~~~~~~~~~~~~~Part of:Alts_of_Angel~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Age: 10 ( Player is of age. )
Birthday: 2/15/02
Gender: Female 
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Food: Chilli
Favorite Animal: Cats

Kaoma isn't usually as gentle and playful as she is in this form, when in this form this little neko just loves to go around and play! She isn't a strong as she is in her other form but still has all of her powers, every single one, tho Kaoma is younger she is just as smart as her normal form and all her memories remain, along with her emotions and interests.

She has long red hair that is usually put up in two braids with bows just like shown in her profile picture, she has flaming red eyes that are usually filled with excitement and happiness, she is rather pale even tho she is typically out side, she is very thin, being a child after all she has a rather perfect body.

Regular Kaoma has the ability to swich forms and sometimes split those forms into more than one person, so now this small child Kaoma roams the park just looking for fun while the other Kaoma deals with her work!

Shadow_X--Half brother/ Best friend.
Alex_Takari--Husband! <3 <3
Rodger_Young--Boyfriend. <3
Sammy_Rogue--Girlfriend! <3
MatthewKazuel--Brother/ Best friend.
Alice_N--Best Friend
Omega_Firesoul--Best friend.
Aieesha--Best friend.

Name at birth: Kaoma Ashliee Lover
Current Name: Kaoma Ashliee Takari
Aliases/Nicknames (if any): Kitteh.
Preferred name: Kaoma
Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity: Straight
Skin Tone: Pale
Height: 4'8
Weight: 81
Build: Pretty skinny, gentle and fairly strong..
Eyes: Red
Hair: Long, red
Clothes Style: A white tank top, with a black sleeveless jacket, short shorts and flip flops.
Tattoos, Piercings, Marks, Scars, etc.: Her ears are pierced
Languages spoken: French and English
Weapons (if any): She has a bit of magic and a sword.
Special Abilities/Skills: Firebending of all kinds.
Red fire: Burning spell; Causes one to...burn
Orange fire: Revival spell; Causes one to reform.
Yellow fire: Calming spell; Causes one to calm down quickly
Green fire: Truth spell; Causes one to tell the truth.
Blue fire: Emotion Spell; Causes one to show there true emotions.
Purple fire: Healing spell; Causes one's wounds to heal.
Pink fire: Happy Spell; Causes one to be happy!
Rainbow fire: Pony Spell; Causes one to become a pony.
Hobbies: Drawing, having fun, playing, cuddling, training and writing.
Interests: Same as Hobbies.
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Anger issues.
Place of Birth: Nexus Park
Now lives: Nexus Park
Lives with: Alex_Takari, Tommy_ and Randy_Roo
Current Relationship Status: Married to Alex_Takari
Relationship History: Single till now.
Family: Sakai--Father
Eaten By- None
Eaten- Shadow_X