UPDATE: Simple Stats added...
"I used to wonder what friendship could be..."
Simple Stats
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 200lbs (while sealed) 245lbs (While unsealed)
Alicorns are naturally more "solid" than they appear.
Age: Roughly 23 years old
Back Story
Twilight Sparkle used to be the Princess of Friendship in the land of Equestria...
Her troubles all started back when she first became an alicorn. (a special race of pony that embodies the skills and magic of all three tribes of pony; earth ponies, pegusi, and unicorns) She gained so much more than wings and royalty. Unbeknownst to her, Alicorns not only represent all three races, but also become hermaphrodites, allowing for the royal line to be manually continued if a member of one of the three tribes did not ascend to replace a fallen alicorn.
Horrified at her additional... addition, Twilight set to work on completely removing her new parts, before her friends could find out. Thankfully the Alicorn ascension shrouded her endowment from view normally. Unfortunately after having all of her magic stolen Tirek weakened this enchantment, and shortly after it completely failed.
Twilight spent days locked in her personal chambers in her new castle of friendship, feverishly trying to rid herself her endowment. In a frenzy she mistakenly cast a Come-to-Life spell on her new parts. While it didn't make her new endowments become sentient, it did cause them to triple in size, and with that grew too a hungry simmering just below Twilight's subconscious. She hungered...
Present Day
After feeding Princesses Celestia, Luna, and Cadence to her cock, and absorbing all of their magic, Twilight proceeded to teleport to a new realm in search of more beings of power to sate her insurmountable hunger.

She appeared in a park square in the dead of night, the sky a brilliant canopy of stars... Ironically the spell hiding her 'addition' returned.
Twilight now inhabits a massive tree outside of the park, where she had carved a library and a home into the center of the tree, with an ordinate door and several windows along the trunk being the only outward indications that someone lives inside...
Twilight recently discovered that her friends had followed her to the Nexus after an encounter with
Volcus_Vermillion. Twilight ended up being swallowed up by the Dragoness's cock, forced into an eternal contract with the Dragoness so she might live another day to find her friends.
Following the incident with
Volcus_Vermillion Twilight found Fluttershy, however their reunion was short lived when
Autumn_Softpaw attempted to make a meal out of Fluttershy. Twilight managed to overpower the demon squirrel, slurping hir up with her own cock, signing a contract last minute to bind hir to Twilight.
With the immediate threat dealt with Twilight sent Fluttershy back to Equestria, and went about her daily life on the Nexus for a time.
Several months had passed without incident and Twilight was poised to simply forget about Equestria until a curious man arrived at her library in search of an Autograph...
Kitsy_Yuri, or just Yuri as she calls him, reminded her of what it was like to genuinely care for another, sparking a bit of a romantic relationship between the two.
Just before she had encountered Yuri, Twilight rescued a Kitsune girl by the name of
Sapphire from the pouring rain. After offering the Kitsune a towel and a hot bath, Twilight and Sapphire engaged in a lustful exchange, where Twilight convinced the Kitsune to become her first royal subject, with the possiblity of becoming a knight.
After a few months had past Twilight's library tucked away in the outskirts of the park was flourishing. One particular morning, when she was returning from retrieving a few new books she found
Shimmer_Sunset. After accidentally revealing what she had done to her mentor and the other princesses of Equestria, Shimmer helped Twilight finally come to grips with the situation. After overlooking the theft of her archival tablet, the Oracle Slab, Twilight helps Shimmer try to recover her magic, in exchange for the use of new magic that is cast without the use of Equestrian magic, and is channeled through the hands instead of a horn. After being swallowed up by the girl's rump, Twilight gifts Shimmer a portion of Celestia's magic, which changes Shimmer, granting her the horn she once had.
Twilight encounters the a black ooze that apparently had corrupted Luna before, transforming her into Nightmare Moon. When Twilight came face to face with the disembodied being at first she was fully engulfed by it, and at its mercy. However by pure luck, the Nightmare unsealed Twilight's cock, thus giving Twilight an opportunity to free herself. Needless to say Twilight ended up with balls full of the black nightmare ooze. As a result from this encounter, Twilight's horsecock now has splotches of black, and her cum tastes slightly like blackberries.
The saga continues...
((Note: RPs can occur at any time along these events if it is to be long term/canon for the character. However noncanon oneshots can be completely random!))
