
Age: 19
Orientation: Homoromantic Bisexual
Friends: n/a
Current Lover: n/a
General Bust Size: C range
Height (top of head to tail tip): 10' 2"
Normal Weight: 409 lbs

I'm just hoping this thing doesn't give me splinters...
Mermaids. Most players have at least one, I would imagine, and I don't think I've ever met someone on this site that outright hates them or even so much as dislikes them specifically. Which is a good thing! The fish ladies need more love as either pred or prey, as in the case of Bethany Culkin here. Cute, slightly naughty if the right buttons are pushed, and won't complain if left out of water for extended periods as long as she gets to drink plenty. Think of the... what were they? The Undines from Yggdra Union and its sequels? That's my understanding, anyway.

Being a mermaid, Bethany is pretty used to revealing clothing, such as the bra/bandeau thing seen in the picture. She also sports a standalone collar of sorts (not sure what to call that around her neck), as well as waterproof cloth bracelets and rustproof metal armlets with shining round emeralds engraved within. Due to her affinity with water, she's not too comfortable wearing things that aren't meant to be worn underwater as it would end up weighing her down above the surface of the water. That, and she doesn't want to ruin anything nice whenever she goes swimming, so most of her stuff is water-rated.

As for her persona, Bethany is a bit of a... mixup? While somewhat shy most of the time with the classic "silk-hiding-steel" routine that I assume most female ZergAlts are known for, Bethany's steel has times where it's a bit more... pronounced, I should say. As in, if the absolute wrong buttons are pressed (a feat that's SNK Boss difficult to pull off intentionally or unintentionally), she gets dangerous and rather sinister. This is a rather unfortunate result of having trace amounts of hellspawn blood in her veins, and given that said hellspawn was one of the most powerful creatures to walk the planet, so much as a drop is enough to imbue people with his power and on-off malevolence. Otherwise, Bethany is sweet and agreeable to the point where most demon hunters forget she's the distant descendant of a demon.

While her powers are enhanced from being a demon's descendant, they don't give off any dark vibes. This is partially due to the fact that the demon's powers actually weren't dark in of themselves, which translates to how helpful Bethany's singing can actually be when she's focusing. Like mermaids or sirens (see: Aurora_Rantis) of old, she's capable of luring people and guiding them about with her vocal songs. Though, with her enhanced powers, she takes it steps further... as in, not only can she guide people, but she's capable of outright controlling them. That, and if she's really into it, she can look like she has psychic powers, singing a vocal cover of Beethoven while tossing some poor schmo around like a ragdoll. Yup.

...Did I already put the ZergAlts tag up in an earlier paragraph? Goddammit.

Erm... Garry's Mod?
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