The Realms of Hedonism

Or perhaps... you're already in one, and want to get to another?
The Realm Gates link the planet-sized regions of the world together faster than any normal means of transit would.
Yet, no-one knows who created them, or how, or why... All they know is that the Realm Gates predate any active civilization.
General Description Info
Main Desc (TL;DR:)
This is a fantasy (also modern/sci-fi/etc. optional) world setting of a size larger than the Earth; each "Realm" is of a planetary size, but they're not all necessarily Earth-sized. Each one has a focus, be it a "theme" or "idea", or a "main fetish set", or a fantasy-derived mashup of real-world cultures (both active and extinct cultures included). Also, please note the left sidebar; it'll help you navigate the page more quickly if you want!Further General Info
Using one Realm does not mean all of them have to be used, or acknowledged in a scene- it's unlikely that even the educated people in all the Realms know all the others exist, or what happens in them! However, I would like to keep stuff of one theme or concept in its particular Realm FOR THE MOST PART; if you have an idea for something that'd "thematically fit" one Realm but want to set the scene in another Realm, pitch the idea anyway!I also am interested in your ideas! You will likely see the maps and links to other profiles here are incomplete; that means they're open for you to suggest things! You could even get your own characters or regions in the Realms if you suggest an idea somewhere that's open and I'm interested! Maybe even ideas for additional Realms themselves!
Speaking of links to other profiles, you'll also see somewhere in here (wherever I decide to put it) that there is a segment featuring skill trees for various purposes. Those are OPTIONAL. Just like this setting (and the individual Realms within it), the skill trees are only meant to make writing more fun, not make our scenes overly complicated!
Speaking of OPTIONAL features, I'm thinking I would like at some point to show characters who've done scenes in the Realms on this profile, with their used skills and stats, along with possibly achievements for you guys to hunt for and try to reach other Realms where they're easier (or might be specially targeted, even!), and so, perhaps I'll even add achievements on request or to celebrate special moments in scenes!
I also would like to do themed dungeons at some point! "Dungeons" in the RPG sense, meaning it wouldn't have to be a literal dungeon, it could be a fantasy flying castle, or a cyberpunk corporate building, or a sci-fi alternate dimension! For themes, there's plenty of potential as well; say hypothetically you're someone who's into diapers: well, does a diaper dungeon mean a regular dungeon with a diaper aesthetic, or a dungeon in a diaper, or an otherwise-standard dungeon that happens to have diapers in it? See, there's possibilities! Don't get me started on gut dungeons, I've had some experience with those, so I do have some idea what I'm doing!
In case everything above so far hasn't made it clear, I am of course interested in adventurers who come from outside the Realms, or who go from one Realm to another! Don't even have to be "adventurers" as such, could be traders or other things. Heck, maybe your character is trying to seize power for themselves somewhere, I dunno! Maybe they're a foreign homewrecker come to eat somebody's wife and pamper their kids! Point is, GM-type things for me are welcome, though that does NOT mean I'm unwilling to play individual specific characters and just put them in this universe, I'm happy to do so!
Obviously if you don't see anything you wanna know, don't hesitate to ask me about it, either on this profile or whichever one I'm logged in on. For example, maybe you're curious about the Realms' themes not matching my listed preferences; like my preferences for human versus demi, anthro, or feral characters! In dedicated Realms, I'm actually interested in testing my comfort zone, so my prefs might be expanded SPECIFICALLY (and perhaps ONLY, but ask) for those themed areas!
If you don't see something here that you feel like logically should be (for example, I realized while making this profile's first version that I apparently forgot to make a place for orcs or goblins! somehow... nor for eldritch beings or harpies or parasites/symbiotes, either... not even for djinn/genies or dryads (ever seen a desert dryad?) or slimes/goos... some of which is since fixed!) do feel free to let me know! (Hang on, where are the vampires and werewolves and stuff?)
Also, you may notice most of the maps currently have nothing except shapes; not even colors for land and water. Don't worry, I do have ideas! I'm just being lazy about filling them in.
Mechanical Info
This setting can operate with different kinds of magic; personally I'm a fan of very broad interpretations of magic, such as a Warhammer Fantasy-like system of "Lores" where there's basically a category of sorts for pretty much every kind of magic you might imagine, presumably including "non-magics" like artificery.Reforming or fatality or endo or the like in this setting is very configurable by scene; probably there's a variety of different reformation methods for those of you who are into reforming, and equally means of ensuring endo or fatal for those who prefer those options. Probably different regions have different methods, with some overlapping.
Characters can start in an area, or can start outside and enter in, or we can... y'know, set something up. I can offer any lore or other context you need or just want!... unless I haven't thought of it yet and nobody else has suggested it yet, then I'm kinda gonna fail, sorry. v ^v
If you've got an idea for a feature, or a country, or a character that would be controlled by me rather than you, or a whole new Realm with its own composition and theme and so forth, do let me know! I take all suggestions, even if I can't promise to use everything or to do it exactly as you say it.
Skill Trees and Bestiary (WARNING: All Incomplete as of 2/27/2025) (also, not required for play, just for fun)
Pred, Prey, Observer, and General Vore Skill Tree
Waste, Disposal, and Diapers Skill Tree
Sexuality and Gender Skill Tree
Magic, Powers, Artificery, and Other Abilities Skill Tree
Combat, Adventuring, Dungeoneering, and Other Physical Skill Tree
Ruling, Social, Trading, and Similar Things Skill Tree
Meta Abilities Skill Tree (also lists known classes and dungeons)
The Realms' Bestiary (listing races and creatures alike, and possibly cultures; ever been interested in polynesian/general tropical/mesoamerican-themed dwarves or elves?) (also includes race and creature stats and bonuses for eating lots of them!)
Achievements and Stuff
None written yet! Sorry!Characters and Characters' Stats and Inventories
One of my longtime friends' characters has the honor of being the first test subject for this section, as of Feb/26/2025.☰ Vess Levins
If you're reading this: Everything below this point is incomplete, other than maybe the preferences! Proceed with expectations set for some vague information and underdeveloped maps!

