
Cimmanin is a secondary permapred. What does this mean? Well nothing's really changed.~ Your fate rests forever in her balls, or on her hips, when it makes sense to the story.
Cimmanin has no idea where she came from. All she knows is who she is. And who she is, is Cimmanin, world renowned cat burglar. Seeing as she loves proclaiming her burglary prowess to anyone and everyone who will listen, police are ordered to arrest her on sight. Somehow, usually sheer dumb luck, she manages to slip through their fingers! Cimmi was not always as lucky. Her thieving ways and smaller stature got her bullied a lot by more able-bodied youths. However, upon rifling through her goods, they were always disappointed at the lack of valuables. Just food that was ready to be thrown out! All Cimmi knows how to do is survive. There seems to be a hand of fate guiding her in the right direction, and so it was that she's embraced this newfound superpower. Becoming more and more daring as she gets older, she's taken to parkour to evade authorities.
Cimmi has only one weakness: Food. Because of the way she was raised, if something smells simply delicious, she finds herself unable to resist. Comical as it is, she's definitely the type you'd find being gently lured in the air by the wafting smell of a pie in a window. Cimmi never stays trapped for long, in the few cases she's managed to get caught. A guard will fall asleep, or stupidly leave their keyclip just close close enough to the edge of the desk where she can hook it with her prehensile tail, or as she likes to call it, "her third stealing arm." Someone who isn't a complete buffoon is bound to take notice and put her talents to better use.
Successful burglaries:
Mitsuhana was a lonely little thing, waiting at her shrine day and night for her goddess to send her a sign. That sign never came. But a new goddess presented herself for the kitsune to worship. Now, she stays at my temple: My body. Every last inch of her that I didn't dump on that shrine has been given new purpose in her final home .. I'm always looking for more eager to serve this temple~. Logs here, for the most depraved among you: A kitsune's fate
Quick Stats
Real Name: ???
Alias: Cimmanin, Cimma, Cimmi
Gender: Herm
Species: Mithra, but refers to herself as a Miqo'te to fit in.
Race: Keepers of the Moon
Age: 20
Height: 5' 8 1/2"
Occupation: Cat-burglar
Family: Sister - MILFqote, Neices - Sabrith_Armendin, Tayelle_Armendin
Girlfriend: Cheezie
League of Cats: Naomi_Feline, Kino, Mus_Natsu, Allahsnackbar, Derial, Jenny_James, Sisrorse
Fun scenes: Temped by Cheezie 11/1/2019 for 4 weeks