Another entry in

(Character made with the permission of Miria, played by Grimoire. Thank you.)
"I will serve you all the days of my life. Your orders are my will, your word my voice, and your anger my blade. I am yours, until I die, or you find another more worthy."
-Oath of the Reach
Beauregard Ilraven, Reach of the Ilraven Empire, Crimson Bloom of the Rose Guard.
Age: 140 years old
Height: 6' even.
Weight: 215 lbs
Eye Color: Blue, crimson if angered.
Weapon of choice: Ilraven's Fury, a long sword forged by his mother to be able to withstand his immense strength.
Fighting Style: Path of the Rose, a style designed on swift strikes, disguised guards, and the use of a shield in the off-hand as another weapon.
The Rose Has It's Thorns
Beauregard is the second-born child of Miria. Not, he'd say, her favorite, one of his sisters takes that honor. But, perhaps, the most trusted.
Born to his mother, his father slain by her in the early weeks of his life, Beauregard knew from a young age that to displease his mother was to risk her censure, but to please her would bring love, and peace. His older sister, Rae, had chosen her own path long before he was born. In fact, by the time he was of age, she already had solidified a rebellion against her own mother!
He saw her, as Miria tended to keep a close eye on her eldest child, and often had her over for sumptuous feasts. He could see how it pained his mother to have her daughter so estranged, and vowed to himself that he would never disappoint her so.
War, as it happened, came naturally to the boy. Perhaps genetics played a role, certainly his father must have been something special to attract the attention of someone as powerful as his mother, and he certainly favored the man in looks, which became more apparent as he grew older. Dirty blond hair, strong, chiseled features, and a wide jaw didn't follow his mother's features, although he does sport her eyes, a startling blue, bright blue, with the odd feature of changing to a flaming crimson when angered.
He grew into a man soon enough, and his talent in war won him a spot among the armies of the Ilraven Empire. Beauregard was a rising star, ascendant and unstoppable. Three generals fell to his blade in honor duels, once he achieved the rank of Captain. He climbed the ranks, bloody body by body, until, at the end of the campaign, he returned to the Heartland, to Undrossen Castle, and stood before his mother, and her Reach, an old, and canny warrior, a general's helmet cradled under Beau's arm, and demanded the right of trial by combat.
During the battle, he found himself outclassing the old warrior, matching him blow for blow, watching the older man wilt as his stamina gave out. Finally, a single stroke sent his head rolling from his shoulders, and Beauregard became the new Reach, supreme commander of Miria's armies.
A Rose By It's Name...
Beauregard Ilraven is no mere shadow puppet for his mother. In the long century and a half of his life, he has seen many things, killed many men, and in the process, discovered who he is when not in his mother's shadow.
Often seen at first glance as charming, and witty, Beau leads his men not only by right of blood, but by talent, intelligence and pure charisma. In this, he is surely his mother's son. Since he became Reach, only three assassination attempts have been made on him, unheard of in the length of a century!
Though he has no wife, Beau never suffers for female companionship. Between a veritable harem of pleasure slaves he keeps quite nearby at all times, and his position as the Reach, most women are all too happy to bed him. While it's possible that he has produced heirs this way, they would be bastards, and remain unclaimed. If presented to him formally, he'd happily end both their life, and the life of the mother, as he seeks no heir yet.
In truth, Beau is arrogant, callous, and slightly vain. Few lives are of any real value to them, two of them being his direct family, and the rest his hand-picked cohort, the Rose Guard. Chosen from men he'd lead into battle, fought beside and killed for, they're unspeakably loyal to him, and him alone, and act as his personal guard and elite troops, following him into the thick of battle and defending him from enemies, both on the battlefield and the more subtle field of political combat.
In all the years of combat, only one has ever proven his equal. His sister Rae. In the times they've met, more often than not their matches end in a draw, or with a tactical retreat before any real injury occurs.
Perhaps, someday, he may find a woman he considers suitable to marry, but that day will likely be a long time in coming...
The Bloom Does Not Flower Alone
Beauregard is not the only child of his mother's loins. He has two sisters, one older, one younger, and has very different relationships with each, and his relationship with his mother is.. unique.
Rae Ilraven is, in his opinion, a traitor to her blood and family. Since his promotion to Reach, he's met her on the battlefield more than once. While they're fierce, even bloodthirsty enemies when they meet, he's forced into civility and even warmness by his mother when his sister is invited over on social occasions. He does, however, take every opportunity to show her how close he is to their mother, to verbally joust with her and her followers, and on rare occasions, finds means to challenge one of her paladins to an honor duel, which invariably ends in the death of Beauregard's opponent. Rae also has a particular enmity for Beauregard because of his penchant for enslaving girls, and keeping them within himself for future use. Their relationship is strained, at best, as one might imagine.
