
Adara was born to a typical whore of a tavern and inn. Mother couldn't afford to not put Adara to work so when she was old enough, she started to turn tricks. She flirted, she winked, she fucked.
But she wasn't always a she. Mother needed a girl - not a boy - to survive. She raised Adara to be effeminate and had a witch use a spell to transform the young child.
But something went wrong and awry: something distracted the magical spell and it only worked halfway. Insert pretty curves and face but only a dick between those shapely legs.
But don't worry. She likes it. For a price~.
Update! It seems that Adara has herself her very own lewd, shameless bitch. The 'working gal' has forced Makoto_Beastkin to her knees, claiming her as slave for all time. The squirrel has quite the job to do when on her knees. ;)
The half-elfling might have found herself juggling a lover in Linadriel (silly elf thinks she is going to get to end her, ha!) and a 'girlfriend' in Valyssa. Aren't they just the cutest?
Hell, she's even taken an keen interest in Naomi_Matsuka's fine, plump ass. It's too difficult to resist. Did I forget to mention? Naomi is Linadriel's sister. How. Fucking. Naughty.
#ElfSupremacy #ElvesDoItBetter #Elf,TheOtherWhiteMeat
( Half-human, half-elf. Predominantly prey; however, her predator side has been sparked. Vigorously. )