diaper use) Soiling of underwear and the like sometimes good. Disposal, needless to say, very good. (Here's a couple good disposal things: partial disposal, gradual disposal, casual disposal, exhibitionist disposal (potentially including social media posting), competitive disposal between preds, "making room" (i.e. disposing of previous prey or non-prey meals before/during/right after eating prey). Bones/clothes/other objects I do prefer to get digested, but I'm sometimes willing to have them survive digestion and be in disposal or belched up or something. ____________________________________________________ |
Partner Stuff | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | ____________________________________________________ Males good (including femboys and such). Females good (including tomboys and such). Herms good (both femherms and maleherms). Enbies good. Transes good. Humans absolute preference. Demis sometimes good. Anthro/fur/scaly/feathered/scaly/plants/equivalents are maybes. Animal/feral/non-sentients are sometimes good, more as pred with the main character as an observer than anything else, but feel free to ask me about other things, or maybe I'll ask you! Others, i.e. aliens, demons, angels, deities, etcetera, are gonna be a case-by-case so go ahead and ask. Underage characters, obviously, are a definite yes here. In fact, more likely to be prey for kids. Just keep in mind if I say I'm not comfortable with an aspect of underage characters, I want that discomfort respected. ____________________________________________________ |
Technical Stuff | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | ____________________________________________________ Verbose posts and quick posts are both sometimes good, but what I and you consider "verbose" or "quick" might be different. Evolving characters are good; sometimes, though, doing a whole new scene with the same characters, where they meet all over again, can be good! Especially if the previous one had a fatal end. Please do not speak to me in-character when we are chatting before a scene. I do not like first-person writing, and I do not like IC approaches. During a scene, just use () parentheses to talk to me if you want or need to! I won't mind the interruption! During a scene, aside for the () parentheses, I'll assume we're in-character. Player vore might sometimes happen and obviously that does necessitate some "me" and "I" kind of writing. Surprises can be nice, but please don't spring anything on me that you're not sure I'll like, discuss first; you don't have to tell me details if you want it to be a surprise, just a general question like "Do you enjoy farting during facesitting?". Single-session and multi-session scenes can both be good; sometimes multi-session is a necessity due to time issues. Grab-and-gulps are usually not liked, but can be fun sometimes, or tolerable other times. Group roleplays I am usually not interested in, unless every person is definitely interested in both (or all) others and there's a clear sequence of who acts when so that nobody gets confused and unsure about whether it's their turn. Vore games can be fun! I've enjoyed thinking of some that are good for kids to manipulate teens and adults into their guts. Whispers are welcome. Public stuff... not really my thing, nor appropriate for this character most likely. So, private stuff basically all the way. It's easier to keep track of regardless, so it's easier to manage! ____________________________________________________ |
Other Stuff | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | ____________________________________________________ Yes, this is basically a lumped-in "everything else" category. If you didn't see something above there's a chance you see it here; if you don't, feel free to just ask me about it! Atypical gender roles can be fun. For example, househusbands, or dominant prey, or the like. Sex and gender stuff can be good, such as: As mentioned in the partner things, transes and enbies and herms of course. Cuntboys, sometimes boob boys, girls with manhoods but no womanhoods. Gender or sex changing stuff like emasculation, defeminization, bimboification, himboification, themboification, becoming non-binary or trans, sex-changing without being a (x)imbo of some kind, and more. Keeping preys (or, with dominant prey, preds) as trophies can be good. Sometimes even objectification can be fun (in a psychosocial sense, not transformation, I don't usually like inanimate object TF). Petplay and ageplay can be fun sometimes. Absorption and/or total digestion can be fun sometimes, though usually I do like disposal of some kind so it's a mood thing. Casual vore is very good, and (when age-appropriate, so NOT for kids) casual sex can be good too. NPCs are an ideal way to have two preds, two preys, one pred/prey and one observer, etc. for us, and still get a functioning vore scene going. Love me some NPCs sometimes. Trait stealing/absorption and/or power or ability stealing/absorption is sometimes interesting. Age regression and sometimes potty regression (similar to un-potty training) can be fun. Predification or preyification can be great sometimes. Parasitic/symbiotic pred/prey can be fun. For example, prey being less-than-fully digested, and being absorbed into the pred's body mostly whole, conscious and becoming a living part of it for either mutual or one-way benefit, depending if it's a symbiotic or parasitic relationship. Keeping trophies of digested prey, or keeping the prey themselves as a trophy (digesting veeeeery slowly, for example, just to have someone big and possibly important/older as a belly/balls/butt/whatever). Digesting prey to a state where they can't/wouldn't want to escape anymore quickly, then finishing digestion much more slowly. More "powerful" preds producing more waste than newer/"weaker" ones. Non-preds, i.e. people mostly or completely prey/observer, being "corrupted" into predation. Dominant prey/submissive pred and/or dominant observer/submissive pred. Sometimes cyclical or repetitive digestion is fun. Imagine reforming right back already inside the pred's digestive system. Not always interested in that though. Romance, close/lewd friendship, gross friendship (i.e. friends who poop/pee together), and other "relationship" things are on the table. Romance doesn't automatically necessitate sex, so it's allowed for kids, though they're not always very good at it so bear that in mind. Hammerspace and partial hammerspace are sometimes enjoyed, but don't assume with that one, it's another mood-based item. "Accidental" and "unaware" vore, meaning a pred pretending it's an accident or that they're unaware, can be fun depending on moods! Belly pets/food slaves/equivalents can be fun at times as well. Rapid or even instant digestion can be fun. Slow or even extremely long digestion also can be fun. In fact, "normal"-ish speeds are also fun, depending on what we consider "normal". Absorption/transformation of prey into self-aware body parts, particularly something like a self-aware belly, can be fun. A belly that's self-aware even by default can be neat too, especially if it's sort of treated like a non-sentient pet rather than a thinking entity. Ferals are sometimes enjoyed as an observer, manipulating prey into getting in a pet's (particularly a dog's) belly (or potentially other parts) and then letting them digest. Incestuous vore (i.e. eating a sibling or cousin or even parent, or as indicated in the feral thing right above, feeding them to the dog) is very much encouraged I'd say. Incestuous sexuality... well, that's much more case-by-case, and don't assume I'll agree to it. But, if you want to play a biological or adopted relative (parent, sibling, whatever), I'm completely open to it! Lastly, consider setting ideas: Perhaps things like a herm/male only setting interests you? Or maybe similarly a herm/female only one? Or perhaps one where one sex or gender is considered "more predatory" and the other automatically "more prey", which then impacts gender relations and elements, including transes and enbies and femboys and tomboys and so forth, and it might have a basis in biology or it might just be a belief which can be shattered by the opposite of the expected sex or gender eating someone? I'm not always interested in these kinds of setting mechanics, but they can be very fun! ____________________________________________________ |