Jacqueline Ilraven, his younger sister, is a much different story. He finds her precocious, loving, and adorable, and dotes on her whenever he can spare the time from his persecution of his mother's conquest. Jackie, as he tends to call her, often is invited for rides out to the country, which the young girl happily terms 'quests' or 'adventures'. Beau makes certain his sister is given the best of everything, as if his mother would allow it any other way, and occasionally sneaks her out of the castle for a night's fun, as any older brother should. Her presence is typically the only thing that stills the rivalry between Beau and Rae, as both love her dearly, and Jackie has been brought to tears by their fighting more than once.
Miria Ilraven. His mother. The leader of the empire, and his oath-holder as Reach. Their relationship is complex in appearance, but is, at it's core, a simple one. Beau loves his mother with all his heart, and will stop at nothing to please her, and grant her what she desires. But for her command, he would have attempted to kill his older sister years and years ago. While he occasionally resents her mothering, especially in front of his men, he is happy to know that he pleases her with what he does, and strives to continue to please her.
It's possible more is going on between them than a simple business relationship...
Roses Flourish In A Rain of Blood
While his love for his mother is a driving force in Beau's life, the length of it has given him insights on what -he- wants. To this end, he has put his own talents, as well as the blessings given him by his loving mother.
Path of the Rose: His own style, founded on the training he recieved as a young man, and has developed and perfected over his long life. Usually fought with a long, straight blade, and a medium-sized shield, it relies on misdirection and off-timed blows as much as it does swift swordplay and equal use of the shield as a weapon. His Guard is full of disciples of his Path.
Ilraven's Passion: His first, and perhaps most useful blessing is twofold. Through his mother's boundless power, Beau is granted the strength of a company, 100 men, and the stamina to match. He's a deadly enemy, and thanks to his inordinately long lifespan, a highly skilled one at that.
Hunger of Ilraven's Heir: The second boon granted him, and one that is most often utilized for inciting terror in his opponents, is the ability to consume another person whole. The talent has a limit, of course, but he's swallowed men far larger than himself before. He's incapable of halting his digestion, so those who go down his throat are fated to end their life within him. While he is capable of using the blessing's power to hide the effects on his body, often times he doesn't, merely as a display of power to those he's attempting to intimidate.
Boundless Lust: Similar, and yet wholly different from his Hunger, the third blessing from his mother grants him a terrible, terrifying ability. His member is quite capable of stretching to enormous capacity, and literally consuming someone, forcing them into his sack beyond. While this talent isn't as deadly as his hunger, it is, in some ways, a far grimmer fate. Thanks to the blessing, his sack has a nearly infinite capacity for captives, who subsist on the rich spunk that surrounds them, mired helplessly within him until he summons them forth to pleasure him. Widows of his defeated enemies, and unworthy female opponents are the unlucky few that find themselves stuffed into him for later pleasure. Indeed, most all women he meets tend to be seen as potential additions to his 'harem'.
Beau's Harem: Composed of the women that Beau has, over the years, collected in his conquests and travels. It ranges from girls just brushing into puberty, who's unique hair or eyes drew his attention, to beauty of true renown, such as the daughter Baron Traet, who drew suitors from leagues around, until Beau took her and crushed her home beneath an iron heel. Some have grown old or lost their luster, but, instead of release, each perishes within him, serving to nourish he and the rest of the helpless prisoners.
And, of course, there's her.
Nihunshaxi Anhovenis, Crown Princess of Ermir, 'Queen' of Beau's Harem:
Known, with seeming fondness, simply as 'Shaxi' to Beau, the elven princess has been with Beau for longer than any of his other conquests. Still as beautiful as the day he kidnapped her from her forested kingdom, perhaps more alluring still for having grown hard, calculating and demanding, where she had once been an innocent free spirit. Due to her race's longevity, she's certain that her stay in Beau's imprisoning flesh will be a lengthy one. As such, she's unwilling to let mere 'tourists' in her home take any of the meager power she has left. She's the 'queen' within him, and expects tribute in the form of pleasure from any who find themselves in her domain. She's stronger than she looks, and quite insatiable, perhaps due to her extended exposure to Beau's own ravenous sexual appetites.
She's released from her prison fairly regularly, as she's still a favorite of Beau's after all these years. Beau's men also are well-acquainted with the princess, and she's a favorite of theirs as well. Nothing like a helpless, naked elven princess to raise morale, after all.
Shaxi utterly despises men, thanks to her lengthy imprisonment. She doesn't like most women a whole lot better, either.
(Nihunshaxi appears below as she was dressed before her capture. She is, of course, kept naked nowadays.)