Other Information
An Exhaustive list of all known spells (for Reference)
Updated: Spellbook Overhauled as of 8/13/15
Toggleable Passives:
Sealing Spell: Twilight has learned out to seal away unwanted transformations to her body, and thus uses this to always appear female in public, at the cost of being magically exhausted physically after each spell she casts while the seal is active.
See Picture Two for Reference
-Fertility of the Divine: Twilight becomes four times as fertile as normal.
-Eyes of the Night Mare: Night Vision
-Winged glory: Twilight enhances her wing strength magically, allowing her to carry passengers up to 2,000lbs.
Divine Cloaks: (Note: only one may be active at a time.)
-Cloak of the Night Mare: Twilight becomes invisible.
-Cloak of Solar Energy: Twilight radiates light from her whole body.
-Cloak of True Heart: Twilight is surrounded in a field that causes anyone who enters to tell the truth. Any deliberate lies will cause them to glow brightly.
-Cloak of Pre-dawn: Twilight is wrapped in a time-bubble which allows her to slow or speed up the passage of time around her and all that step within.
Level 1 Spells:
-Smite: Blasts the target with blinding solar light.
-Shadow Tendrils: Summons a being with tentacles of the darkest ebony to hold down a target
-Seduction: Charms the target into submission.
-Starlight strike: A column of purple light disorients the target, and causes confusion.
-Seed of life: Infuses Twilight's spunk to grant anyone who ingests it the ability to reform once with her helps
-Teleport: Twilight can teleport to anywhere she can visualize or see, as long as it's in the same realm as her.
-Levitation: Twilight can telekinetically manipulate objects up to 1,500lbs
-Close Wounds: Heals the target of minor cuts and abrasions
Level 2 spells
-Dream walk: Allows Twilight to enter the dreams of another person, and interact with them.
-Conjure nourishment: Twilight creates food magically, from any recipe she may know, or any foods that she has eaten in the past.
-Telegate: Twilight opens a portal of sorts to another area that allows her and others to essentially teleport, albeit much more smoothly.
-Astral Mark: Twilight can grant anyone who is consumed by her cock a mark that binds them to her, allowing them to reform indefinitely inside her sack should they ever be eaten.
-Thought seeding: Twilight can telepathically make suggestions to others, perhaps allowing them to overcome fears, or to compel them to do something.
-Weave Flesh: Heals substantial wounds of the target.
Level 3 spells
-Guise of the past: Allows Twilight to shapeshift into the form of anyone she has completely absorbed (soul included)
-Soul split: Twilight splits her soul in half, allowing her to be reborn as a child should she be permanently consumed by another. This spell allows her to impregnate whoever consumed her, if they are capable of bearing children.
-Mind Control: Allows Twilight to divert some of her focus to control the mind of another. On especially strong willed targets, she may devote all of her focus on them, forcing her own body to lie vulnerable
-Mend body: Heals severe trauma of the target, can also be used to repair broken bones in an instant
Level 4 spells
-Celestial Might: Allows Twilight to move Celestial bodies, allowing her to raise and lower the Sun.
-Come to life: Allows Twilight to breathe life into inanimate objects.
-Return Soul: Twilight offers a bit of her soul in order to return the soul of a recently deceased target to their body.
Twilight learns new spells from absorbing them from magical beings, or through training/learning them from others. Thanks to her growing collection of literature from various shops around the Nexus, Twilight has discovered quite a few new spells over the past few months, and even empowered some of her previous spells.
Vore Battle Moves
Twilight now knows the basics of VB thanks to these fine people.
Abilities still WIP...
VB Stats:
HP 12 (10+2 from passives)
Passive Effects
Quick Study:
Twilight takes a -2 roll penalty on opening grapple, but gains a +2 on every roll afterwards.
Winged embrace:
When Twilight grapples she uses her massive wings to hold her opponent, causing a -1 to reversal rolls from her grapples.
Alicorn Arcanist:
Twilight gains 1+ against rolls that use magic.
Disdain of Disbelief:
Twilight takes a -1 penalty on rolls against non-magical creatures.
Penis Envy:
Twilight gains +1 on rolls against females, but takes a -1 penalty against males and herms.
Horn Sensitivity:
If an opponent opponent grapples Twilight by the horn, she takes -5 penalty on her next roll. If opponent rolls a 20 while grappling her horn, the horn will break, disabling all spells for the duration of the VB if not already cast, and causing Twilight to skip the next round.