This is a place outside the Realms as we know them; it's a convenient place in a city inhabited by a smattering of people and non-people life forms from across the Realms, who can offer your character(s) an introductory point, or quests to do, or the like. The town's got a Realm Gate itself, which suggests this place was created deliberately, but nobody really seems to know how; perhaps there'll be quests at some point to investigate the foundations of the hub world itself? (Also no, I don't have a name for this place yet either; I do know the characters don't call it "the hubworld" or something along those lines.) It will conveniently list out current quests and my own potential interests- might list other stuff too, dunno yet! Suggest something if you like!
Quest Board
Once I come up with some, this'll be somewhere to basically just see ideas for targets to aim for! Some might get posted under specific realms, too, so check for those once this feature is active!Current Interests
I actually don't know what I'm interested in yet as of Feb/26/2025, so we can chat about something if you have an idea, or just approach with interest and maybe we can come up with an idea together!1: It's a boy's world!

This Realm (which currently lacks a name, as almost all of them do) is built on ideas like this: In this world, boys of various kinds (boy-boys, hermboys, cuntboys, maybe even bustyboys, and maybe even others if you have suggestions) have become very gay (or bi maybe?) and bred with each other massively more than with girls; this, combined with already having something of a sociocultural perception of girls as natural prey and boys as natural preds, has led girls to become a small minority while boys rule the world- mostly keeping girls around as farmed food and toys to play with. Everyone knows it's impressive when you have a whole harem of girls to eat or have sex with! It's even more impressive when you manage to seduce fellow boys into joining your harem! It's also considered a sign of being a good owner of a fellow boy when he wears little, has a thicc body and a cute, round potbelly (or pregnant belly, if he's got a boywomb), and is visibly pampered and well looked-after~
2: #girlsrule #boysaremeat #boypets

This currently-unnamed Realm has a similar but sort of flipped concept to the previous one. In this world, girls of most (or all) varieties have become the predominant and largest share of the population by a wide margin, and so boys mostly live on the outskirts, where girls with influence (usually in the form of wealth) can purchase them. Sometimes they do this for food, but often they subsist on other girls a lot, as well; the bigger prize is having a very cooperative, attractive boy as a pet of sorts- especially one who's clearly had his mind and/or body changed to suit his owner's desires! Most girls would struggle to have just one... but particularly rich women have whole harems of cute himbos to worship their bodies! But then, particularly rich women also have a certain habit of showing off their prized boys by letting their friends breed with them, and it's considered a sign of great respect for one's friends if a girl will worship her buddy's boy's body~
3: We live in a dog-eat-human world

