Height:15 feet,
Weight: Apparently getting haveier and heavier thanks to a certain evil god,
A thin looking space marine approachs a orc, "Any last words greenskin?" the armored figure asked, the orc just growled before running at the armored solider infront of him as he grabbed a blade from his back trying to strike at the marine infront of him "I did not think so," The armored figure said as it dodged the blade with a side step and released a spray of bullets from a pistol, "Pathetic." The figure mumbled removing it's helmet to reveal a young red head,
"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End." Revelation 22:13 : this refers to her being the first and last on the battle field,
She is no longer a Imperial space marine! she has joined the chaos marines after learning that she has been lied to for a long time now,
Equipment Loadout
Bolter; The standard Space Marine assault weapon that fires small missles, or 'bolts'. Each self-propelled bolt contains an explosive charge that detonates once it has penetrated the target, blowing it apart from the inside. Effective against a wide variety of targets.
Plasma Gun: A two handed rifle that fires pulses of superheated ionized gas towards the enemy that detonate with the power of a small sun.
While extermely effective at melting through enemy armour and vehicle, the plasma gun is also prone to building up dangerous levels of heat that must be vented to prevent the shooter from being injured..
Alexian's Blade
Simon_RavenWood : More powerful than the Chainsword, the Power Sword sacrifices some of the additional damage of heavier melee weapons like the Power Axe with a faster attack speed.
Outside of armor,
Most used Movement: Drop Pod,
Her Normal Weight when with her husband alone: 
Sallyy-Soon to be communication Tech
Jeshra- Soon to be Medical Tech
Targeted For Death: