Come one, come all! The event of the century! The garage band Asylum is here to perform for your viewing pleasure!
On a rugged and worn wooden stage, the band would stand. Amplifiers at the ready, mic stands, cords running everywhere, impressive drum set. They're ready to rock. Asylum's members are
Tesla on the lead vocals,
Fausk on lead guitar,
Roth on bass, with
Rabies banging on the drums.
Their music tends to lean towards Metal, Punk, and some Progressive type music. But they're not entirely committed to it, they'll gladly play some requests if anyone shouts them out. In essence, this band is just here to please. And maybe gain a few fans in the process.
OOC Notes:
Refer to the individual character profiles for their preferences. It is possible to RP with the group and interact with the individual characters, but just know that they're somewhat closely knit as friends and will try to protect each other.
It's possible to interact with the band both while they're on stage, and perhaps they'll invite some groupies to join them backstage after the show. Feel free to approach at any time as well!
(( Album Cover Art done by Mouse. Tesla's picture is now out of date, however due to a slight retcon. ))

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