In this Realm (which is of course currently lacking a name), ferals (intended to be mostly canids, particularly dogs, but I might be open to others) have become the dominant power. It's unclear exactly when, where, why, or how, but at some point, one digested a person! That in itself wasn't really very odd, but what was odd was how the animal digested its prey's mind, becoming sapient itself in the process! Granted, animals still can't speak humanoid languages, but they can understand them and find alternate ways to communicate when really necessary. The end result of this was, as intelligent ferals spread across the world, the world increasingly bent to serve them rather than humanoid desires. Oh, fully-animal ferals do still exist (and in large numbers, even!), but they're taken as equivalent of "citizens" by the ruling class of ferals. Humans (and pretty much any other humanoids around) mostly exist to serve and feed the ferals, but there are still a small number of exception-like areas; areas where humans and ferals coexist in various ways, such as a kingdom where the monarch rules as a sort of symbiote from inside his dog's belly, and some have even said there's a country where humanoid and feral life exists in full equality!... though the ferals still tend to retain roles as "pets" there, at least for social conventions, because it's "tradition" or something... It's likely that this Realm also has a population of demis, presumably with greater rights than humans in most places; ironically, anthros (if there are any) would likely wind up below the demis with the humans rather than being closer to the ferals, and it's likely anyone less than a feral is viewed by them as potential food or a symbiote they could integrate into their body.
4: Hey, is that a bulltaur?

Basically, this Realms has taurs in it. Maybe anthros too. Maybe demis. It definitely has a sizeable population of humans; in fact, they might outnumber the taurs. But that just means the taurs have lots of food, right?... I do imagine them coexisting, but not necessarily all peacefully; oh, sure, a bulltaur or cowtaur might be happy to live on a farm getting milked (or "milked" for the bulls) and digesting people all day, but your traditional centaurs miiight just form a kinda sorta taur khanate to ride across the steppe.
5: The Fetish East Indies Company

Put simply, this Realm's largest government (but not its only government) is a private company from somewhere else, possibly one of the other known Realms or maybe somewhere we don't know about as yet. They pretty much seek a monopoly on everything they can get their greedy, grubby capitalist fingers on, including obviously governing the land itself, but also in selling stuff like prey and pred services, sex products, diapers, whatever a scene calls for basically. Imagine the British East India Company, but it's the British Eats India Company and it's trying to sell you or someone you know into digestion. As for other stuff... I know there's some independent small states still! Might be South Asian themed or might not be, probably ethnically diverse even if they are.
6: Hang on... isn't that the Nestummy Company?

There's not a whole lot to elaborate upon here yet; it's a Realm I made to act as a potential setting for the Nestummy_Clan and other profiles related to them.
7: That kobold became a dragon!

Much more here than the last Realm, which is a good thing, and honestly I realized I had more than I thought. I think this one is predominated by kobolds, with some dragons, some humans, and possibly other races (other lizardine ones maybe? maybe other "shorts", like goblins and gnomes and halflings and such? dwarves maybe, but they've got their own area later down this list). The kobolds theoretically worship dragons and want to become dragons themselves (which they, or at least select ones among them, can do by establishing their own hoards over time). I also know there's a huge variety of dragons, kobolds derived from dragons, and types of hoards; I theorized at some point that there might even be a dragon with a hoard (or harem might be a better word) of cute boys, and that counts! Presumably there's some kobolds that don't like the humans and live only with other kobolds, and vice versa humans that live only with other humans, but I think there's also probably some human-kobold shared or ("shared" maybe) territories. I also-also think it's possible there's even some human-dominated kobold areas, not just kobold-dominated human ones, like maybe a human who digested a whole dragon and so they worship them as the new dragon in effect. In fact, a particularly adventurous, hungry kobold could probably get away with that, too!... though their digestive systems might not work the greatest if they're not a dragon yet... But hey, maybe when they become a dragon, they could even store their hoard inside their belly, huh?
8: It's Indochina and Mesoamerica... lots of jade

This Realm, along with several others you'll see in this list, is not just another that lacks a name; it also lacks a backstory focus or "main fetish" or "theme" as such. Instead, this one and some others are built upon the idea of merging together living (and/or extinct) real-world cultures and POSSIBLY their fantasy and mythology elements, though I'm less sure about that and might just make up my own. This one is intended as a merger of Indochina with Mesoamerica. If you have suggestions for this, or any other of the real-world ones especially (but also just any of the Realms in general!), please do offer them up! Okay, a little more has been come up with here; they might have carnivorous plants, some areas with voracious tribes, and some digestive sacrifice mechanics. Possibly big serpents, too, though that's partly gonna be mythological stuff rather than just big snakes, 'cause of the Mesoamerican mythological influences.
9: What would happen if the Pacific Islands and American West Coast merged?