Earthen Vatality:
Twilight's body is much more "solid" thanks to becoming part Earth-Pony with her ascension. +2 HP
Targeted and AoE Spells
Paralytic Aura: (Spell 1 for Book Worm)
Twilight must charge the spell, either rolling a 20 in a single roll, or winning two consecutive rolls. Paralyzes target, causing them to lose next turn unless a 20 is rolled to resist the effect. (Can only be used twice in a single battle, unless multiple opponents are present, allowing her to use it twice per number of opponents present at the start of the battle)
Lustful Aura (AoE):
Twilight's magic makes both her and her opponent(s) more sensitive to moves of a sexual nature adding a -2 penalty to rolls following stimulation.
Astral Aura: (Spell 2 for Book Worm)
Twilight charges her spell for one roll, if above 10 she gains 5+ on the following roll, otherwise the spell backfires causing a 3- penalty for the following roll. (Can be used once every 5 rolls)
Book Worm:
Twilight re-reads her spell book randomly refreshing an exhausted spell. (determined by 5 sided dice with no roll bonuses, number rolled corresponds to spell)
Feather Dance:
Twilight teases her opponent with her graceful wings, inflicting a -1 roll penalty, that leads up to climax after two consecutive uses. (Climax results in a recovery period, one skipped turn and -5 roll penalty for the round following)
Twilight provides her opponent with a detailed description on what they can approve upon (usable during voring stages only, requires 15+ roll, causes -2 roll penalty on opponent for the next two turns)
Types of Vore
Anal Vore:
[A holds B] >> [A begins AVing B] >> [B is now completely in the anus of A, thus entering the large intestines of A] >> [B enters the first part of the small intestines of A] >> [B enters the second part of the small intestines of A] >> [B enters the stomach of A and suffers the usual 3hp of damage per turn]
Important notes for this type of vore:
- When you are in an opponent's intestines, you must win a roll with a 10 or higher to actually make your way out. If you win the roll with a number below 10, you stay in the same spot and take 1hp of constriction damage. If you lose the roll, you will move to the next phase and take constriction damage if you are moving into another part of the intestines.
- If the predator rolls under a 10 while the prey is in the intestines (win or lose), they take 1hp of damage from the pressure of the prey's weight.
- When the prey is in the stomach, they may choose to exit either up the throat (roll of 16+) or through the intestines (roll of 10+), but they must determine where they're trying to exit BEFORE the roll.
Cock Vore: (Requires her to be in herm form)
[A holds B] >> [B is completely engulfed in member] >> [B enters testicles and takes 4hp of damage per turn and must roll a 12 or higher to escape]
As Volcus has two cocks she can do this to two prey simultaneously.
[A holds B] >> [A begins unbirthing B] >> [B enters womb and takes 4hp of damage per turn. A 13 or higher must be rolled for escape.]
The "begins UB" phase has no constriction damage. A transformation may also take place instead of a fatal "womb digestion"... Please see the "UB Transformation" game mode for details.
--UB Transformation: Requires consent of both parties before the match if it can be used.
The goal of this mode is to unbirth your opponent, transform them in your womb, and rebirth them as yours. This obviously requires FULL CONSENT of both players, and may be done temporarily (for fun), or permanently. Fighters must also be either female or herm. Once a fighter has the other in their womb, the rules change a bit. The fighter that has someone in the womb must roll an 11 or higher to successfully transform their opponent by one phase (out of four). The opponent in the womb must beat whatever the UBer rolls in order to escape, but even if they DO win that roll, they will STILL transform one phase if the UBer wins their transformation roll. If the UBer FAILS their transformation roll they become exhausted and must rest, which means the one in the womb gets to take TWO escape rolls, the first of which having a +2 modifier. Transformation sequence is:
[Tail] >> [Lower body] >> [Upper body] >> [Head]
NOTE: Every time you are transformed by one phase, you take an extra -2 to all future rolls! This helps make things go a BIT faster, and is more accurate due to instincts begging you to not leave your new mother's womb.
Vore Battle Results
Wins: 0
Losses: 1
Battle #I
Results:Twilight ended up losing her short lead in the beginning of the battle against
Volcus_Vermillion, having her horn broken, thus stripping her of her will to fight. Twilight is then unbirthed and thus transformed into her daughter,
Twilight Vermillion.