In this real-world cultures-inspired Realm, the Pacific Islands (Polynesia, Micronesia, Melanesia, maybe some of the others) and the North American West Coast indigenous cultures (i.e. Salish, Chinook, Yokuts, Aleuts, Inuits, Haida, etc.) have been mashed together.
10: Hey look, it's East Asia, South America, and Eastern North America at the same time!

In another Realm derived from real-world cultures, this one is East Asia mashed up with South America and Eastern North America, so for example things like Haudenosaunee daimyo, or Cherokee in traditional Chinese robes.
11: The Celestial Walls... whatever that means

I don't exactly know what's going on in this Realm; I know it involves celestial and magic stuff, and when I do the map's editing and filling-in, it'll probably have some blackened volcanic lands, some dark waters, some light waters, some bright heavenly lands, some generally magic-infused lands, things like that. The Realm Gate here, or some other physical mechanism, might be capable of reaching other worlds; such as the various heavens of the gods, or hells and other underworlds, or other celestial or magical realms. There might also therefore be angels and demons and the like here... perhaps themed after the various gods and such they follow, like diapered angels for The_Pamptheon.
12: This place is called Syvanirastir (or at least the main landmass is)

This Realm is a revival of an old project from most of a decade ago that I never even told anyone here about, and which I unfortunately lost the original map for. I know some details such as the main, wide continent being named Syvanirastir (maybe even this whole Realm is, but I'm unsure), I know there's stuff like voreceresses and vorecerers, friendly lizardmen, humans who live inside mountains like dwarves, and some rude interdimensional demons that keep invading this place to try to eat people but just wind up getting up eaten themselves in the end.
13: The Great Elf Archipelago

Not totally sure what goes on here yet, but this Realm is predominated by a supermajority population of various kinds of elves who travel between the lands on boats. I'm... uh... not totally sure what kind of elves there are. Or, "kinds"? There's probably multiple kinds of elves.
14: The Dwarflands- they've got underground tunnels under the seafloor!

Don't know all that much about this Realm yet either, but I do know the dwarves who dominate this place have not only tunnels between their mountains and such, but also under the seafloor to travel between the landmasses. Might be rails; might just be a long travel through, presumably, seabed dwarf cities; might be both.
15: The Realm of the Mechanim

This Realm is home to plenty of people probably, but the dominant population are what the Europa Universalis IV fantasy total conversion mod Anbennar would call "Mechanim"; that is, they're synthetic lifeforms, magic robots, something like that, and they probably have a variety of different functions, some of them definitely exist just to pamper organic people (and turn them into dependent, luxuriant forms of life), but others are there just to protect the long-forgotten secrets of... I dunno, whoever made them. Probably the same people who "Broke" the Broken Lands and made the Realm Gates, who might also be responsible for the existence of the skill tree mechanics and the way they actually work.
16: What would happen if vikings and rajas met?

This Realm is another real world-based one; basically, imagine if Northern Europe and India/South Asia at large were to be smushed together.
17: What about if vikings and polynesians met?

Much like the last Realm, this one's based on the concept of Nordic/Germanic and Pacific peoples living in the same area.
18: How about we visit the caliph of the Quechua

This real world-inspired Realm is conceptualized as Arabia and South America being squashed into one cultural zone.
19: That's a strangely arctic-looking Sahel

This next Realm based on smushing together cultures of the real world is based on a smooshening-together of Arctic North America (possibly Antarctic South America as well) with Western and Central Africa.
20: Huh... it's Mesopotamia, the Levant, East Asia, and South Africa all at once!

This Realm derived from real world cultural areas is inspired by a merging of ancient Mesopotamia, the classical Levant, East Asia, and South Africa (the region, not the specific country).
21: The lands of Merfolk below the sea and Snakepeople above the land

In this Realm (which I don't know much about yet), there are various aquatic people (i.e. Merfolk, demi/anthro-sharks, that sort of thing) living under the waves and various serpentine people (lamias, nagas, etc.) living on the land. Who else is there is... unclear. Maybe humans and some others.
22: The Broken Lands... whoever "Broke" them...

Don't know who "Broke" the Realm called the "Broken Lands", but do know there's adventuring to do there and little in the way of population of any sort other than maybe Mechanim-types or monsters or the like. There's a likelihood whoever "Broke" the Broken Lands also made the Realm Gates and the synthetic people, and made the skill tree stuff work through some kind of magical work, some form of arcane engineering. In fact, probably there's a large number of synthetic life forms here, as long-forgotten "guards" or "soldiers" of sorts. Maybe even artificial organic life, too.
23: Oh hey, a micropred and macroprey region!

This Realm is predominated by micro-types like fairies, who are mostly preds, and macro-types like giants and mini-giants, who are mostly preys. There's probably others, as well, like oni, ogres, etcetera. Basically a micro/macro region. Some micro prey and macro pred might happen too, idk.
24: Mmm, those gods look... yummy~ tasty~ digestible~

Don't know all that much about this Realm yet, but do know a lot of the various Realms' gods (as well as some that don't seem to belong anywhere, and some from Realms we don't actually know about yet) live here, and that they (or some of them) will be... very edible.
25: And the children shall rule...

In this Realm, the territories are divided between the majority of the land being inhabited by minors (toddlers, kids, teens) and their "property", "pets", "slaves", etc. and the smaller landmass in the north being dedicated to housing adults who are used for their food or for making more kids. The main "citizens" use age regression mechanics (magic/artificery devices/etc.) to remain young.
26: Find me an astrologer!

This Realm was one I was working on for something else a while ago, but I sort of forgot about it and never did anything with it regardless. There's Zodiac-shaped islands ruled by each Zodiac Sign in god form, with a main "Zodiacus" island for them to gather together. Those lands are magical and seem to reside in some sort of dark, starry sea that surrounds the central lands where most of the local humans (and possible others) live. The islands might not be literally blue when one's standing on them, it might be they've got a bright blue fog of some sort that just makes them look like bright blue constellations at a distance.
27: Oh nooo, the gobboolins won!

This Realm is the first created with input of another writer here, specifically Lup, who found this profile while I was asleep before it had even been logged in the first time! In this Realm's history, goblins led by a Dark Lord suddenly rose up in great massed numbers and ate their way to topple the leading human government that was otherwise meant to protect the Realm. They tried to summon their stereotypical great hero to stop the Dark Lord, but failed due to how rapidly the goblins developed and populated. They originally were based on the northern tip of the central-southern continent, with the Dark Lord's tower on the medium-small island in the inland sea between that continent and the western-southern continent. Following his triumph, the humans who survived largely retreated across the northern sea to live with the dryads and friendly ogres in the northern continent, where some of them joined populations such as those around the great lake-slash-sea in the west (it's probably an enormous mangrove swamp). There are likely also orcs, oni, demons, and some others in this Realm. The "main" human god is probably mostly retired after their crushing historical defeat, and most humans likely spiritually and maybe culturally integrated with the other cultures they now live with. Might be some dwarves too. Now, centuries later, the Dark Lord's decayed a bit, and has become bored and very apathetic; he wanted to conquer and dominate the known world, but after achieving that, he had a bit of a "now what?" moment. He probably tried to ascend in a dark apotheosis to godhood, but, it's unclear if he succeeded; nobody's seen him for at least a century, and even if anyone has, it's likely only his closest servants. The gobbos and any others followers he had have splintered into many separate little kingdoms and tribes and the like since his "disappearance" of sorts. Beastmen might also exist in some form, maybe even demis. The goblins had an industrial revolution of a kind under the Dark Lord, but many of them have since fallen into the old, tribalistic ways since then; the ones that inhabit the destroyed old human cities might retain some industry, but they're goblins, it's not great. Goblins probably get bigger and stronger as they eat up more of each other, and of other races. Goblins and orcs probably aren't that great with magic, either; whereas demons here probably are. Different forms of digestion are important in this world, for example oni digesting more in their stomach itself than their intestines, and thus having some interesting gut effects, gasses, and waste, but sensitive and not very strong intestinal digestion. Might be elves down around still as well, and they and the orcs might both live mostly in the southernmost continent. ... also the Dark Lord mighta kinda sorta been a thicc cute short king but nobody knew it 'cause almost nobody ever saw him aside through his dark magics... Goblins might be mostly growing up through eating people/food in general rather than aging itself, thus they're all kid-sized initially, while orcs might be exclusively males and cuntboys (possibly some exceptions of females and others sometimes), while crossbred goblins and orcs might kinda sorta be, y'knooow, femboys.